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Recent content by bigfield

  1. B

    Correlation With Python

    Had a try at the correlation logic using vectorised functions. Runs about 30% faster, which is not as much as I would have hoped for. Maybe it can be optimised further? import matplotlib.pyplot as plt import math import numpy as np import random n = 10_000_000 # Takes about 33s to run on my...
  2. B

    Congrats - Your Data Was Stolen... Again

  3. B

    The idiocy of the reaction to someone challenging a person held in high regard.

    Most of the people watching an interview with Elon Musk will be Elon Musk fans. When an interviewer challenges Musk's position, they are also challenging the audience. If the interviewer succeeds in making Musk look stupid, then it's embarrassing and uncomfortable for the people. So the...
  4. B

    Smartphone idea.

    Unless you're a socially-ambitious high-schooler I don't see why you would care. Also I think Android works better with iMessage now so you can avoid the crushing social stigma of the green text.
  5. B

    Parenting Megathread

    I've been looking out for this, and for the most part bog brother has been really good around the twins: he wants to cuddle them, give them their bottle, comfort them when they are crying etc. and we've been trying hard to make sure that he gets plenty of quality time with his parents, although...
  6. B

    Parenting Megathread

    Just read that section of the book. The twins are different sexes, so there's a chance they will develop at different rates and compare themselves differently to their older brother and to each other.
  7. B

    Akira Toriyama passed away.

    A fun analysis of the storytelling in DBZ. If you grew up watching the Namek (Frieza) saga then this is nice and nostalgic. Dragon Ball: Super Saiyan (A Prophecy Done Right) - Detail Diatribe
  8. B

    Civilization Manifesto for Intellectuals of the Planet

    AI generated code still has to be reviewed and tested to prove that it is correct. You absolutely cannot and should not trust the code generated by an LLM. You might be able to skip that step and take ypur chances if you're making some low-risk throwaway app but in serious applications no AI...
  9. B

    Parenting Megathread

    It is mostly based around an idea that children can engage in reflection to moderate their emotional responses. But yes, for my toddler the main takeaway was that his tantrums could be opportunities for development. The strategies often don't seem to work, but it feels much more constructive to...
  10. B

    Parenting Megathread

    Thanks, I'll check it out. Just finishing Whole Brain Child at the moment and putting those ideas into practice with a small amount of success. Advice books make things seem easier than they actually are.
  11. B

    Parenting Megathread

    This one? https://play.google.com/store/books/details?id=PrQIsAJPJd8C
  12. B

    History of money, 20th century and earlier

    I guess the difference between a brass coin and a silver coin is how much value you lose by melting it down?
  13. B

    History of money, 20th century and earlier

    Gold also loses value upon being melted down from coins, right? What's the difference between diamonds and gold, though? Both: Are commodities. Are mostly used for ornament. Are expensive because their supply is artificially constrained. Are valuable for no good reason other than people want...
  14. B

    History of money, 20th century and earlier

    Also: What's the difference between "intrinsic worth" and "purchasing power" here? "Intrinsic worth" here seems to refer to the price I could get for the gold if it were melted into a lump of metal. But "purchasing power" seems to the price I could get for the intact coin.
  15. B

    History of money, 20th century and earlier

    = coins made of a commodity that's still tradeable even if you melt the coins down.
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