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Just finished watching a video from David Pakman that referenced one of Fragilego Mussolini's post-trial rants outside the courtroom from last week, and...wow.
Have they any relation to Benito M?
That'd be the source of the reference. Trump and Mussolini share a good deal in common.

Regarding the video, Trump must be exhausted. He is trying to do this vague reference/allegation crap he does all the time, without saying anything specific. Repeats it a few times, then walks off. He couldn't even manage to remain coherent in the video, which to me implies he was likely very tired.

I find it so hard to believe that his vague reference/allegation bit still works. Why does anyone believe it? Say something vague, let the supporter fill in the gaps, indicate there will be details released. And that's it.
Just finished watching a video from David Pakman that referenced one of Fragilego Mussolini's post-trial rants outside the courtroom from last week, and...wow.
Have they any relation to Benito M?
That'd be the source of the reference. Trump and Mussolini share a good deal in common.

Regarding the video, Trump must be exhausted. He is trying to do this vague reference/allegation crap he does all the time, without saying anything specific. Repeats it a few times, then walks off. He couldn't even manage to remain coherent in the video, which to me implies he was likely very tired.

I find it so hard to believe that his vague reference/allegation bit still works. Why does anyone believe it? Say something vague, let the supporter fill in the gaps, indicate there will be details released. And that's it.

Don't forget that he just went through a weekend of campaign events only to sit through daylong damning testimony by former henchman Michael Cohen. Reporters in the courtroom noticed that his eyes were closed much of the time. So it is not surprising that his usual stream-of-consciousness ramble was even less coherent than usual. He had clearly prepared remarks to given in front of the cameras, but it is remarkable that he managed to stand there and blurt out a stream of mumbled English words as if what he had to say made sense. Pretty good for a 77-year-old. I would probably have collapsed unconscious under those circumstances.
Remember that?
How could I forget? The Left won't shut the fuck up about 1/6. It is the only riot they acknowledge as being bad. Widespread and prolonged riots in 2020 that resulted in several dead and many billions in property damage are dismissed as "peaceful protests". Breaking into and occupying Hamilton Hall is just "freedom of speech" that students (and outside agitators) should not be punished for neither by the university nor by the state. Torching many police cars in Portland is no different than making a joke online. And so on. Left-wing violence gets routinely dismissed or relativized. Not only on here, but also in courts. Several years for trespassing in the Capitol, but only one year for setting a NYPD police car on fire.
Our country has gone crazy!
Because 1/6 wasn't a riot, it was a coup attempt. Some of the QOP have even admitted it.
Because 1/6 wasn't a riot, it was a coup attempt. Some of the QOP have even admitted it.
This is so important!

I'm no supporter of BLM, anybody who reads my posts on IIDB knows that. Nor am I a supporter of the student protesters supporting Hamas. Anybody who reads my posts knows that.

But what the Teapartiers did on January 6, 2021 is in a whole different category of crime. They were deliberately attacking my country! My whole goddam country! Fuck those people, starting with Trump the President.
They tried to destroy my country. Not some parts of it. Not just the bad cops, or the oil companies, or a prosecutor,
They tried to destroy my country. Off with their heads.
My whole country!

Remember that?
How could I forget? The Left won't shut the fuck up about 1/6. It is the only riot they acknowledge as being bad. Widespread and prolonged riots in 2020 that resulted in several dead and many billions in property damage are dismissed as "peaceful protests". Breaking into and occupying Hamilton Hall is just "freedom of speech" that students (and outside agitators) should not be punished for neither by the university nor by the state. Torching many police cars in Portland is no different than making a joke online. And so on. Left-wing violence gets routinely dismissed or relativized. Not only on here, but also in courts. Several years for trespassing in the Capitol, but only one year for setting a NYPD police car on fire.
Our country has gone crazy!
Because 1/6 wasn't a riot, it was a coup attempt. Some of the QOP have even admitted it.

And while it was pretty sad as a coup attempt (they were trying to stop a perfunctory count...the election had already been decided), the real coup was going on behind the scenes in the White House. The fake electors, trying to throw the election to the (Republican-controlled) House, and it had been in the works for months.

It is amazing the sort of mental gymnastics they've employed trying to discredit Michael Cohen. He worked as Trump's personal attorney for a decade, Trump praised him back then, and he literally took the fall for his boss when asked. Is he a scumbag? Of course. That's the kind of person Trump admires and hires.
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It is amazing the sort of mental gymnastics they've employed trying to discredit Michael Cohen. He worked as Trump's personal attorney for a decade, Trump praised him back then, and he literally took the fall for his boss when asked. Is he a scumbag? Of course. That's the kind of person Trump admires and hires.
To Trump, a narcissist and sociopath, other persons don't exist. That's the psychology. Trump interacts with people the same way he interacts with food. People are essentially sandwiches, Orange likes some and not others and they are only there to satisfy his needs. He does not recognize or accept them as equals or potential equals with value as persons. His brain has not matured to that point.
Defense attorneys work feverously in an attempt to convince the jury that Cohen is a liar... and forget that Cohen admitted to mortgaging his house to pay a porn star to keep his client from having more debilitating news come out during the election.
I find it so hard to believe that his vague reference/allegation bit still works.
It's because MAGAtards are so used to it they have a Pavlovian response to it nowadays. Let me quote a 15 year old article about a Glenn Beck show:

Beck spends the entire show establishing an "Us vs. Them" vibe. "They" are brought up throughout the show- sometimes as Congress, sometimes as politicians or pedophile schoolteachers or Californians or artists. It doesn't seem to matter. They are the killjoys that move us away from FreeTITTIESdom, and They are the spooky bastards that are giving our jobs to immigrants, and They are the shady creeps that want to turn America into Socialist Russia. The point is that They are evil, and We are perfect Glenn Beck's Common Sense-buying heroes, and he's pretty forceful about encouraging Us to do something about Them. He's not clear on what we should do, just that it's aggressive and fairly violent.

I conducted a brief interview with one of the other attendees, a gentleman in his late 40s with a giant grin.
DOB: So, you enjoy the show?
Guy: Absolutely I did, he knows what he's talking about, we should elect him for president.
DOB: Yes. We should elect Glenn Beck for president. That is true. Yes. Quick question: When Glenn was talking about how we needed to rise up against "Them" and tell "Them" that we're not going to take it anymore, who do you think the "them" in that sentence is? Who is the "They" that we're rising up against?
Guy: Well, the people- I mean, the politicians, the ones- Anyone who has taken us farther away from Freedom, from where we were before. The people who inched us away from......Liberty.
DOB: Got it.
Cohen testifies that while he no longer is a lawyer or represents Donald Trump's interests, Cohen indicates he is still an asshole who doesn't want to take responsibility for his actions.
The defense’s main (only?) witness got the judge so pissed off that he cleared the courtroom so he could read the guy the riot act. And this guy is a lawyer. What will the jury think when your only witness shows complete disrespect to the court?

What a bunch of clowns.
What a bunch of clowns.
Maybe they brought in Costello to show the jury exactly what kind of mobster goons Cohen was hanging out with?
It’s a head scratcher.
Trump's defense team are performing, not actually providing a legal defense but legitimately performing, to an audience of one.

Mystery solved.
It will be interesting to see whether Trump still manages to get a hung jury out of all of this. A MAGA ringer on the jury could use the gotcha moment when it appeared that Cohen might have been mistaken about talking to Trump on one call that he made while contacting him through Schiller's phone. Everyone in the press is focused on that one phone call as if it would make or break the case, but it seems unlikely that a jury would acquit on all 34 counts because of that, given all the corroborating testimony. A MAGA jurist would just need some excuse to cling to, and Costello, the final witness, was practically a prosecution witness after today's testimony.
No telling. OJ's jury acquitted, according to one juror, because they just knew a bloody glove couldn't remain sticky overnight.
Trump chickening out: there was never a chance he'd take the stand. A practiced liar has to know the shot ahead of time. I would love to have read the testimony, though, all about how he didn't hook up with Stormy but paid her 130 large anyway, to spare his wife's feelings, 'cause that's the kind of guy he is.
It will be interesting to see whether Trump still manages to get a hung jury out of all of this. A MAGA ringer on the jury could use the gotcha moment when it appeared that Cohen might have been mistaken about talking to Trump on one call that he made while contacting him through Schiller's phone. Everyone in the press is focused on that one phone call as if it would make or break the case, but it seems unlikely that a jury would acquit on all 34 counts because of that, given all the corroborating testimony. A MAGA jurist would just need some excuse to cling to, and Costello, the final witness, was practically a prosecution witness after today's testimony.

I'm not so certain that a "MAGA ringer" on the jury would be present, let alone single-handedly cause a hung jury. The jurors (and alternates) were agreed upon by both the prosecution and the defense. I don't know that a "Trump can never do anything wrong and I will never change my mind" juror would survive the selection process. And if by chance one of the red hat-wearing folks who show up for his rallies somehow managed to get on a jury in New York, even some of them seem to be able to admit that Trump has committed crimes when pressed. It's just that they don't care. If the question is narrowly "did he commit crimes here?" rather than "do you still support him regardless?" then it is possible that one of them might concede the point in deliberation.

In any case, even if he's convicted on most or even all counts, I very much doubt he'll see a minute of jail time, and the verdict will be appealed until such time as the Sun turns into a red giant and swallows this island Earth.
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