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  1. T

    Amelia Earhart's 10E Electra possibly found?

    This story is some weeks old. Looking at the sonar images I am not convinced they found a Lockheed 10E Electra. Their image, if it is indeed an aircraft, looks more like something smaller with more windswept aerodynamic wings. If you google up images of Earhart's plane it just doesn't match...
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    Does a Large Part of the Russian Population suffer from Stockholm Syndrome?

    Does a large part of the Russian population suffer from Stockholm syndrome? According to Britannica, Stockholm syndrome describes the psychological condition of a victim who identifies with and empathizes with their captor or abuser and their goals. When I hear someone like barbos it's...
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    Hey, we never landed on the moon. It was all a Hoax! Proof is here! Boots!

    Neil Armstrong's Boots Prove we never went to the Moon. Don't believe me. Check it all out. I think I'm going to go jump off a building because we're apparently surrounded by Lizard People too. This would have been a good first thread for a Conspiracy Theory section but thought maybe this...
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    Good Bye, Tucker. And don't let the door hit you in the ass.

    Fox News Breaks Up With Tucker Carlson In Exit Surprise Gotta be about money and liability considering the lawsuits coming Fox's way.
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    Is Satan Happy? How Happy? Extremely Happy?

    Despite the orthodox line on Satan from christians that the guy is on the lam, for all appearances he is free and doing anything he wants. Sin began in heaven when Satan refused to be an obedient slave. For that he got tossed but only after quite the insurrection. When his lonely former master...
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    Debunking the Patterson Bigfoot Film (as if it needed to be debunked)

    I ran across this video. Pretty much clinches the hoax. Bigfoot Patterson film hoax solved 2005 Everything in the film makes sense, including the gait of the Bigfoot and Bob Heironimus . No mistaking the size and the stride, they're identical. But devout believers will always remain...
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    Heat, Energy, Motion and Absolute Zero

    Isn't the reason that absolute zero is unattainable is because heat is motion and everything is always in motion, and that it is impossible to "immobilize" anything? We spin this scientifically to say that it would require an infinite amount of work to reach absolute zero. Okay. But in...
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    The Bigfoot Myth Theory

    The True Origin of Sasquatch It would seem that the peoples of northwestern North America have for millennia venerated a mythical creature that was a shapeshifter and shepherd of the forest. Richard Carrier would correctly argue that the legend of Sasquatch has been euhemerized as the primate...
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    Are we supposed to believe we are ghosts?

    That seems to be the central tenet of religions like christianity. We're told we have an immortal soul, that we're essentially some kind of ghost, that the body is just cover for that immortal ghost. The RCC takes the stupidity a bit further and tells us that our bodies are going to magically...
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    You are not baptized - aka superstition run amok

    All baptisms performed by Phoenix priest invalid because he changed one word My Goodness. If a person ever needed proof that religious behavior borders on insanity he only need read the article. The magic spell didn't work because the incantation used a wrong word. Seriously, when I first...
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    A Different Perspective on Religious Behavior

    There's no doubting that some people actually believe there are invisible creatures all around them. Spirits, souls, ghosts, gods, angels, demons, all manner of magical, non-natural forces and entities. I remember being taught that we each have a guardian angel that watches over us and...
  12. T

    Why is there Something instead of Nothing?

    It's been a while since we took up this subject. I happened upon the question again in a video linked by Thomas II. In fact, the question is nonsensical and should be dismissed when encountered. The better question is 'Why is there something instead of something else?' And should be further...
  13. T

    Ripe pear fruit did not freeze while still on tree at 18F

    It went down to 18 degrees F last night. We've had half a dozen nights where the temps dropped into the mid twenties and more where it hit freezing. Also have had a ton of frost nights. So I noticed a ripe pear, Kiefer, still on the tree that I had overlooked. Has a small wormy spot but...
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    I can't tell you if I'm vaccinated. That would violate HIPAA rules.' What an Idiot!

    Marjorie Taylor Greene really is that dumb. I think we have a new Sarah Palin, this time she's blonde.
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    Today I saved the life of a helpless robin.

    We were working in the yard. There is an active robin nest in the pear tree beside a small pond. The nest is only six feet off the ground and the smallest hatchling, the runt, we found on the ground under the nest. It must have been pushed form the nest by its larger siblings. So I put it...
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    If Gods are Real, Where are They?

    The ancients didn't even know what the sun was, or the Moon. Their "planets" were just stars that wandered, they didn't know that these were bodies similar to Earth. So it's understandable that they thought about gods the same way, as things they didn't fully understand. Their gods lived in...
  17. T

    Over population derail from "Humans as non-animals"

    That depends on whether you think 8 billion humans is actually environmentally "balanced" for the planet. I have a friend who maintains that climate and nature is "self-correcting" for humans, that nothing we do can threaten us. I too am a trillionaire in my dreams.
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    Is Communism a Religion?

    DrZoidberg got me curious with his post from another thread: Is this why Communism is perceived as being anti-christian and anti-religion generally, because it is a competing religion? There isn't any love lost between competing religions and religious sects, generally speaking, so communism...
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    Right Wing Diehards, Should I Be Worried?

    Politics is politics, we all know that. I used to think Barry Goldwater was crazy but by today's standards he was quite sane. That doesn't mean I agree with him politically, just that I found him at the time a little too much of an idealogue, same for Reagan. But neither of those gents were...
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    How should I respond to persons who embrace trump's voting conspiracy?

    This is a serious question. Sure, a flippant remark can get the message across, but what about family members and friends that you will continue to share a relationship with? Or even a new acquaintance who espouses same? What is the best response? I really want to ask them if they've spoken...
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