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Covid-19 miscellany


Apr 13, 2006
Late for dinner
Basic Beliefs
Gnostic atheist
Starting this thread for more general covid posts, especially as an alternative to the "The Virus - Are You Affected?" thread to hopefully keep that one more about our personal impacts.

I'll start with this surreal video, where I learned that masks are for child molesters.

Starting this thread for more general covid posts, especially as an alternative to the "The Virus - Are You Affected?" thread to hopefully keep that one more about our personal impacts.

I'll start with this surreal video, where I learned that masks are for child molesters.


I consider anti-maskers to be slightly more evolved than pond scum, but that's really about it. When you refuse to wear a mask around others, you are saying to them that their life dosn't matter.
Wearing a mask could save your own life!

Wearing a Mask May Reduce How Sick You Get from COVID-19

Step right up and get your mini-dose of COVID-19 virus. Just like a vaccine, it will cause your body to produce the full immune system response, replete with antibodies that will keep you from getting terminally ill when you pick up a mega-dose of the virus at your next Trump rally.
I keep noting that these antimaskers and crazy shit they are saying are mostly women.
I mean there are some men but they are in "I don't care" category, women on the other hand have theories why masks are actually bad.
Missouri GOP Governor Candidate Claims Wearing Mask Is ‘Demonic Ritual’ | Michael Stone at Progressive Secular Humanist at Patheos Nonreligious
Satanic Panic: Former Missouri GOP Governor candidate and “warrior for Christ” Saundra McDowel claims that wearing a mask to protect against COVID-19 is really “part of a demonic ritual to get rid of our individual God-given rights.”
She wrote in her Facebook page:
I’m not afraid to take a stand!! Are you??

I walked in Walmart tonight without a mask ... and I refuse to wear a mask anywhere I go from NOW ON unless I choose to! That’s my right... as it is yours!!

But really.... this is not about masks... masks are just a symbol of deception and oppression. Its compliance training for what’s to come. It’s about control and instilling fear in America. Fear is not of the Lord, but of the enemy. Despair is the absence of faith! This is all part of a demonic ritual to get rid of our individual God-given rights. BLM just said it... it’s a spiritual battle... they are chanting to dead spirits practicing witchcraft. Our bodies... our faces... are created in the image of God. We shall not veil our faces spiritually or practically. 2 Corinthians 3:13-16

Our country was founded on freedom and liberty for all... and God was the author of our nation and that freedom and liberty. Not people! God! Their faith in God!! Where the Spirit of the Lord is, there is Liberty!! 2 Corinthians 3:17
Some more of this absurdity:
Recently a Michigan Christian school claimed that a mask mandate means “Satan wins,” and has fired a teacher for raising concerns about a lack of masks in classrooms.

Fox News Host Jeanine Pirro claims that face masks are actually part of a plot to “dehumanize” and “frighten people.”

And GOP Activist DeAnna Lorraine claims “God does not want us wearing masks” to stop the spread of COVID-19.
I keep noting that these antimaskers and crazy shit they are saying are mostly women.
I mean there are some men but they are in "I don't care" category, women on the other hand have theories why masks are actually bad.

It's only anecdotal but in my small city, it's almost always white males who don't wear masks, especially older white males. I guess it's not macho to wear a mask.

Since those who don't wear a mask are now in the minority here, they don't stir up any trouble. When I see one in the grocery store, which is rare, I just make sure to keep my distance.
I keep noting that these antimaskers and crazy shit they are saying are mostly women.
I mean there are some men but they are in "I don't care" category, women on the other hand have theories why masks are actually bad.

It's only anecdotal but in my small city, it's almost always white males who don't wear masks, especially older white males. I guess it's not macho to wear a mask.

Since those who don't wear a mask are now in the minority here, they don't stir up any trouble. When I see one in the grocery store, which is rare, I just make sure to keep my distance.

I am talking about batshit crazy, not about noncompliance. When CNN talks about batshit crazy they always show bunch of batshit crazy women.
[TWEET]<blockquote class="twitter-tweet"><p lang="en" dir="ltr">& now an important announcement from <a href="https://twitter.com/hashtag/HotOnes?src=hash&ref_src=twsrc%5Etfw">#HotOnes</a>’ friend Paul Rudd! WEAR A MASK & watch until the end for a special cameo. WHO WOULD’VE THOUGHT? <a href="https://t.co/i4xxfwoIhz">pic.twitter.com/i4xxfwoIhz</a></p>— First We Feast (@firstwefeast) <a href="https://twitter.com/firstwefeast/status/1305582090642128896?ref_src=twsrc%5Etfw">September 14, 2020</a></blockquote> <script async src="https://platform.twitter.com/widgets.js" charset="utf-8"></script>[/TWEET]
I keep noting that these antimaskers and crazy shit they are saying are mostly women.
I mean there are some men but they are in "I don't care" category, women on the other hand have theories why masks are actually bad.

It's only anecdotal but in my small city, it's almost always white males who don't wear masks, especially older white males. I guess it's not macho to wear a mask.

Since those who don't wear a mask are now in the minority here, they don't stir up any trouble. When I see one in the grocery store, which is rare, I just make sure to keep my distance.

Around here the worst non-compliance I've seen has been from blacks. In a recent shopping trip all of the pulled down masks were black and most of the dick-nosers were non-white. However, surprisingly the Hispanic market we often visit had 100% compliance.
I keep noting that these antimaskers and crazy shit they are saying are mostly women.
I mean there are some men but they are in "I don't care" category, women on the other hand have theories why masks are actually bad.

It's only anecdotal but in my small city, it's almost always white males who don't wear masks, especially older white males. I guess it's not macho to wear a mask.

Since those who don't wear a mask are now in the minority here, they don't stir up any trouble. When I see one in the grocery store, which is rare, I just make sure to keep my distance.

Around here the worst non-compliance I've seen has been from blacks. In a recent shopping trip all of the pulled down masks were black and most of the dick-nosers were non-white. However, surprisingly the Hispanic market we often visit had 100% compliance.
In my neck of the woods, it was visa versa. African Americans were much more likely to wear a mask. Until the state made it a requirement in our county, then white people caught up.
De Blasio splits with Cuomo, wants stricter standards for indoor NYC dining
Mayor Bill de Blasio split with Gov. Andrew Cuomo’s plan to allow indoor dining in New York City, saying he wanted a later opening date and a firm requirement to shut restaurants back down if infection rates rise.

De Blasio said Wednesday that a deal was still in the works between the city and the state to green light indoor dining. About an hour later, he said Cuomo’s office informed City Hall that they planned to go ahead with an announcement without him.

Cuomo cleared indoor restaurants to reopen on Sept. 30 with 25 percent of their usual tables. They’ll also be required to check customers’ temperatures at the door and collect personal information for contact tracing, and seating at bars will be banned.

De Blasio said he wanted a later start date — with indoor dining now scheduled to begin just over a week after schools open for in-person classes.

He’s pushing for a rule that would require indoor dining to stop if the city’s positive test rate hits 2 percent on a seven-day rolling average. Cuomo, who ultimately controls the decision, agreed only to reevaluate the decision if infection rates jump.
NYC was rather hard-hit by the virus this spring, so that's understandable.

I can't help but have some fun at the expense of lockdown critics who object to churches being shut down but not bars being shut down.
AOC and Schumer join forces to push for coronavirus funeral aid - New York Daily News
AOC (D-NY-14: E Bronx, N Queens), Chuck Schumer (D-NY)
The two lawmakers wrote to the Federal Emergency Management Agency chief Tuesday asking him to authorize help with funerals as part of a little-known category of disaster assistance known as other needs assistance.

“Compounding the horrific loss of life, the families and loved ones of those lost are faced with a funeral bill, all while the economy lies in shambles around them," Schumer and AOC wrote to FEMA chief Gaynor. “FEMA must rise to the occasion and help our fellow Americans.”

The letter says FEMA received the bureaucratic green light to dramatically expand funding for funerals when President Trump authorized the pandemic as an ongoing disaster last month.
Mask wearing gets out of hand when someone is walking in the park with no one close by, or driving on their own, is wearing a mask.

I don't agree about being alone in a public space. If someone coughs a cluster can stay there for 3 hours up to 27 feet away from the spot. So, when you get out of your car in a parking lot, you should already have it on. And take it off after you get back in your car. In a park....if other people were there or will be there, you should wear it.
Mask wearing gets out of hand when someone is walking in the park with no one close by, or driving on their own, is wearing a mask.
Or the person in the park has Leukemia or is a nurse or doctor and takes extra precautions. Simply put, you don't know their story, so presumption needs to drive off a cliff.
Mask wearing gets out of hand when someone is walking in the park with no one close by, or driving on their own, is wearing a mask.
Or the person in the park has Leukemia or is a nurse or doctor and takes extra precautions. Simply put, you don't know their story, so presumption needs to drive off a cliff.

The story is that you see people driving alone in their cars while wearing masks.....who are they going to catch Covid from, themselves? Who are they going to pass it on to?
Mask wearing gets out of hand when someone is walking in the park with no one close by, or driving on their own, is wearing a mask.
Or the person in the park has Leukemia or is a nurse or doctor and takes extra precautions. Simply put, you don't know their story, so presumption needs to drive off a cliff.

The story is that you see people driving alone in their cars while wearing masks.....who are they going to catch Covid from, themselves? Who are they going to pass it on to?

My boss has lost five masks taking them off and...no idea what happens. Probably fell out of the car when he got out, so someone thinks he's just littering.
He now wears them the entire time he's out-of-house. 'To get used to it,' he says, but it's really 'not to lose it because i can't shit one when necessary.'
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