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Don2 (Don1 Revised)

Apr 1, 2004
Basic Beliefs
non-practicing agnostic
The latest news on RussiaGate is this. Trump asked the FBI to exonerate him!

FBI refused White House request to knock down recent Trump-Russia stories

Washington (CNN)The FBI rejected a recent White House request to publicly knock down media reports about communications between Donald Trump's associates and Russians known to US intelligence during the 2016 presidential campaign, multiple US officials briefed on the matter tell CNN.

White House officials had sought the help of the bureau and other agencies investigating the Russia matter to say that the reports were wrong and that there had been no contacts, the officials said. The reports of the contacts were first published by The New York Times and CNN on February 14.

The direct communications between the White House and the FBI were unusual because of decade-old restrictions on such contacts. Such a request from the White House is a violation of procedures that limit communications with the FBI on pending investigations.

The discussions between the White House and the bureau began with FBI Deputy Director Andrew McCabe and White House Chief of Staff Reince Priebus on the sidelines of a separate White House meeting the day after the stories were published, according to a U.S. law enforcement official.

The White House initially disputed that account, saying that McCabe called Priebus early that morning and said The New York Times story vastly overstates what the FBI knows about the contacts.

But a White House official later corrected their version of events to confirm what the law enforcement official described.

The same White House official said that Priebus later reached out again to McCabe and to FBI Director James Comey asking for the FBI to at least talk to reporters on background to dispute the stories. A law enforcement official says McCabe didn't discuss aspects of the case but wouldn't say exactly what McCabe told Priebus.

Comey rejected the request for the FBI to comment on the stories, according to sources, because the alleged communications between Trump associates and Russians known to US intelligence are the subject of an ongoing investigation.

So, nefarious or stupid. Everything this administration does falls into those two camps, and often it's hard to tell which clasification any given event it should be placed in. Sometimes it's one or another. Often it's both.
Given the FBI's help to Trump during the last weeks of the election, I am surprised to see it demur now. I wonder what is going on behind the scenes.
I don't doubt that Trump would try that. But I also doubt that story is true.

Unfortunately CNN quoting anonymous officials is not a credible story.

Trump hates CNN. CNN hates Trump. CNN posts unsupported story about Trump. People who hate Trump more than they like evidence believe these stories.
Trump hates CNN.

Makes no bones about that...

CNN hates Trump.

That is certainly not clear - Trump has been a golden goose for their ratings for some 18 months now. Their reporting is fairly neutral, compared to Faux news on the right and MSNBC on the left. There may be individuals there who hate Trump, but the reporting doesn't reflect that. When Flynn was being outed and it was a hot story on MSNBC, CNN was reporting rather calmly. FOX news was "covering" a story about a high school glee club.
Watergate was about illegally breaking into a psychiatrists office to try to get incriminating evidence. Nixon went down for a coverup, not ordering the break in.

This is about using the Russians to hack into private accounts to try to get incriminating evidence. With the promise of reducing sanctions once in office.

The only question, and there are no tapes, is what and when did Trump know?

Somebody has already fallen on their sword over this.

If all else are faithful that may be as far as it goes.

There are no tapes, that we know of.
Watergate was about illegally breaking into a psychiatrists office to try to get incriminating evidence. Nixon went down for a coverup, not ordering the break in.

This is about using the Russians to hack into private accounts to try to get incriminating evidence. With the promise of reducing sanctions once in office.

The only question, and there are no tapes, is what and when did Trump know?

Somebody has already fallen on their sword over this.

If all else are faithful that may be as far as it goes.

There are no tapes, that we know of.

It's vital that the dems retake congress in two years so that we can have an exhaustive investigation into this.
I am of the opinion that the only thing standing between us and the collapse of American principles are our Military / Intelligence community. These non-politicians are steeped in Duty and Honor and will not be intimidated by a would-be dictator, internal or external to our nation. Not one single officer would be intimidated in the slightest by fascist threats. They will do their jobs, and do them thoroughly, unbiased, and without concern for anyone's fragile feelings or threats of tantrums. If something fishy is really happening, heads will roll (in court, or on a grassy knoll, either way).
I don't doubt that Trump would try that. But I also doubt that story is true.

Unfortunately CNN quoting anonymous officials is not a credible story.

Trump hates CNN. CNN hates Trump. CNN posts unsupported story about Trump. People who hate Trump more than they like evidence believe these stories.

Well your skepticism isn't founded in this case, as it's been confirmed by several other media outlets, and then confirmed by the White Houe.

The White House confirmed Thursday night that the conversation between Priebus and FBI deputy director Andrew McCabe occurred on Feb. 15, but said it was McCabe who initiated the contact to inform Priebus that a New York Times report was overstating the nature of their investigation, Politico reported.
I am of the opinion that the only thing standing between us and the collapse of American principles are our Military / Intelligence community. These non-politicians are steeped in Duty and Honor and will not be intimidated by a would-be dictator, internal or external to our nation. Not one single officer would be intimidated in the slightest by fascist threats. They will do their jobs, and do them thoroughly, unbiased, and without concern for anyone's fragile feelings or threats of tantrums. If something fishy is really happening, heads will roll (in court, or on a grassy knoll, either way).

I consider this a distinct possibility as well. I think it far more likely than a power grab by the "Deep State".
Well your skepticism isn't founded in this case, as it's been confirmed by several other media outlets, and then confirmed by the White Houe.

The White House confirmed Thursday night that the conversation between Priebus and FBI deputy director Andrew McCabe occurred on Feb. 15, but said it was McCabe who initiated the contact to inform Priebus that a New York Times report was overstating the nature of their investigation, Politico reported.

When WW expresses skepticism rather than outright rejection of a story that implicates El Cheato, that's a solid sign that the story is true.
I am of the opinion that the only thing standing between us and the collapse of American principles are our Military / Intelligence community. These non-politicians are steeped in Duty and Honor and will not be intimidated by a would-be dictator, internal or external to our nation. Not one single officer would be intimidated in the slightest by fascist threats. They will do their jobs, and do them thoroughly, unbiased, and without concern for anyone's fragile feelings or threats of tantrums. If something fishy is really happening, heads will roll (in court, or on a grassy knoll, either way).

I consider this a distinct possibility as well. I think it far more likely than a power grab by the "Deep State".

I have heard the opinion that the so-called "Deep State" IS the Intelligence community keeping things from getting unfixable.
Watergate was about illegally breaking into a psychiatrists office to try to get incriminating evidence.
You mean "blackmail".
Nixon went down for a coverup, not ordering the break in.
Yeah, the funny thing about Watergate is that the systemic rat fucking of the Republican Party was the unbelievably ugly and unethical thing happening. The coverup, which ended a Presidency was bad, but not as big a threat to democracy as was the break-in itself.

This is about using the Russians to hack into private accounts to try to get incriminating evidence. With the promise of reducing sanctions once in office.

The only question, and there are no tapes, is what and when did Trump know?
Communication is digital and we know that the Government records a lot and they record even more with stuff going overseas to shady places like Russia. There may be digital information out there... the US may already have it.

Somebody has already fallen on their sword over this.

If all else are faithful that may be as far as it goes.
Except Trump has done a good job of alienating the Intelligence side of things. So while the Trump Admin can stay tight-lipped, the Intelligence doesn't. And a leak is what brought down Nixon, and I think many more people hate and fear a Trump Admin in DC than those did with a Nixon Admin.
I consider this a distinct possibility as well. I think it far more likely than a power grab by the "Deep State".

I have heard the opinion that the so-called "Deep State" IS the Intelligence community keeping things from getting unfixable.
Trump is compromised. His hard shift towards Russia can't be explained any other way. The question becomes, who knows what, via how. Is the intelligence prosecutable or is it enough to make him resign or do that want to take the traitors down and put them in prison?

Our nation is in some unprecedented shit right now. Not even 50 days into this Administration and the Intelligence groups are pressing all sorts of panic buttons.
Another statement I heard from an informed source is that Obama, at the last second right before vacating the White House, issued an EO (or the like) giving the NSA the ability to disclose findings from investigations directly to the public. It was apparently a surprise to all that he did this, and the reasons were unknown as to why he would suddenly do something like that "out of nowhere".

Perhaps, now that we are starting to learn more, we can surmise that he saw something and did that to ensure the most trusted people in government have the power to stop massive conspiracies and get around corrupt leadership, in the name of justice, truth, and the American way.

Does anyone know anything else about that, or know more about this alleged action that Obama took?
So, nefarious or stupid. Everything this administration does falls into those two camps, and often it's hard to tell which clasification any given event it should be placed in. Sometimes it's one or another. Often it's both.

Tell the difference? Many of them are stupidly nefarious!
Well your skepticism isn't founded in this case, as it's been confirmed by several other media outlets, and then confirmed by the White Houe.

When WW expresses skepticism rather than outright rejection of a story that implicates El Cheato, that's a solid sign that the story is true.

Nothing that has been posted is evidence.

- - - Updated - - -

Well your skepticism isn't founded in this case, as it's been confirmed by several other media outlets, and then confirmed by the White Houe.

The White House confirmed Thursday night that the conversation between Priebus and FBI deputy director Andrew McCabe occurred on Feb. 15, but said it was McCabe who initiated the contact to inform Priebus that a New York Times report was overstating the nature of their investigation, Politico reported.

Just what part of anything that has been posted constitutes evidence that CNN accurately reported anything.
Go back, re read it all.
I am of the opinion that the only thing standing between us and the collapse of American principles are our Military / Intelligence community. .

Um.....what principles have they been supporting in recent years?
Lying to congress?
Illegally obtaining information on US citizens?
Extra judicial killing of US citizens?
Spreading faulty intelligence leading to thousands being killed?

What we see from them is a goal, that they focus on and keep doubling down on, and they are prepared to abandon any principle to achieve it.

What principles are you referring to?
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