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  1. L

    A dumb question

    Then, in a sense, is spinning of celestial objects, such as neutron stars, perpetual motion, since only outside forces can stop it or slow it down?
  2. L

    A dumb question

    Will a spinning celestial object, such as Earth, ever stop rotating? After all, doesn't spinning do work, and take energy out of the system? In which case, doesn't the spin of electrons and protons also do work? The same goes for orbits, some of which decay. Although in the case of the...
  3. L

    Did anyone take notice of this and what it implies about consciousness?

    https://www.sciencedaily.com/releases/2008/01/080102222813.htm Quote: A team of Carnegie Mellon University computer scientists and cognitive neuroscientists, combining methods of machine learning and brain imaging, have found a way to identify where people's thoughts and perceptions of...
  4. L

    Tests of Astrology

    A heavenly body wiped out the dinosaurs - is that enough proof of astrology?
  5. L

    RACISM SOLVED on IIDB! "This whole business about whether someone had ancestors who were a slave or slaveholder is just ridiculous. It means nothing."

    When I was a boy we owned a dozen or so low rent homes and and three farms, less than 30 acres all, but barely made enough income from all of that to survive. This was in NE NC. My family, who owned them all jointly with my uncle, sold all of them for a pittance and my parents basically had...
  6. L

    RACISM SOLVED on IIDB! "This whole business about whether someone had ancestors who were a slave or slaveholder is just ridiculous. It means nothing."

    I found this very interesting 70% of the land in Britain is still owned by 1% of the population, largely descended from William the Conqueror’s army https://www.zmescience.com/other/shorties/70-percent-britain-land-owned-by-the-rich/ It suggests that the effects of privilege have long...
  7. L

    Roe v Wade is on deck

    OTOH, gay marriages aren't all that common, and because of that, would not raise the rates that much.
  8. L

    Daniel Dennett Dead At 82

    I still have a hard time believing that qualia and consciousness, if either exists, and can be fully and uniquely defined, are anything that make hard line materialism untenable. I found Dennett to be a strong proponent of that POV. IMHO, both can be explained well enough as organisms...
  9. L

    The Race For 2024

    Who gained the moat from the calculated risk NABJ took by inviting Trump to be a guest at their annual meeting? Who played who?
  10. L

    Has Senilitygate finally led the fake mainstream media to learn their lesson?

    But Trump provides the media with constant drama, which means high ratings. He gave us a shitshow of zany actions and statements every day every day and the media ate it up. .
  11. L

    Has Senilitygate finally led the fake mainstream media to learn their lesson?

    The non-reporting of Trump's many insane gaffes is one of the biggest untold stories of this election cycle and has been a great assist to the Trump campaign. Their intention may not be to support Trump, but nonetheless it has done so, intentional or not.
  12. L

    The Race For 2024

    A suggestion is being made on FB that we need someone older. I am older than both, I accept, and will probably do the right thing and die. Should I not, keep in mind who my VP selection is and that I would not be the first politician to renege on a campaign promise. Maybe that VP thing is...
  13. L

    The Race For 2024

    https://www.project2025.org/playbook/ https://apnews.com/article/trump-hannity-dictator-authoritarian-presidential-election-f27e7e9d7c13fabbe3ae7dd7f1235c72
  14. L

    The Race For 2024

    and what happens when Trump dies, as the ole SOB will someday, being almost as old as Biden, their indoctrination wears off, and they are stuck with the consequences of rule by his now royal grifting family? How soon will they sour on that? If that comes to pass, we have decades of turmoil and...
  15. L

    Split SAT scores as a measure of your potential and college worthiness

    That the SAT scores are not a good predictor beyond the freshman year seems obvious. Past that, motivation becomes more of an issue. OTOH, that is all those SAT scores were designed to predict. It was once, and still may be, an issue to identify students from poor academic backgrounds who...
  16. L

    The Race For 2024

    In my life of 82 years, I have never seen such a degree of the hate and anger that seems to motivate the Right Wing in the US. It is so frightening as to be intimidating.
  17. L

    What should/can we all agree on?

    We all want a world where everyone can do as well as possible
  18. L

    Profound Thoughts

    tomorrow today will be yesterday
  19. L

    Columbia University is colluding with the far-right in its attack on students

    Both sides have committed shameful atrocities and will continue to do so, with no end in sight. It's hard to find an innocent party. A win would be for at least one side to begin behaving with basic human decency. That seems very unlikely to ever happen.
  20. L

    Another step towards answering the question of life's origins - science

    I saw this on my Edge front page regarding new ideas and work about the start of life on Earth https://www.msn.com/en-us/news/technology/how-did-life-on-earth-begin-cracks-may-have-been-the-key/ar-BB1lHDLY?ocid=msedgntp&pc=U531&cvid=a0f8c4606c9c44ee8d0199189b04c832&ei=8
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