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  1. R

    The Democratic Party has attractive positions for moderate republicians/center right voters

    This statement appears to indicate that you favor isolationism. Is that the case? Do you also favor US withdrawal from mutual defense treaties and NATO? Ruth
  2. R

    The Democratic Party has attractive positions for moderate republicians/center right voters

    Back to the original topic of this thread - I agree with the OP. For the first time in my life I am voting a straight ticket. I live in a red state within a deep red county; we don't even have any Democratic candidates for local office. I have always voted a split ticket after researching the...
  3. R

    Louisiana mandates 10 Commandments In Schools

    Actually, I have seen this develop several times in people who are considered to be biblical scholars with no trace of mental disease. It is simply due to the fact that they cannot accept the idea that the scriptures are not infallible (and were never meant to be!), and search desperately for...
  4. R

    Louisiana mandates 10 Commandments In Schools

    I am absolutely - positively - unalterably opposed to any government mandated teaching of the Bible, other than as a part of comparative religion studies or something we used to call "social studies" which examined societies and what influenced their people. Under no circumstances do I trust any...
  5. R

    Persecution: Christian on atheist or atheist on Christian?

    I know that Unknown Soldier annoyed many people here; I am among them. After our first interaction I refrained from any future activity on their comments. Annoying activity can be easily avoided so it is not really a bannable offense. But "promoting self harm" is far more than just annoying so...
  6. R

    New map captures explosive rise of the nonreligious

    Interesting article, but I agree with one of the comments I saw - they made a mistake lumping those without a particular religious affiliation with those who are agnostic/atheist. I no longer have an affiliation with any specific denomination, but I still have my faith. It seems to me that the...
  7. R

    According to Robert Sapolsky, human free will does not exist

    In your view. Fair enough, but that is not my view. Like I said before, philosophy is not a strong suit for me so I don't typically get into deep discussions or arguments about it. I won't derail this thread with my reasons for holding this position but you can guess it pretty easily by looking...
  8. R

    According to Robert Sapolsky, human free will does not exist

    Thanks for the good article! It has one paragraph which explains clearly what I was trying to say in my opening post but could not manage to do well: We are more than just physical beings ruled by our environment. Ruth
  9. R

    According to Robert Sapolsky, human free will does not exist

    Guilty as charged :D But I have to say I was taken aback by the ferocious debate that started from my little opening post. I didn't expect that; I was just posting something I found interesting and thought others might like it too. Philosophy is not one of my strong suits. I have tried to...
  10. R

    According to Robert Sapolsky, human free will does not exist

    I read a sample of his newest book "Determined: A Science of Life without Free Will" (link here) and found that he is coming from a place that I can never understand or accept; everything we think or do has to be sourced from biological occurrences. There is nothing outside of that. So he is...
  11. R

    According to Robert Sapolsky, human free will does not exist

    Gift link to NYT article. This was an interesting read, but I disagree completely with his reasoning. If this was actually the case, humans would be no different from animals which live on instinct. I firmly believe that we have something within us that makes us separate from typical animals...
  12. R

    What Are The Requiremnts To Be Christain

    I hold to only the fundamentals – the Gospel message of salvation and the greatest commandments of love To me that is the “base set of rules” which determines who is Christian and who is not. All else is window dressing and is up for discussion. Yes, you can be a Christian and yet not follow...
  13. R

    Is ‘Threads’ a “Twitter-killer”?

    I decided to sign up on Post too. My username is RuthH1937. Look me up if you desire. I only have a few posts there but I comment regularly on other posts. The reason I decided to go with Post is that I am a news junkie, and they fill that need nicely. I looked at Mastodon but I was a little...
  14. R

    Queer theology and the Bible

    @Cheerful Charlie, I neglected to tell you that I thoroughly enjoyed the Youtube series with archaeologist Israel Finkelstein that you linked to last year. It is a very well done series and has excellent expositions on many scriptural topics which definitively shows the exaggeration used in...
  15. R

    Queer theology and the Bible

    Absolutely this 👆 And I am not even considered a "liberal" Christian. I am in the moderate camp. But I despise the far right's insistence that the scriptures be read as literal and infallible "God-breathed" dictation to humans, rather than what they actually were - the writings of ancient...
  16. R

    2020 Election Results

    Well, I sort of disagree here. I really don't want to see most of the people I know without clothing...that would be a ghastly sight. And I guarantee you that other people feel the same way about seeing me naked :lol: To be serious, though, I really feel like this was a very disrespectful act...
  17. R

    How Do You Feel about Tipping?

    Oh, I didn't realize that; I thought he was an American. My apologies, @Tigers! Just ignore everything I said regarding your post :oops: Ruth
  18. R

    How Do You Feel about Tipping?

    Ah, I see. I think we are talking at cross purposes here. I was addressing this particular statement: That is what I don't understand. Good service should be rewarded; I was not flatly stating that all servers should receive good tips. I apologize for the lack of clarity on my part. Ruth
  19. R

    How Do You Feel about Tipping?

    Sure, they work for the money. Everyone does. But the simple truth is that if you don't enjoy the job, you are not going to stay in food service unless you are unable to get any other job. And if you enjoy a job you want to do it well. There are bad employees in every type of job out there; it...
  20. R

    How Do You Feel about Tipping?

    I truly don't understand your attitude on this. Yes, food service employees want to give good service no matter what - but why are you punishing them financially for something they have no control over? This seems to me that it denigrates the people who do those jobs. Ruth
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