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  1. B

    RNA self replicates

    Hi. I have read several articles online that RNA has been observed to form spontaneously when water is exposed to basaltic rock. I have read that in labs the RNA has developed a way to go further and self replicate. Everything most up to date online seems behind a paywall. I was wondering if...
  2. B

    Harris Trump debate

    Please share your thoughts and observations.
  3. B

    Biden had to go to the hospital

    Joe Biden had to go to the hospital. His problem is he can't stop Putin (pootin' as in passing gas)
  4. B

    jailing Trump

    If it never happens what is the real reason it doesn't happen? Does he or his supporters have dirt on judges? Have they bribed people? Or are those who would have to send him have things in their closet they could be sent too?
  5. B

    A most profound thought

    I was thinking about women and how they have babies the other day when a customer who was pregnant was talking to a friend about all she had learned about neonatal development Then a profound thought occurred to me. Any woman who ever gestated and gave birth to a male child was a woman who...
  6. B

    Biden spanks billionaires

    I have a question. Lets say Harris beats Trump in November and Trump with many billionaires and religious fanatics do try to take the government for themselves by force. Biden actually grows a pair and Harris does after January 20th and invokes the insurrection act and authorizes the military...
  7. B

    objections to the roundness of Earth

    Hi. I know the Greeks and Egyptians were the first to mathematically prove the Earth was round, even coming very close to determining its size. Do any of you here know the history about the discovery and what objections were brought against what ever proofs were given for a round Earth? If...
  8. B

    looking for a source

    I read a long time ago that Calvin Coolidge made his wealth as a young man selling opium to China when it was illegal under Chinese law. The book that contained this information was a history of US involvement in the affairs of southwest Asian nations up to the time of the Vietnam War. Does...
  9. B

    question about human fetuses

    I have a question about human fetal development. At one point in gestation does the fetus develop a brain large enough to actually be capable of thought and have sentience or personality. I'm not trying to put politics in the forum but I was talking to some friends of mine about abortion and...
  10. B

    Trump and Stalin

    You know, with all these people coming out of the woodwork to help Trump self coup and these folks on the supreme court declaring law that benefit him I'm beginning to think Stalin may not have been the paranoid maniac fearing a coup back in the 30's. ouch.
  11. B

    Some random questions

    Why do philosophers always take it for granted that any god that exists has to be good? Atheists are criticized for using supposed subjective morality when critiquing claims about acts of God in the past like killing Canaanite children. But is not God's idea of what is right and wrong just his...
  12. B

    Don't curse me

    But I have a friend who is a literal six day Creationist. He is honest to a fault and won't deny that experiments with carbon 14 result in ages of artifacts much older than 6000 years and radiometric dating shows ages of rocks to be much older than that too. His concern is the devil. From the...
  13. B

    6/27/24 presidential debate

    So, who all are watching the debate tonight? Anyone want to make any predictions?
  14. B


    How far back does the art of basketry go?
  15. B

    Kennedy just trying to make sure Biden loses

    https://www.cnn.com/2024/04/08/politics/rfk-jr-new-york-biden-trump/index.html This may have been posted here before. Someone working for Kennedy claims the reason he is running is to ensure Biden loses. What will Trump do for Kennedy to make him want to help Trump out?
  16. B

    Trump and Jesus

    Not trying to be political, but do you think there are parallels between Donald Trump's followers and the earliest followers of Jesus? Jesus and Trump both lied Jesus may have been an insurrectionist like Trump. Ect ect . Both have or had followers that cannot digest information that is...
  17. B

    deliberate incompetance

    I have a question. Are many institutions in the US deliberately being mismanaged to look inept and inefficient to make the public turn against them or lead to their abolition?
  18. B

    question about nobility, bourgeoisie revolutions, proletarian revolutions

    I started a thread about why democracy is important: https://iidb.org/threads/why-is-democracy-so-great.28095/ It got me thinking about nobility, the bourgeoisie and its revolutions against the nobility, and the proletarian revolutions of the 19th and 20th centuries. I wanted some opinions...
  19. B

    question about nuclear target map

    I saw this map online: https://www.msn.com/en-us/news/world/map-reveals-best-places-to-live-in-the-us-if-nuclear-war-breaks-out/ar-BB1hDPDj#fullscreen I live in Corsicana, TX in Navarro County. I'm two counties south of Dallas TX. I can understand why the Russians would blow the DFW area to...
  20. B

    The SOTU

    I think President gave a pretty good speech. He stuttered just a couple of times but but showed no signs of mental decline and even had a couple of zingers ready for Republicans when they tried to zinger him.. It makes me much more comfortable with November.
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