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  1. fromderinside

    Public schools aren't teaching Critical Race Theory.

    I've tried about a dozen different searches. Very few school boards in very few very liberal areas have introduced Critical Race Theory (CRT) as a factor in social science education in k-12 district curricula. This seems a fair way for proceeding in development of a robust educational system in...
  2. fromderinside

    Education, a necessary element of social development?

    I got in to a heated discussion with my granddaughter on whether education is being abused by profiteers in the distribution of it's three trillion dollar largess generated by modern societies for the under educated peoples of the world. My view is humans are basically selfish thus have no...
  3. fromderinside

    Abortion. Lose of driving issue for Republicans?

    ‘Fat and Happy’ With a Conservative Court, Are Republicans Losing a Winning Issue: https://www.nytimes.com/2020/10/27/us/politics/republicans-supreme-court.html?action=click&module=Top%20Stories&pgtype=Homepage Most republicans take voting seriously. IMHO, Just the evangelicals will go back...
  4. fromderinside

    55% polled won't consider voting for Trump

    In April Poll: 55 percent say they won't vote for Trump in 2020 https://thehill.com/homenews/campaign/441103-poll-55-say-they-wouldnt-vote-for-trump-in-2020 How is that standing up now. Well according to recent PollingReport.com survey of polls http://www.pollingreport.com/2020wh_g.htm Trump...
  5. fromderinside

    supreme court rules. OK Let's pay off the debts and get the votes out

    Supreme Court Allows Restrictions on Voting by Ex-Felons https://www.nytimes.com/2020/07/16/us/supreme-court-felons-voting-florida.html?searchResultPosition=1 The state is stuck with the judgement. Fine start a help me fund to pay the bills. Have raft of lawyers on hand ensure...
  6. fromderinside

    When one is depressed is it true one turns inward. Is that necessary. Is it good to do so.

    It was true for me back in the day. I contend doing so is not necessary. But whenever I'm confronted with the thought I turn inward.
  7. fromderinside

    Wisconsin governor should declare martial law in state and call out WNG to enforce it.

    Your thoughts on whether, how, on what grounds ....
  8. fromderinside

    The social consequences of partisanship in the face of slow moving catastrophe

    Does the transition of man from kin group organization to multi-tribe group organization mean the end to mankind when the earth evovles IAC with man's activities? Australia Shows Us the Road to Hell https://www.nytimes.com/2020/01/09/opinion/australia-fires.html? Paul Krugman writes When we...
  9. fromderinside

    Trump has some 'splaining to do

    Iranian Missile Accidentally Brought Down Ukrainian Jet, Officials Say, Citing Early Evidence https://www.nytimes.com/2020/01/09/world/middleeast/iran-plane-crash-ukraine.html POTUS of unintended consequenses needs to take a minute to understand what he probably has caused. Naw. I'm going...
  10. fromderinside

    Merry Creeatsmas all you Evangelicals out there sucking up to false God Trump's teat

    As title shows I've got a bug up my holy arse. Stuck in my craw it is. How can power worship of a lying blasphemer overwhelm some Evangelical's basis in in faith? Must be their faith is stuck in the world of man rather than with the world of Ghawad for faith. Any who are so inclined are...
  11. fromderinside

    Will science survive human nature.

    I've been wondering why philosophy began with rational rather than objective roots. I'm pretty sure humans knew how to observe, test, and measure when Greek civilizations rose. Evidence is abundant from Egyptian engineering that measurement accompanied observation very early on at the dawn of...
  12. fromderinside

    Measles: Debunked theory, er, stupidity is not an excuse.

    For fun and games since some are talking about UK rights to prohibit military wings as parties. Is there a right for parents to stand in the way of everybody's health because they are just F-ing stupid. Specifically should people have rights to oppose public safety to violate another's right...
  13. fromderinside

    Politics as usual using a 1930s model. Now its Fascist (right) against the Socialist (left).

    Down and dirty but not yet down to the actual issue can evolutionary humans transcend their tribal nature to support human evolutionary success in earth. Trump fires call to arms from the right: Painting Socialists as Villains, Trump Refreshes a Blueprint...
  14. fromderinside

    Germans breathe a bit of rationality into the mash up between Europe and Britain

    For your amusement in the era of mideast migration and population collapse in Europe and Great Britain. https://www.nytimes.com/2019/01/18/world/europe/brexit-germany-letter.html?rref=collection%2Fsectioncollection%2Fworld So much nicer to see red roses rather than white roses on this thing...
  15. fromderinside

    Trump sending troops to thwart this. What kind of F***head is he?

    The mid session guest on Real Time noted that the bottom up view of what is driving the immigration seekers north is gangs and violence, Most of the current travelers are women and children. Here is a story from the Atlantic from June that reflects the nature of the present migration north...
  16. fromderinside

    What happens in a universe that uniformly achieves 0 degrees Kelvin?

    Just a naive thought from an old one who would like some input Studies around absolute zeros find temperatures below 0 degrees k and seems to defy entropy by increasing above 0 degrees K. Just a thought with all those studies showing that at absolute zero that condition is not maintained/stable...
  17. fromderinside

    Should one fearful of losing privilege be elected in a democracy

    I was reading the Krugman column "The Angry White Man Caucus" when I was struck by an apparent problem with those of privilege being many of the ones running for office or running the country. The problem is this. Can those with societal privilege legislate and govern in a multi-status...
  18. fromderinside

    War is peace. Freedom is slavery. Ignorance is strength. Truth isn’t truth. - really?

    https://www.nytimes.com/2018/08/20/opinion/trump-republican-truth-climate-change.html?action=click&pgtype=Homepage&clickSource=story-heading&module=opinion-c-col-left-region&region=opinion-c-col-left-region&WT.nav=opinion-c-col-left-region Paul Krugman makes a hammer of a weak Giuliani...
  19. fromderinside

    Someone asked me what I meant by "consistency counts in philosophy:

    I can't find my quote so I have to take the request as general. I don't mean as Hitchens wrote: “Anybody doing any kind of science should abandon his or her faith if they wish to become a philosophically consistent scientist.” since I believe persons have adequately been demonstrated capable of...
  20. fromderinside

    Is the basis for morality in society touching?

    I usually like David Brooks. He often makes good points. But did he this time when he argued societies need to treat touch as a moral issue.Now Is the Time to Talk About the Power of Touch...
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