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A list of things that should drive you away from candidate


Cyborg with a Tiara
Staff member
Jan 31, 2001
Basic Beliefs
I see these conversations, sometimes productive and illuminating, sometimes not, about the two major party US candidates and my mind makes a graphic visualization. I see in one cloumn, a list of reasons why a person would not want to vote for trump, and in another column, a lis of reasons one should not vote for Harris. And when I read all the conversations, I mentally extract and apply the reasons given; and the columns are not equal. Like at all.

So I’m curious if folks here will help me create the visualization. Is the Trump column as numerous as I think?

In short phrases of only 1-6 words, can you give your input on things that would populate each column? I won’t add paragraphs, videos or cartoons. Just very simple phrases that are supported by facts. So, “will be a tyrant” doesn’t count, but “says he will suspend the constitution,” does count.

I’ll start with some of the things I see

Reason to Reject Trump​

Reasons to Reject Harris​

1He mocked a disabled personShe was too lenient on criminals
2He says he wants to suspend the constitutionSome people don’t like her laugh
3He called Neo-Nazis “very fine people”
4Put his children in government positions they were not qualified for

I’ll add more as people add more
Add to Harris: too hard on (a) criminal

Add to Trump;
Stole classified documents
Tried to overturn a free and fair election
Tried to extort a foreign leader
Cheats at golf (and everything else)
Has the vocabulary of a third grader

I can add hundreds more …

Reason to Reject Trump​

Reasons to Reject Harris​

1He mocked a disabled personShe was too lenient on criminals
2He says he wants to suspend the constitutionSome people don’t like her laugh
3He called Neo-Nazis “very fine people”too hard on (a) criminal
4Put his children in government positions they were not qualified for
5Stole classified documents
6Tried to overturn a free and fair election
7Tried to extort a foreign leader
8Cheats at golf (and everything else)
9Has the vocabulary of a third grader
“We love this guy,” Trump said of Hannity. “He says, ‘You’re not going to be a dictator, are you?’ I said: ‘No, no, no, other than day one.
Harris had a black boyfriend, 30 years ago.

You know what those people are like.
Chronic liar
Unpleasant ad hominem attacks on Judges et al
A long history of failed businesses.
Abuses charities for grifting money
If elected plans to shut down important government agencies
Plans to use office of presidency to prosecute political enemies
Has stated he will pardon January 6 insurrectionists
Allows unqualified judges to be appointed as federal judges.
Forget everything else about Trump.
He...at age 74....and the American President....President of all 50 states, which includes California....got to the word Yosemite in his speech...didn't recognize the word...SAID YO, SEMITE...like, I don't know, a Hassidic homeboy at Passaic Mall...then got a second chance at the word...and SAID YO, SEMITE....AGAIN.
Trump: Shows signs he will try to overturn a free and fair election again.
Trump: He's unqualified.

Harris: It's very confusing for racists to figure out what race she is.
Harris: Oprah likes her.

Raped a woman, as determined by a jury in a civil suit
Defamed the woman repeatedly, even after losing in court
Buried one of his ex-wives at his golf course in order to take advantage of a tax break
Regrets that his blood relationship to his daughter prevented him from dating her
Routinely stiffed contractors on his real estate projects
Called into radio shows pretending to be his PR man
Called people in the military "suckers" and "losers"
Wouldn't attend a military memorial service because it was raining
Dined with neo-Nazis
Tried to destroy the ACA without intending to offer a replacement
Made a joke of "Infrastructure Week"
Gave hundreds of billions in tax cuts to corporations and rich people
Offered to remove as many impediments to drilling as he could in exchange for $1 billion in campaign contributions
I have to make dinner or I could go on.


Flip-flopping on fracking
Ridiculous proposal to eliminate taxes on tips
The Trump list may end up reaching the moon, but in my seven decades, the one thing that has never failed me in finding out whether I can trust/rely on a person is whether they cheat at golf. It has been 100% accurate, and has steered me away from a few people who initially seemed to be quite honest. It's such a little thing, but the whole concept of the game is that you take responsibility for all of the consequences of your actions.

A PGA player called a penalty on himself Saturday. No one else had seen the incredibly minor infraction. It cost him $2.5 million. I'm sure Trump thinks he's a "sucker" and a "loser". I think he's effing awesome.
Let’s just be honest: it really comes down to what each candidate has between their legs and also the color of their skin.
It's ok. Admitting that you have a problem is the first step to getting better.

You can do it Toni! I believe in you!
Harris was too lenient on criminals?

She withheld evidence that would free a guilty man from death row.
She kept people past their terms so California could use them as free labor.
She was a big-time drug warrior who delighted in locking people up for marijuana offenses even though the people of California were determined to try to legalize it.


Nawar al-Awlaki. Nuff said for me, nobody else will touch the subject.

Reason to Reject Trump​

Reasons to Reject Harris​

1He mocked a disabled personShe was too lenient on criminals
2He says he wants to suspend the constitutionSome people don’t like her laugh
3He called Neo-Nazis “very fine people”too hard on (a) criminal
4Put his children in government positions they were not qualified forhad a black boyfriend, 30 years ago.
5Stole classified documentsIt's very confusing for racists to figure out what race she is.
6Tried to overturn a free and fair electionOprah likes her.
7Tried to extort a foreign leaderShe sometimes wears high heels
8Cheats at golf (and everything else)Flip-flopping on fracking
9Has the vocabulary of a third graderRidiculous proposal to eliminate taxes on tips
10Says he wants to be a dictator for a dayShe withheld evidence that would free a guilty man from death row.
11Chronic liarShe kept people past their terms so California could use them as free labor.
12Unpleasant ad hominem attacks on Judges et alShe was a big-time drug warrior who delighted in locking people up for marijuana offenses even though the people of California were determined to try to legalize it.
13A long history of failed businesses.
14Abuses charities for grifting money
15If elected plans to shut down important government agencies
16Plans to use office of presidency to prosecute political enemies
17Has stated he will pardon January 6 insurrectionists
18Allows unqualified judges to be appointed as federal judges.
20Shows signs he will try to overturn a free and fair election again.
21He's a convicted felon.
22administration (Vance) says will execute political opponents/anyone who doesn't support Trump if they win.
23Raped a woman, as determined by a jury in a civil suit
24Defamed the woman repeatedly, even after losing in court
25Buried one of his ex-wives at his golf course in order to take advantage of a tax break
26Regrets that his blood relationship to his daughter prevented him from dating her
27Routinely stiffed contractors on his real estate projects
28Called into radio shows pretending to be his PR man
29Called people in the military "suckers" and "losers"
30Wouldn't attend a military memorial service because it was raining
31Dined with neo-Nazis
32Tried to destroy the ACA without intending to offer a replacement
33Made a joke of "Infrastructure Week"
34Gave hundreds of billions in tax cuts to corporations and rich people
35Offered to remove as many impediments to drilling as he could in exchange for $1 billion in campaign contributions
36Ridiculous proposal to eliminate taxes on tips, including wall street bonuses
37Nawar al-Awlaki

“He’s unqualified” is not specific enough, so I left that off.
I’m adding the numbers so that if someone wants to suggest edits and say #26 is the same as #72, or #102 is not supported by evidence, feel free.
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I see these conversations, sometimes productive and illuminating, sometimes not, about the two major party US candidates and my mind makes a graphic visualization. I see in one cloumn, a list of reasons why a person would not want to vote for trump, and in another column, a lis of reasons one should not vote for Harris. And when I read all the conversations, I mentally extract and apply the reasons given; and the columns are not equal. Like at all.

So I’m curious if folks here will help me create the visualization. Is the Trump column as numerous as I think?

In short phrases of only 1-6 words, can you give your input on things that would populate each column? I won’t add paragraphs, videos or cartoons. Just very simple phrases that are supported by facts. So, “will be a tyrant” doesn’t count, but “says he will suspend the constitution,” does count.

I’ll start with some of the things I see

Reason to Reject Trump​

Reasons to Reject Harris​

1He mocked a disabled personShe was too lenient on criminals
2He says he wants to suspend the constitutionSome people don’t like her laugh
3He called Neo-Nazis “very fine people”
4Put his children in government positions they were not qualified for

I’ll add more as people add more
Your effort is good but misses the point. No form of rational thought plays any role in the "decisions" of Trumpists.

And there are tens of millions of such hard-coreTrumpists, including a large majority of white males. Frightening isn't it?
Your effort is good but misses the point. No form of rational thought plays any role in the "decisions" of Trumpists.
If my point were an attempt to convince them, then you are correct, this would miss that point. But I already know that, and would not have tried to make that point. ;)

My point here was merely that I like visualizations of data and was interested in what this would look like if built. :)

As for trying to convince them, I have read some very interesting psych articles about how to in fact do that. One thing that stands out is to use the same psychology to get them out as was used to get them in; presenting questions or statements that let them create a pathway that they feel they created themselves. One studied tactic that has proven effective is to say things like, “I used to kind of see that, too, (e.g. that Trump did something well) but I started doing some of my own research, and I’m not convinced he’s right any more.” In other words, one doesn’t tell them what to think, one merely shows them by example an honorable path for changing one’s mind, so that they can feel like if they change their mind people will not mock them for it. Let them watch you say, “I changed my mind on that; it wasn’t sudden, but I realized I was changing direction and I’m more comfortable with this.” Sometimes this means saying things like, “I used to feel much better about him, but I’m starting to see things I don’t like” to show that you would not mock them for supporting him in the first place. Things like that.
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