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Anisotropic Spin Currents in Graphene


Veteran Member
Jan 31, 2013
New York, Manhattan, Upper West Side
Basic Beliefs
Hardcore Atheist
This is absolutely fascinating...and just might point to new forms of DRAM and other kinds of storage. Hell....it's fascinating just because.

Graphene’s exceptional electrical conductance makes it a prime target for spintronics technologies, which exploit the spin of the electron for data storage and transfer. However, it’s hard to manipulate the spins of graphene’s electrons because of weak spin-orbit coupling—the coupling between an electron’s spin and its motion. Researchers have circumvented this problem by placing graphene layers on transition-metal dichalcogenide (TMD) materials with strong spin-orbit coupling. But in doing so, they compromise graphene’s electrical properties. Now two teams have shown that they can manipulate spin-orbit coupling in graphene bilayers so that the lifetimes of two perpendicularly polarized spin currents in the material are significantly different. These graphene bilayers could be used as the basis for spin polarizers, which transmit spins that are polarized in a preferential direction.

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