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Another clown thrown under the buss. Sessions


Veteran Member
May 30, 2016
out on a limb
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secular, humanist, agnostic on theism/atheism
The Daily 202: Trump shows disdain for rule of law with new attacks on Sessions, Rosenstein, Mueller

-- This is a fresh example of Trump not being loyal to people who have sacrificed their personal reputations for his benefit. Few people have been more devoted to Trump than Sessions, and like so many others he’s gotten burned for it. He no longer has the confidence of the president, and it’s hard to see how he can survive for very long or be that effective in this job without it. He gave up a safe Senate, but his tenure has been marked by scandal and allegations that he perjured himself.

Good thing the top lawyer in the US has his own lawyer to defend himself against those nasty Democrats: (June 20, 2017) Attorney General Jeff Sessions hires private lawyer

And he's not the first lawyer who's seen the writing on The Wall: (June 16, 2017) NBC: Trump's lawyer has hired his own lawyer

Who would think that being POTUS could be so complex for someone whose main business strategy has always been to intimidate with the threat of a lawsuit? Live by the sword ...
It's hard to feel sorry for people who've been defending Trump. It appears that Sessions' decision to put a slight modicum of the appearance of professionalism over blind and absolute loyalty to Dipshit McFuckface was a step too far. The guy deserves to get fired in disgrace for a whole bunch of things and it's funny that he's probably going to lose his job over the one time where he kind of made a half-assed effort to make it look like he was doing the right thing.
Firing a former Senator when the Vice President was a Senator will maybe get the impeachment vote numbers up quite a bit.

Because if there's one thing you can say about Trump, it's that he's a cautious and deliberate individual who always carefully considers the consequences of his actions before just randomly doing stupid shit for dumb reasons.
Poor Jeff - looks like he's gonna lose some of his cut of the money laundering profits.
I'm pretty sure that Trump thinks the AG is supposed to be his lawyer. That is, Trump thinks he's Sessions' client, and that Sessions owes Trump all the duties a lawyer normally owes client.

Chapter 568 in Trump's book: Oh, I Had No Fucking Clue It Worked That Way.
The fetid orange slime in which the entire GOP establishment has bathed themselves may be finally visible to some of them. But many are still dripping with it and mystified as to why the gentlefolk are holding kerchiefs to their noses.
Firing a former Senator when the Vice President was a Senator will maybe get the impeachment vote numbers up quite a bit.

Yep, the theory I heard is that Trump is trying to goad Sessions into quitting instead of taking the risk of firing him.
In yet another strong display of competent leadership, when Sessions was actually at the White House today to meet with Administration people, Trump hid in his room and made nasty tweets about the guy instead of walking down the hall and confronting him directly.


You Americans must be so damn proud of your leader.
I've been hearing rumors (so take it with several kg of sodium chloride) that Il Douchebag is waiting to see IF the Senate goes into recess so he can fire the AG and appoint a new one, maybe even Rudy Giuliani, as a recess appointment. No Senate confirmation needed.

I've been hearing rumors (so take it with several kg of sodium chloride) that Il Douchebag is waiting to see IF the Senate goes into recess so he can fire the AG and appoint a new one, maybe even Rudy Giuliani, as a recess appointment. No Senate confirmation needed.


Yup, it's a pretty transparent plan. Unfortunately for Cheato, his prepared excuse of "he shouldn't have recused himself" isn't going to excuse anything at all. Sessions was required by statute to recuse himself.

link said:
28 U.S. Code § 528 - Disqualification of officers and employees of the Department of Justice

US Code
Authorities (CFR)

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The Attorney General shall promulgate rules and regulations which require the disqualification of any officer or employee of the Department of Justice, including a United States attorney or a member of such attorney’s staff, from participation in a particular investigation or prosecution if such participation may result in a personal, financial, or political conflict of interest, or the appearance thereof. Such rules and regulations may provide that a willful violation of any provision thereof shall result in removal from office.
(Added Pub. L. 95–521, title VI, § 603(a), Oct. 26, 1978, 92 Stat. 1874.)

Even the Rethuglican eunuchs in congress might have to complain, if Cheato insists that Sessions should have broken the law in order to support his effort to obstruct justice.
Agreed Elixir, Sessions did the right thing. But I expect ALOT of Recess appointments from Il Doughebag (a la hummer )

He didn't do the "right" thing, he did a pretty neat feat. He recused himself, while at the same time saying 'Well, I was going to do that all along.' So what went from a suspicious recusal, became a savvy maneuver meant to try and diffuse a growing controversy. A worked... for a few months. He went from having to resign right away to... being fired a few months later.
Agreed Elixir, Sessions did the right thing. But I expect ALOT of Recess appointments from Il Doughebag (a la hummer )...

Senate Dems warn they will block recess appointments:
Senate Democrats are warning they will block President Trump from trying to bypass the confirmation process by firing Attorney General Jeff Sessions and appointing a successor during the August recess.

"Let me state for the record now, before this scheme gains wings, Democrats will never go along with the recess appointment if that situation arises," Senate Minority Leader Charles Schumer (D-N.Y.) said Tuesday, amid speculation about Sessions’s future in the administration.

He added that Democrats "have some tools in our toolbox" to block Trump from a recess appointment, which would allow the president to bypass what would likely be a contentious confirmation fight.

"We're ready to use every single one of them, any time, day or night. It's so vital to the future of the republic," Schumer said.

Democrats could prevent the Senate from adjourning in mid-August, which could force Republicans to set up "pro-forma" sessions that would effectively block Trump from being able to name a successor without Senate confirmation.

Whew! :p
It's hard to feel sorry for people who've been defending Trump. It appears that Sessions' decision to put a slight modicum of the appearance of professionalism over blind and absolute loyalty to Dipshit McFuckface was a step too far. The guy deserves to get fired in disgrace for a whole bunch of things and it's funny that he's probably going to lose his job over the one time where he kind of made a half-assed effort to make it look like he was doing the right thing.

^^^ that, totally
Senate Dems warn they will block recess appointments:
Senate Democrats are warning they will block President Trump from trying to bypass the confirmation process by firing Attorney General Jeff Sessions and appointing a successor during the August recess.

"Let me state for the record now, before this scheme gains wings, Democrats will never go along with the recess appointment if that situation arises," Senate Minority Leader Charles Schumer (D-N.Y.) said Tuesday, amid speculation about Sessions’s future in the administration.

He added that Democrats "have some tools in our toolbox" to block Trump from a recess appointment, which would allow the president to bypass what would likely be a contentious confirmation fight.

"We're ready to use every single one of them, any time, day or night. It's so vital to the future of the republic," Schumer said.

Democrats could prevent the Senate from adjourning in mid-August, which could force Republicans to set up "pro-forma" sessions that would effectively block Trump from being able to name a successor without Senate confirmation.

Whew! :p

Haven't heard a word about that in MSM... wondering why.
In yet another strong display of competent leadership, when Sessions was actually at the White House today to meet with Administration people, Trump hid in his room and made nasty tweets about the guy instead of walking down the hall and confronting him directly.


You Americans must be so damn proud of your leader.

Personally, I've long since decided that the only 'pride' I may have of this whole debacle is that we may serve the world as a cautionary tale. Just look at what happened during the French elections. The trump-clone was winning until people got a look at the reality of a Trump in the US... then his numbers sharply declined and that was that.

Domestically, this may lead a movement to revamp some things we have taken for granted... like a health services rebuild... not because of good leadership, but because of the effect of total failure.

Facebook announced recently that they are intending to put measures in place to eliminate the spread of "fake news" in their social media platform, citing their role in creating confusion amongst the populous.
In yet another strong display of competent leadership, when Sessions was actually at the White House today to meet with Administration people, Trump hid in his room and made nasty tweets about the guy instead of walking down the hall and confronting him directly.


You Americans must be so damn proud of your leader.

Personally, I've long since decided that the only 'pride' I may have of this whole debacle is that we may serve the world as a cautionary tale. Just look at what happened during the French elections. The trump-clone was winning until people got a look at the reality of a Trump in the US... then his numbers sharply declined and that was that.

Domestically, this may lead a movement to revamp some things we have taken for granted... like a health services rebuild... not because of good leadership, but because of the effect of total failure.

Facebook announced recently that they are intending to put measures in place to eliminate the spread of "fake news" in their social media platform, citing their role in creating confusion amongst the populous.

I'm not so optimistic as you. But seeing what happened in France is encouraging.
Yup, it's a pretty transparent plan. Unfortunately for Cheato, his prepared excuse of "he shouldn't have recused himself" isn't going to excuse anything at all. Sessions was required by statute to recuse himself.

What difference does the law make? He was supposed to support His Flatulence no matter what!
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