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Another investigation by the FBI about Clinton emails

FBI's Comey opposed naming Russians, citing election timing: Source

FBI Director James Comey argued privately that it was too close to Election Day for the United States government to name Russia as meddling in the U.S. election and ultimately ensured that the FBI's name was not on the document that the U.S. government put out, a former FBI official tells CNBC.
The official said some government insiders are perplexed as to why Comey would have election timing concerns with the Russian disclosure but not with the Huma Abedin email discovery disclosure he made Friday.

I think it is a bit naive to believe that the FBI agents after seizing the computer haven't looked at them. I also doubt that they would have immediately realised that they would even need a separate warrant for those emails. Thirdly we know that FBI agents have already questioned Huma about some emails.

Obviously once they realised they need a separate warrant for the emails Comey is saying he doesn't know....but it's naive to think he doesn't know what's in them

You're calling Comey a liar then.
I think it is a bit naive to believe that the FBI agents after seizing the computer haven't looked at them. I also doubt that they would have immediately realised that they would even need a separate warrant for those emails. Thirdly we know that FBI agents have already questioned Huma about some emails.

Obviously once they realised they need a separate warrant for the emails Comey is saying he doesn't know....but it's naive to think he doesn't know what's in them

You're calling Comey a liar then.

After the shit Comey has pulled, being a called s liar is going to be the least of his worries.
I don't think Hillary Clinton's troubles are ever going to go away. Whether it is her emails or the Clinton Foundation or any number of things.
Even if she get's elected, she is going to be dogged by one thing or another in a probably unprecedented way.
It will never go away and it will likely tarnish the whole presidency for as long as she is President

If only the Democratic Party had a good candidate to put up.

I think a danger is that people now, in greater numbers, realise this and vote for Trump

Of course they won't go away, she's a powerful Democrat. There will always be Republican mudslinging regardless of the truth.

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FBI is colluding with Putin?

Law enforcement likes Republicans. Hillary is a Democrat.
I think it is a bit naive to believe that the FBI agents after seizing the computer haven't looked at them. I also doubt that they would have immediately realised that they would even need a separate warrant for those emails. Thirdly we know that FBI agents have already questioned Huma about some emails.

Obviously once they realised they need a separate warrant for the emails Comey is saying he doesn't know....but it's naive to think he doesn't know what's in them

You're calling Comey a liar then.

In the letter to congress Comey said FBI agents briefed Comey on the emails but Comey said the FBI had not made an assessment of the emails. Comey said they would seek a warrant
Make of that what you will.

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Do you think the last article says anything? What did you think it said?
There is no beef. No meat. Hell, there isn't even any secret sauce. This is what passes for journalism by Trumpies these days.

The same applies to Clinton's media; Clinton News Network (CNN) and the American Brainwashing Corporation (ABC).
I agree. There's next to nothing regarding these emails, but if you're implying there's some sort of equivalency between the vapid accusations of the right, firmly rooted in conspiracy land, and the regular abysmal coverage of much of the 24 hour cable news media, then your bias is over riding your judgement. Oh, and the euphemisms I've heard from the Trumpies for various news agencies stemming from Rush Limbaugh in 1995 weren't funny then - or now.
Of course they won't go away, she's a powerful Democrat. There will always be Republican mudslinging regardless of the truth.

The entire world thinks she is off. Do you think only Republicans in America think that?

Of course not. There are idiots everywhere. American idiots are just louder.

This review of Trump’s many decades of abusing the judicial system, ignoring judges, disregarding rules, destroying documents and lying about it is not simply a sordid history lesson. Rather, it helps explain his behavior since he declared his candidacy. He promised to turn over his tax returns and his health records—just as he promised to comply with document discovery requirements in so many lawsuits—then reneged. As a result, he has left a sparse evidentiary trail that can be used to assess his wealth, his qualifications for the presidency or even his fitness. Should voters choose him to be the next U.S. president, he will enter the Oval Office as a mystery, a man who has repeatedly flouted the rules. He has solemnly told the country to trust him while refusing to produce any records to prove whether he speaks the truth or has utter contempt for it.

But Hillary...
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