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Bannon is out

Well, he did call white supremacists a collection of clowns and losers a few days ago.

When an White House employee directly makes an egregious personal attack on the President like that, he can be expected to be packing his bags in short order.
So... ummm... what... Kuschner replaces him? Trump is running out of sycophants... and Generals.
So... ummm... what... Kuschner replaces him? Trump is running out of sycophants... and Generals.

He can quit the charade and just hire David Duke.

It would make it even funnier when he then continues trying to convince everyone that he has no idea who David Duke is.
Bannon can now devote his life to his real, true talent. Getting stinking drunk nightly.
WaPo says that Bannon intends to continue to push Trump's agenda. Whatever the fuck that might be. Those that know him say it doesn't matter if he's on the inside or the outside. That's probably true. MSNBC just said that Bannon will be returning to Breitbart.
WaPo says that Bannon intends to continue to push Trump's agenda. Whatever the fuck that might be. Those that know him say it doesn't matter if he's on the inside or the outside. That's probably true. MSNBC just said that Bannon will be returning to Breitbart.

Doesn't that imply that he left Breitbart at some point?
WaPo says that Bannon intends to continue to push Trump's agenda. Whatever the fuck that might be. Those that know him say it doesn't matter if he's on the inside or the outside. That's probably true. MSNBC just said that Bannon will be returning to Breitbart.

Axios says that Bannon will use Breitbart to attack those he sees as globalists still in the Trump administration, including McMaster, Powell, Cohn, Jared, and Ivanka. In his own mind that could be pushing the Trump agenda.
Holy crap.
I left town to visit the mall in the next town up the road, Comey was fired.
We went to pizza one town down the road, Spicer quit.
We flew to Settle and the Mooch was sacked.
We drove to New York and Bannon is out.
Every time i leave Pittsfield, someone gets fired or quits...

I'm going to start a Go Fund Me.
If i can get $50, we'll go to the Vermont Country Store one state up.
If i can get $500, we'll go to Canada, see what crossing the border does.
If i can get $5000, I'll take the wife to Hawaii, see what the distance does.
If i can get $10,000, we'll go to London and hope for impeachment.
Holy crap.
I left town to visit the mall in the next town up the road, Comey was fired.
We went to pizza one town down the road, Spicer quit.
We flew to Settle and the Mooch was sacked.
We drove to New York and Bannon is out.
Every time i leave Pittsfield, someone gets fired or quits...

I'm going to start a Go Fund Me.
If i can get $50, we'll go to the Vermont Country Store one state up.
If i can get $500, we'll go to Canada, see what crossing the border does.
If i can get $5000, I'll take the wife to Hawaii, see what the distance does.
If i can get $10,000, we'll go to London and hope for impeachment.

Yeah, you need to get out more.
So... ummm... what... Kuschner replaces him? Trump is running out of sycophants... and Generals.

They made up a position for Bannon, they don't need to replace him. Not like they care about filling all the positions anyway.
I think this is a turning point. A few months ago, it was considered a badge of honour to be fired from this administration. The likes of Sally Yates and James Comey received massive credibility and integrity boost boosts after they left. Now, not so much. Everyone is doing it these days.
I think this is a turning point. A few months ago, it was considered a badge of honour to be fired from this administration. The likes of Sally Yates and James Comey received massive credibility and integrity boost boosts after they left. Now, not so much. Everyone is doing it these days.
WaPo says that Bannon intends to continue to push Trump's agenda. Whatever the fuck that might be. Those that know him say it doesn't matter if he's on the inside or the outside. That's probably true. MSNBC just said that Bannon will be returning to Breitbart.

Since D'Loser is rapidly losing Fox, perhaps he does need Bannon to be at Breitbart to sing his glories.

OTOH, I'm not so sure Bannon is going to be so friendly to D'Loser. He is as vicious as D'Loser when he feels wronged.
OTOH, I'm not so sure Bannon is going to be so friendly to D'Loser. He is as vicious as D'Loser when he feels wronged.
From what i hear, it's Kelly that demanded sufficient control to kick people out if necessary.
Bannon will see Kelly as the one who done him wrong. Glorious Leader was just forced to make certain concessions when Mooch got What'shisname canned.
I'm sure Kelly will be mentioned by Breitbart as one of the vipers Bannon left behind in Glorious Leader's grassy lawn.
But when D'Loser starts retweeting Bannon's headlines, and that gets him mocked, and people cancel on him, THEN he'll distance himself, and then Bannon might feel wronged again...
Bannon had an interview a little while ago where he bragged he was the reason Trump got elected. That may have also played into his departure.

In addition, it is possible that this departure is agreeable to all concerned. Bannon can play in the mud with the white nationalists, neo-nazis and white supremacists to placate them without Trump getting dirty.
Bannon had an interview a little while ago where he bragged he was the reason Trump got elected. That may have also played into his departure.

In addition, it is possible that this departure is agreeable to all concerned. Bannon can play in the mud with the white nationalists, neo-nazis and white supremacists to placate them without Trump getting dirty.

Steve Bannon Detonates His Trump Survival Plan, Worrying Allies

Bannon — the polarizing and enigmatic hero of the alt-right, who has become a flashpoint in the aftermath of the white supremacist violence in Charlottesville, Virginia — has for months drawn the president's ire, with Trump feeling his strategist seeks too much credit for his election win.

"That fucking Steve Bannon taking credit for my election," Trump recently told a confidant, referring to a new book focused on Bannon's influence, Devil's Bargain by Joshua Green, according to a source with knowledge of the conversation.
Trump's anger with his chief strategist goes back to the early days of his presidency. He was reportedly livid when Bannon appeared on a February Time magazine cover declaring him "The Great Manipulator," and the president has more recently seethed over Green's book that casts Bannon as the intellectual mastermind of Trumpism.

"The president is not happy with the Joshua Green book," a source close to the administration said. "Every other page is a love letter to Steve Bannon."
Holy crap.
I left town to visit the mall in the next town up the road, Comey was fired.
We went to pizza one town down the road, Spicer quit.
We flew to Settle and the Mooch was sacked.
We drove to New York and Bannon is out.
Every time i leave Pittsfield, someone gets fired or quits...

I'm going to start a Go Fund Me.
If i can get $50, we'll go to the Vermont Country Store one state up.
If i can get $500, we'll go to Canada, see what crossing the border does.
If i can get $5000, I'll take the wife to Hawaii, see what the distance does.
If i can get $10,000, we'll go to London and hope for impeachment.

No, you would have to go to Pyongyang for impeachment.
Steve Bannon Detonates His Trump Survival Plan, Worrying Allies

Bannon — the polarizing and enigmatic hero of the alt-right, who has become a flashpoint in the aftermath of the white supremacist violence in Charlottesville, Virginia — has for months drawn the president's ire, with Trump feeling his strategist seeks too much credit for his election win.

"That fucking Steve Bannon taking credit for my election," Trump recently told a confidant, referring to a new book focused on Bannon's influence, Devil's Bargain by Joshua Green, according to a source with knowledge of the conversation.
Trump's anger with his chief strategist goes back to the early days of his presidency. He was reportedly livid when Bannon appeared on a February Time magazine cover declaring him "The Great Manipulator," and the president has more recently seethed over Green's book that casts Bannon as the intellectual mastermind of Trumpism.

"The president is not happy with the Joshua Green book," a source close to the administration said. "Every other page is a love letter to Steve Bannon."

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