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Baseball HoF'er and White House Lawyer Ty Cobb to retire

Jimmy Higgins

Jan 31, 2001
Basic Beliefs
Calvinistic Atheist
Meanwhile in the "When rains, it fucking pours" world that is the Trump Administration, Ty Cobb, the President's Lawyer (and baseball Hall of Famer)... as in the President, not Donald Trump personally, has confirmed he will be retiring by the end of May.

So either he is done with this job after 10 months or he thinks that Trump will be gone by then. I can only presume it has to be the later, because everyone is saying "Trump is resigning by the end of May".
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That's too bad. I loved him in Field of Dreams and I was glad he got himself more work. I look forward to his next role where he defends his cattle farm from a group of rustlers.
That's too bad. I loved him in Field of Dreams and I was glad he got himself more work. I look forward to his next role where he defends his cattle farm from a group of rustlers.

Actually, Cobb wasn't allowed on the team in "Field of Dreams" because, as Shoeless Joe so eloquently put it, "None of us could stand the son-of-a-bitch when he was alive, so we told him to stick it."

Kind of how I feel about this whole "administration".
That's too bad. I loved him in Field of Dreams and I was glad he got himself more work. I look forward to his next role where he defends his cattle farm from a group of rustlers.

Actually, Cobb wasn't allowed on the team in "Field of Dreams" because, as Shoeless Joe so eloquently put it, "None of could stand the son-of-a-bitch when he was alive, so we told him to stick it."

Kind of how I feel about this whole "administration".

Oh ya, I was thinking of Shoeless Joe. I may have also confused this lawyer with Wilford Brimley while thinking of his role in a Western.

Perhaps, to avoid potential confusion in the future, we should simply refer to him as "Rat Abandoning The Sinking Ship #37".
That's too bad. I loved him in Field of Dreams and I was glad he got himself more work. I look forward to his next role where he defends his cattle farm from a group of rustlers.

Actually, Cobb wasn't allowed on the team in "Field of Dreams" because, as Shoeless Joe so eloquently put it, "None of could stand the son-of-a-bitch when he was alive, so we told him to stick it."

Kind of how I feel about this whole "administration".

Oh ya, I was thinking of Shoeless Joe. I may have also confused this lawyer with Wilford Brimley while thinking of his role in a Western.
I was assuming you were confusing him with Lee J Cobb for the movie.

Perhaps, to avoid potential confusion in the future, we should simply refer to him as "Rat Abandoning The Sinking Ship #37".
The Rat King from the Nutcracker resigns from the White House.

Damn it!
Perhaps, to avoid potential confusion in the future, we should simply refer to him as "Rat Abandoning The Sinking Ship #37".
Oh, I wish I could draw political cartoons.
We need a White House with a deli sign. "NOW SERVING LEAVING: 0037."


ETA: With Kelly and other individuals standing on the lawn, looking up at the sign. "The main source of stress in the White House was, of course, the fact that no one told each other what number they had..."
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Perhaps, to avoid potential confusion in the future, we should simply refer to him as "Rat Abandoning The Sinking Ship #37".
Oh, I wish I could draw political cartoons.
We need a White House with a deli sign. "NOW SERVING LEAVING: 0037."


ETA: With Kelly and other individuals standing on the lawn, looking up at the sign. "The main source of stress in the White House was, of course, the fact that no one told each other what number they had..."
It'd need a revolving door with a sign saying "Trump Cabinet Entrance".
Working in the White House is going to be like Jury Duty. When you get that postcard in the mail, you have to drop everything and tell your boss and family that you're going to be sequestered for a week or three.

The only difference is, you can get out of jury duty by claiming that you're prejudiced or insane.
How long will Fludd last? Well...


Trump: I would love to speak with Robert Mueller
President Trump said there's nothing more he would love to do than speak with the special counsel, but his lawyers advise against it.

"Nobody wants to speak more than me. In fact, against my lawyers, because most lawyers they never speak on anything. I would love to speak. Because we have done nothing wrong. There was no collusion with the Russians. There was nothing, no obstruction."
Trump said this to reporters as he was heading to the NRA meeting in Dallas.

Mueller is interested in asking Trump a variety of questions related to the 2016 campaign and people who have figured in Trump's personal life, business interactions and administration, according to a list of questions for Trump obtained and reported on by The New York Times.

Fludd is quite reputable. But it seems his ego is telling him that he can walk through this field of manure without getting shit on his shoes.
How long will Fludd last? Well...


Trump: I would love to speak with Robert Mueller
President Trump said there's nothing more he would love to do than speak with the special counsel, but his lawyers advise against it.

"Nobody wants to speak more than me. In fact, against my lawyers, because most lawyers they never speak on anything. I would love to speak. Because we have done nothing wrong. There was no collusion with the Russians. There was nothing, no obstruction."
Trump said this to reporters as he was heading to the NRA meeting in Dallas.

Mueller is interested in asking Trump a variety of questions related to the 2016 campaign and people who have figured in Trump's personal life, business interactions and administration, according to a list of questions for Trump obtained and reported on by The New York Times.

Fludd is quite reputable. But it seems his ego is telling him that he can walk through this field of manure without getting shit on his shoes.

The bumper crop of hypocrisy just keeps on coming: Elmer Emmett Flood was one of BILL CLINTON's attorneys in his impeachment trial. But Cheato's sycophants are howling that the wife of an FBI employee accepting $500 from the Clinton campaign makes the whole FBI investigation a partisan hatchet job - unethical, they say...
The bumper crop of hypocrisy just keeps on coming: Elmer Emmett Flood was one of BILL CLINTON's attorneys in his impeachment trial. But Cheato's sycophants are howling that the wife of an FBI employee accepting $500 from the Clinton campaign makes the whole FBI investigation a partisan hatchet job - unethical, they say...

Well, that's why he got impeached and sent to jail. It's not because he was guilty, it's because his attorneys were a bunch of partisan hacks who screwed up the case deliberately as a favour to Hillary Clinton. The Deep State is doing everything it can to stop America from being great again! SAD!
How long will Fludd last? Well...


Trump: I would love to speak with Robert Mueller
President Trump said there's nothing more he would love to do than speak with the special counsel, but his lawyers advise against it.

"Nobody wants to speak more than me. In fact, against my lawyers, because most lawyers they never speak on anything. I would love to speak. Because we have done nothing wrong. There was no collusion with the Russians. There was nothing, no obstruction."
Trump said this to reporters as he was heading to the NRA meeting in Dallas.

Mueller is interested in asking Trump a variety of questions related to the 2016 campaign and people who have figured in Trump's personal life, business interactions and administration, according to a list of questions for Trump obtained and reported on by The New York Times.

Fludd is quite reputable. But it seems his ego is telling him that he can walk through this field of manure without getting shit on his shoes.

The bumper crop of hypocrisy just keeps on coming: Elmer Emmett Flood was one of BILL CLINTON's attorneys in his impeachment trial. But Cheato's sycophants are howling that the wife of an FBI employee accepting $500 from the Clinton campaign makes the whole FBI investigation a partisan hatchet job - unethical, they say...

Stephen Colbert speaking in Trump's voice: "The crooked Clintons are the most corrupt people in the world. Get me their lawyer."
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