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Big-Name Lawyers refuse to work for President Trump


Jul 27, 2000
Eugene, OR
Basic Beliefs
Four top law firms turned down requests to represent Trump
Top lawyers with at least four major law firms rebuffed White House overtures to represent President Trump in the Russia investigations, in part over concerns that the president would be unwilling to listen to their advice, according to five sources familiar with discussions about the matter.

The president’s chief lawyer now in charge of the case is Marc E. Kasowitz, a tough New York civil litigator who for years has aggressively represented Trump in multiple business and public relations disputes — often with threats of countersuits and menacing public statements — but who has little experience dealing with complex congressional and Justice Department investigations that are inevitably influenced by media coverage and public opinion.
They had a variety of reasons:
  • Other commitments
  • Potential conflicts of interest
  • Whether DT would accept his lawyers' advice and avoid hurting his case with public comments
  • Whether DT will pay the lawyers' fees
  • That association with DT could alienate potential recruits and other clients
  • That association with DT could hurt a firm's reputation

Ed Brayton: Top Law Firms Refused to Represent Trump
These attorneys were rightly concerned that he wouldn’t pay — he’s been repeatedly sued by his own attorneys for not paying them after they represented him in cases involving his refusal to pay contractors on his building projects — and that he wouldn’t listen. He’s made quite clear that he is an impossible client because he just can’t keep off the Twitter machine.
Yeah, my lawyer wouldn't even let me talk to the guys that sold us our house during the sale. I can't imagine defending Trump and not demanding that he surrender the twitter account. But trying to get him to NOT COMMENT ABOUT SHIT when the microphones are pointed at him.... That's a deal breaker.
In a way, we have to be thankful that our president is well...too stupid to keep his own mouth shut. It's really been of tremendous help. If every you're in doubt about Trump's state of mind, whether his plans were actually intentionally nefarious, or why he does what he does, just ask him. Actually you don't have to even ask him. He'll just offer it up for you when he's feeling low on attention.
A while back, one of the state representatives for Idaho, Hansen, was up on Tax Fraud charges. He defended himself in court.
The judge watched this monkey act for a while and finally said, "He's probably not committing any crimes, he's just too stupid to fill out a tax form."
Hansen protested the insult and even though he was acquitted of the charges, he appealed the decision. Kind of doubling down on the judge's impression....

Maybe if we just get SNL to write skits and monologues about Trump being "too stupid to commit (fill in the blank)" he'll tweet-boast about how he's getting away with it....?
A while back, one of the state representatives for Idaho, Hansen, was up on Tax Fraud charges. He defended himself in court.
The judge watched this monkey act for a while and finally said, "He's probably not committing any crimes, he's just too stupid to fill out a tax form."
Hansen protested the insult and even though he was acquitted of the charges, he appealed the decision. Kind of doubling down on the judge's impression....

Maybe if we just get SNL to write skits and monologues about Trump being "too stupid to commit (fill in the blank)" he'll tweet-boast about how he's getting away with it....?

That story you told reads like an episode of Seinfeld/Curb your enthusiasm.
This proves that there is a conspiracy against Trump! How else do you explain all of those letters refusing to work for the greatest, most successful, most not-guilty president of all time! I bet all of those lawyers were involved in pizza-gate! Sandy Hook was fake news!!!! [/Conservolibertarian]
Any lawyer would want to be paid up front

It might work if a law firm insists on a $10 million up front payment to hold for closing expenses. And a notice that if monthly bills are not paid within 30 days, work will be stopped and they will proceed towards shuttering legal support and reconciling expenses out of the upfront payment. Oh, and billing disputes will be required to go thru arbitration, and any refund of the remaining upfront payment will not happen until billing expenses are accepted as closed by both parties.

Of course that agreement will require 147 pages of legalese...
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