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Can we talk about how awful of a politician Trump is for a while?

That's like starting a conversation about "Ice - it turns out that it's cold".

How awful Trump is as a politician is the heart of every conversation about Trump. He doesn't know what he's doing on any level.
That's like starting a conversation about "Ice - it turns out that it's cold".

How awful Trump is as a politician is the heart of every conversation about Trump. He doesn't know what he's doing on any level.

It's funny to watch, because when he was elected I expected some semblance of competence among his admin, which usually just goes without saying when you're talking the highest office of one of the most powerful countries in the world. But nope, it turns out that when a delusional moron reaches that level it just turns into an utter shit show. His incompetence is really playing out in real time on a grand scale.
The question always was, 'Will there be a pragmatic turn by President Trump?' The White House changes people, well people that feel responsible for their actions.

The answer ended up being, quite clearly, "No!!!!" Not only is Trump not pragmatic, but he clearly is so into himself, that he'll put his cart anywhere that will get him attention. He has shown no willingness to lead or put competent people into positions to help lead. Trump apparently likes putting together a circus and watch everyone run about to gain his favor, regardless how destructive it is to the organization. And this is cute for a private company, but when you are trying to run the nation, not cute.

It appears Trump wants nothing but to be praised because he is Donald Trump. Not because of anything he has done. Which is why he isn't actually governing, he is busy bullying on Twitter, getting his name in the news. So now that DC hates his fucking guts (his shit with McCain, Murkowski, Sessions has got to be reaching a threshold of no return with the Republicans), he has to head out to the campaign trail (3.5 years from the next election) in order to get that glowy feeling from people that applaud him. He is like a pretentious one-hit wonder, trying to find the biggest bowl that'll have him applauded.

What is worst is that the people going to these campaign rallies (yes, they are actually campaign rallies), seem to think he is doing a great job, despite having signed not a single piece of legislation of any significance, six months into the job. With the failure of health care, tax reform is doomed because in order to pass tax reform with only 50 votes, you need it to be revenue neutral. And without all that spending cut from ACA, they lack the revenue to "cut" to pay for a big tax cut. And with the writing hopefully on the wall, McConnell probably is thinking killing the filibuster right now may not be a great idea (despite Trump indicating as such). And of course, the Republicans couldn't even repeal ACA with just 50 votes!

The Republicans aren't looking at a Job's bill, but merely a budget that needs to be passed in early Fall. So Trump is looking to have accomplished almost nothing in the first 9 months.

That is outstanding for a President, just not in the good way.
The question always was, 'Will there be a pragmatic turn by President Trump?' The White House changes people, well people that feel responsible for their actions.

The answer ended up being, quite clearly, "No!!!!" Not only is Trump not pragmatic, but he clearly is so into himself, that he'll put his cart anywhere that will get him attention. He has shown no willingness to lead or put competent people into positions to help lead. Trump apparently likes putting together a circus and watch everyone run about to gain his favor, regardless how destructive it is to the organization. And this is cute for a private company, but when you are trying to run the nation, not cute.

It appears Trump wants nothing but to be praised because he is Donald Trump. Not because of anything he has done. Which is why he isn't actually governing, he is busy bullying on Twitter, getting his name in the news. So now that DC hates his fucking guts (his shit with McCain, Murkowski, Sessions has got to be reaching a threshold of no return with the Republicans), he has to head out to the campaign trail (3.5 years from the next election) in order to get that glowy feeling from people that applaud him. He is like a pretentious one-hit wonder, trying to find the biggest bowl that'll have him applauded.

What is worst is that the people going to these campaign rallies (yes, they are actually campaign rallies), seem to think he is doing a great job, despite having signed not a single piece of legislation of any significance, six months into the job. With the failure of health care, tax reform is doomed because in order to pass tax reform with only 50 votes, you need it to be revenue neutral. And without all that spending cut from ACA, they lack the revenue to "cut" to pay for a big tax cut. And with the writing hopefully on the wall, McConnell probably is thinking killing the filibuster right now may not be a great idea (despite Trump indicating as such). And of course, the Republicans couldn't even repeal ACA with just 50 votes!

The Republicans aren't looking at a Job's bill, but merely a budget that needs to be passed in early Fall. So Trump is looking to have accomplished almost nothing in the first 9 months.

That is outstanding for a President, just not in the good way.

And for this to be the case and that he 1) decided to run, and 2) got elected, really makes you question the very foundation of how our democracy works.

If we're electing people who not only can't lead well, but are actively making things worse, what the hell is the point of holding a national vote?
If you can, check out Peggy Noonan's piece in WSJ "Trump's a Drama Queen"

Sniveling weakling, a blubbering limpdick.
This might be a natural point in the evolution of democracy. At some point, an idiot is likely to be elected because the people are idiots. In France, the best option was a political newbie that was really rich... he was the best option. The other option was a racist fuck. Luckily in most of the other European nations, the racist fucks lost as well.

In the US, when things get good, people start complaining about the dumbest shit. And these people's electoral power was magnified by a lack of certain other demographics. Gore lost, Clinton lost despite a great economy under Bill Clinton and a resurgent economy under Barrack Obama. The Americans got stupid. First, the right-wingers went with the draft dodging Ivy League establishment candidate over McCain. Then they tried to go with literally anyone but Romney in '12. And in '16, they finally got their dream pick in an asshole who belonged no where near DC, who told them exactly what they wanted to hear, despite him obviously not giving a fuck about them.
I think that about the end of year 2 of his administration, only retarded elderly conservatives will still support Trump. He is incompetent, and embarrassingly loutish. He is not going to become more presidential. I suspect that toward the end of 2 years, people will just be weary of Trump, the GOP, the Freedumb Caucua, Tea party and this parody of conservatism. Where this will all lead is hard to say. I suspect that the midterm elections will see fierce political battles as some more centrist Republicans challenge the more outrageously incompetent GOP congressmen, and ultra-conservatives try to "primary" less radical GOP candidates.

Not to mention the Democratic attempt to unseat the worst fools. Which I am not sure is going to work in the end. Unless the GOP screws up royally, for example passing a repeal of ACA and seeing the predictions of chaos come true.

This is going to be the strangest period of US peace time politics since the Great Depression.
You need to remember something. Trump brownshirters don't love Trump because of any policy. They love Trump's image. The alpha male high school bully. These people will never stop loving him. The Republicans, sure, but his base, a lot of them will choose Trump over the Republicans any day. If Trump could survive to 2020, I could see a three man election and the Democrat landslide in the EC... an actual one.
When he won the election we hoped against all hope that what we saw during the campaign would not materialize in the Oval Office. That to some extent it was a charade. That thread of hope was quickly dashed as we witnessed the people he was surrounding himself with. What is interesting now is The Evil Administration, while evil, was not decidedly nuts. And they just cannot square what this crazy man is saying and doing. Priebus is gone, Bannon is probably soon to follow, Tillerson? Where's Rex?
Do crazy people love company? Will he and Scaramucci be lasting buds? I doubt it. Crazy lives in isolation. No one gets in because no one understands.
How awful of a politician is Trump? He's hell and gone. I think we can survive that, for a while. Not too long I hope. How awful of a Commander in Chief is he? That's the scary part.
Can we talk about how awful of a politician Trump is for a while?

We already did that as a nation. It was called the 2016 election campaign. I thought he was elected *because* he was an awful politician. That was a feature, not a bug. The main selling point as far as I could tell. Am I missing something here? Wasn't that the point for his followers/voters?
Not a 'feature' so much as a promise.
Immediately perverted by all the politicians he hired and appointed to help 'drain the swamp.'
Trump got elected, did not he? That makes him good politician, at least until he is booted/impeached out.

Nope, it just means he had the ability to get elected under weird circumstances. Being a good politician also means being effectual in you know.. actually doing something.

Dude can't even get his evil policies passed.
For the past several decades the republican answer to republican crazy has been more republican crazy, so I don't expect the assclown show to end anytime soon. It's just scary there are so many morons willing to support Il Douche".

Einstein left Germany because he said his country had gone mad. What goes around comes around.

Democrats try to take care of national issues so people have easier, happier lives. Republicans like to keep people stupid. Maybe the combination of happy and stupid is taking its natural course.
Trump got elected, did not he? That makes him good politician, at least until he is booted/impeached out.
I think that's a bit of an oxymoron, being 'good' at a job until you're sacked for being incompetent at your job?
Trump got elected, did not he? That makes him good politician, at least until he is booted/impeached out.
I think that's a bit of an oxymoron, being 'good' at a job until you're sacked for being incompetent at your job?
Yes, that's how I view modern politicians, get elected and then kept on being reelected.
I think that's a bit of an oxymoron, being 'good' at a job until you're sacked for being incompetent at your job?
Yes, that's how I view modern politicians, get elected and then kept on being reelected.
So, if he can't do that, he's not a good politician.

So far, he's got a winning streak of one... And an approval rating in the 30s.
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