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Cheato team memory lapses


Made in America
Sep 23, 2012
Basic Beliefs
English is complicated
"President Trump’s eldest son, Donald Trump Jr., was promised damaging information about Hillary Clinton before agreeing to meet with a Kremlin-connected Russian lawyer during the 2016 campaign, according to three advisers to the White House briefed on the meeting and two others with knowledge of it."

So... Junior, Kushner and Manafort ALL conveniently "forgot" about their meeting with this Russian operative who promised dirt on Clinton ...
No, WP nothing to see here - move right along...
This regime is screwed. Or the rest of us are.
Here is a question, why is Jr the point man, and not Manafort? Was Manafort trying to cover himself and keep main communication between the stupid billionaire's family? While Donnie Jr's public statement likely admits to committing a crime, Jared Kuschner has to be in trouble here. He is the one with security clearance. Not including this in his contacts as well (though I can understand why). Is that two felonies now?
Would it surprise anyone if we woke up one morning to find that Trump has sought asylum in Moscow?

They sent the harpy out early this morning to twist this one. Something along the line of "He didn't get any useful information, so it wasn't collusion." This from a former attorney.

Pick your analogy and it'll accurately apply:

"I went to go murder Bob, but when I shot at him I missed, and he got away. Therefore, I can't be guilty of anything."

"I went into the bank, held a gun to the teller's head, but she didn't have any money to give me. Therefore, I'm not guilty of anything."


Unless attempt was purged from our legal system prior to the event in question, I cannot see how this wasn't a crime.

And with Fuckstick Jr. bragging about nobody doing anything without Sr. instructing them to do it, it seems incredibly unlikely that Sr. didn't know about this. So you have at least one attempt to collude with Russia, an almost certain cover up, and it's still relatively early in the investigation.

And Kushner's in deep shit too. I can actually buy that someone like Jeff Sessions, who, in his position as a U.S. Senator could have an offhand meeting with a Russian for a few minutes and not remember it. But when you meet with a Russian attorney for the specific purpose of gathering dirt on an opposing candidate, you don't just forget that. And you certainly don't not mention it to Trump Sr.

Again, we're still early into this. And in thinking down the road, if this turns out to be as bad as it all looks, will Pence Pardon all these people? Ford pardoned Nixon, but what Nixon did was child's play by compare.
Here is a question, why is Jr the point man, and not Manafort? Was Manafort trying to cover himself and keep main communication between the stupid billionaire's family? While Donnie Jr's public statement likely admits to committing a crime, Jared Kuschner has to be in trouble here. He is the one with security clearance. Not including this in his contacts as well (though I can understand why). Is that two felonies now?

I've lost count of the felonies and potential felonies. But it doesn't matter - as long as the Cheato Family remain useful fools for the GOP, there will be no repercussions.
Best scenario I could foresee would be that some really damaging shit emerges in October 2018, causing widespread ousters of trumpsucking congresscritters, followed by a few indictments from Mueller after the elections. At the very least, that should keep the War on the Poor and other malicious GOP agenda items somewhat suppressed, even if it doesn't result in Cheato's impeachment.
Would it surprise anyone if we woke up one morning to find that Trump has sought asylum in Moscow?

They sent the harpy out early this morning to twist this one. Something along the line of "He didn't get any useful information, so it wasn't collusion." This from a former attorney.

Pick your analogy and it'll accurately apply:

"I went to go murder Bob, but when I shot at him I missed, and he got away. Therefore, I can't be guilty of anything."

"I went into the bank, held a gun to the teller's head, but she didn't have any money to give me. Therefore, I'm not guilty of anything."


Unless attempt was purged from our legal system prior to the event in question, I cannot see how this wasn't a crime.

And with Fuckstick Jr. bragging about nobody doing anything without Sr. instructing them to do it, it seems incredibly unlikely that Sr. didn't know about this. So you have at least one attempt to collude with Russia, an almost certain cover up, and it's still relatively early in the investigation.

And Kushner's in deep shit too. I can actually buy that someone like Jeff Sessions, who, in his position as a U.S. Senator could have an offhand meeting with a Russian for a few minutes and not remember it. But when you meet with a Russian attorney for the specific purpose of gathering dirt on an opposing candidate, you don't just forget that. And you certainly don't not mention it to Trump Sr.

Again, we're still early into this. And in thinking down the road, if this turns out to be as bad as it all looks, will Pence Pardon all these people? Ford pardoned Nixon, but what Nixon did was child's play by compare.

None of that will happen unless the GOP generally grows a set of balls.
Would it surprise anyone if we woke up one morning to find that Trump has sought asylum in Moscow?

They sent the harpy out early this morning to twist this one. Something along the line of "He didn't get any useful information, so it wasn't collusion." This from a former attorney.

Pick your analogy and it'll accurately apply:

"I went to go murder Bob, but when I shot at him I missed, and he got away. Therefore, I can't be guilty of anything."

"I went into the bank, held a gun to the teller's head, but she didn't have any money to give me. Therefore, I'm not guilty of anything."


Unless attempt was purged from our legal system prior to the event in question, I cannot see how this wasn't a crime.

And with Fuckstick Jr. bragging about nobody doing anything without Sr. instructing them to do it, it seems incredibly unlikely that Sr. didn't know about this. So you have at least one attempt to collude with Russia, an almost certain cover up, and it's still relatively early in the investigation.

And Kushner's in deep shit too. I can actually buy that someone like Jeff Sessions, who, in his position as a U.S. Senator could have an offhand meeting with a Russian for a few minutes and not remember it. But when you meet with a Russian attorney for the specific purpose of gathering dirt on an opposing candidate, you don't just forget that. And you certainly don't not mention it to Trump Sr.

Again, we're still early into this. And in thinking down the road, if this turns out to be as bad as it all looks, will Pence Pardon all these people? Ford pardoned Nixon, but what Nixon did was child's play by compare.

None of that will happen unless the GOP generally grows a set of balls.

You're probably right. However, this could spin out of control. Even more out of control than it is and the shit might start splattering Republicans to the point where they have to do something or risk their own careers. That's because at some point, it's foreseeable that their assistance could amount to aiding the coverup, which in itself would be a crime. While that's far from certain to happen, there's obviously a lot we still don't know. But Trump is far from above asking people to commit criminal acts on his behalf, and he doesn't seem to be aware that there's anything wrong with that.

Here's another thing. If Trump asks an attorney for advice on how to get help covering something up, his attorney has an obligation to report that because an attorney can't give legal advice for the purpose of helping a client commit fraud, a criminal act, etc. The attorney could be disbarred and held criminally liable. Confidentiality rules don't apply to such a situation (generally). I mention this because I think it demonstrates just how easily one can become criminally culpable in a situation like this. Conspiracy is a serious offense and generally, to be guilty of conspiracy all that's required is an agreement among two or more people to commit a criminal act, usually coupled with an overt act in furtherance of the conspiracy. In addition, someone who joins in the conspiracy after its been set in motion is equally as guilty as the original parties. It's a crime that can really reach out and grab a lot of people very quickly.

Whatever the case, it seems like we're now officially in even more uncharted-uncharted waters.
Best scenario I could foresee would be that some really damaging shit emerges in October 2018, causing widespread ousters of trumpsucking congresscritters, followed by a few indictments from Mueller after the elections.
1) Mueller publishes his findings. Including a list of the indictments that will be leveled as soon as Trump is out of office, either as part of the election process, term limit or impeachment
2) Trump finally sees that he can't continue as a spoiled child, mans up, becomes a world leader and seeks forgiveness from the American People, and their representatives, so that there are no riots when he pardons everyone he's ever spoken to and resigns three days before the election, Giving Pence just enough time to take the oath of office with Trump's pardon in his vest pocket...


2) Trump finally sees the writing on the wall and loses his shit, alienating everyone, orders the bombing of North Korea from the command center in Air Force One, while fleeing to a new Hotel he's built in Moscow. Putin tries to open extradition talks while the new President says, "No, that's okay, we're good."
None of that will happen unless the GOP generally grows a set of balls.

You're probably right. However, this could spin out of control. Even more out of control than it is and the shit might start splattering Republicans to the point where they have to do something or risk their own careers.

They'll keep sitting on their thumbs, waiting to see how effectively Cheato's war on the media works out. Most of them will have no qualms about going along with the "alternative facts" presented by Breitbart and Fox, if they sense that a good part of their constituency is buying into them.
Best scenario I could foresee would be that some really damaging shit emerges in October 2018, causing widespread ousters of trumpsucking congresscritters, followed by a few indictments from Mueller after the elections.
1) Mueller publishes his findings. Including a list of the indictments that will be leveled as soon as Trump is out of office, either as part of the election process, term limit or impeachment
2) Trump finally sees that he can't continue as a spoiled child, mans up, becomes a world leader and seeks forgiveness from the American People, and their representatives, so that there are no riots when he pardons everyone he's ever spoken to and resigns three days before the election, Giving Pence just enough time to take the oath of office with Trump's pardon in his vest pocket...


2) Trump finally sees the writing on the wall and loses his shit, alienating everyone, orders the bombing of North Korea from the command center in Air Force One, while fleeing to a new Hotel he's built in Moscow. Putin tries to open extradition talks while the new President says, "No, that's okay, we're good."

I am curious about one thing; it appears a virtual certainty now, that Uncle Vlad is holding a sword over Cheato's head (probably related to that infamous dossier). Under what circumstances could he be expected to play that card? Being a one-time use device, he'd certainly reserve it for maximum effect, but I'm having a hard time seeing why he'd EVER play it, as long as Cheato remains cowering in terror before him. Is there ANY chance that Cheato could run far enough afoul of his Handler in Chief (Putin) that Vlad would opt to push the "Trump-Destruct" button?
Being a one-time use device, he'd certainly reserve it for maximum effect, but I'm having a hard time seeing why he'd EVER play it,
He gets some major leverage on a Democrat?
Said Democrat announces candidacy on an "I'm Not Trump" platform, Putin releases the doomsday dossier, Democrat shifts to an almost bipartisan 'we have to clean up after Trump' platform, millions of Repubs who suddenly insist they never REALLY supported Trump swing to 'Clean Up' Party for one election, landslide, Democrat limits national attention to overseas issues while we reunite and reconnect within our own borders, Putin has free reign wherever he goes...
Being a one-time use device, he'd certainly reserve it for maximum effect, but I'm having a hard time seeing why he'd EVER play it,
He gets some major leverage on a Democrat?
Said Democrat announces candidacy on an "I'm Not Trump" platform, Putin releases the doomsday dossier, Democrat shifts to an almost bipartisan 'we have to clean up after Trump' platform, millions of Repubs who suddenly insist they never REALLY supported Trump swing to 'Clean Up' Party for one election, landslide, Democrat limits national attention to overseas issues while we reunite and reconnect within our own borders, Putin has free reign wherever he goes...

Maybe if we provided Vlad some big enough FAKE NEWS about a democrat having pissing parties in a Moscow hotel, he might bite... but "Democrat limits national attention to overseas issues while we reunite and reconnect within our own borders, Putin has free reign wherever he goes... "
I don't see how that follows, unless there was REAL NEWS about such a democrat. Are you suggesting that any prospective Dem candidates should start booking their Moscow vacations today?
1) Mueller publishes his findings. Including a list of the indictments that will be leveled as soon as Trump is out of office, either as part of the election process, term limit or impeachment
2) Trump finally sees that he can't continue as a spoiled child, mans up, becomes a world leader and seeks forgiveness from the American People, and their representatives, so that there are no riots when he pardons everyone he's ever spoken to and resigns three days before the election, Giving Pence just enough time to take the oath of office with Trump's pardon in his vest pocket...


2) Trump finally sees the writing on the wall and loses his shit, alienating everyone, orders the bombing of North Korea from the command center in Air Force One, while fleeing to a new Hotel he's built in Moscow. Putin tries to open extradition talks while the new President says, "No, that's okay, we're good."

I am curious about one thing; it appears a virtual certainty now, that Uncle Vlad is holding a sword over Cheato's head (probably related to that infamous dossier). Under what circumstances could he be expected to play that card? Being a one-time use device, he'd certainly reserve it for maximum effect, but I'm having a hard time seeing why he'd EVER play it, as long as Cheato remains cowering in terror before him. Is there ANY chance that Cheato could run far enough afoul of his Handler in Chief (Putin) that Vlad would opt to push the "Trump-Destruct" button?

If that's true then Putin will look to overthrow the Ukrainian government ... and soon while Trump still has some credibility with his base. That's the lowest hanging fruit of any consequence. It would be a major humiliation for Trump and shatter the US coalition. He has nothing to gain from exposing Trump. Trump will self-destruct on his own. If it's true.
I am curious about one thing; it appears a virtual certainty now, that Uncle Vlad is holding a sword over Cheato's head (probably related to that infamous dossier). Under what circumstances could he be expected to play that card? Being a one-time use device, he'd certainly reserve it for maximum effect, but I'm having a hard time seeing why he'd EVER play it, as long as Cheato remains cowering in terror before him. Is there ANY chance that Cheato could run far enough afoul of his Handler in Chief (Putin) that Vlad would opt to push the "Trump-Destruct" button?

If that's true then Putin will look to overthrow the Ukrainian government ... and soon while Trump still has some credibility with his base. That's the lowest hanging fruit of any consequence. It would be a major humiliation for Trump and shatter the US coalition. He has nothing to gain from exposing Trump. Trump will self-destruct on his own. If it's true.

If Vlad senses that his puppet strings are fraying, I doubt he'll stop there. He needs to pump up his nationalist supporters, and Ukraine is a pretty minor prize that they already think is in their pocket. I'd expect him to invade Latvia or Lithuania.
If that's true then Putin will look to overthrow the Ukrainian government ... and soon while Trump still has some credibility with his base. That's the lowest hanging fruit of any consequence. It would be a major humiliation for Trump and shatter the US coalition. He has nothing to gain from exposing Trump. Trump will self-destruct on his own. If it's true.

If Vlad senses that his puppet strings are fraying, I doubt he'll stop there. He needs to pump up his nationalist supporters, and Ukraine is a pretty minor prize that they already think is in their pocket. I'd expect him to invade Latvia or Lithuania.

There's a major NATO presence in Latvia, Lthuania, Estonia, and Poland. Ukraine would require direct US intervention.
If Vlad senses that his puppet strings are fraying, I doubt he'll stop there. He needs to pump up his nationalist supporters, and Ukraine is a pretty minor prize that they already think is in their pocket. I'd expect him to invade Latvia or Lithuania.

There's a major NATO presence in Latvia, Lthuania, Estonia, and Poland. Ukraine would require direct US intervention.

That's what would make it such a big feather in his cap. Or is that a notch on his belt? With his head so far up his ass, is there any difference?
There's a major NATO presence in Latvia, Lthuania, Estonia, and Poland. Ukraine would require direct US intervention.

That's what would make it such a big feather in his cap. Or is that a notch on his belt? With his head so far up his ass, is there any difference?

But it would unite the west against Russia and he'd need to back down. He might pull down Trump but Putin would lose face and gain nothing. You seem to think he's as feckless as Trump.
That's what would make it such a big feather in his cap. Or is that a notch on his belt? With his head so far up his ass, is there any difference?

But it would unite the west against Russia and he'd need to back down. He might pull down Trump but Putin would lose face and gain nothing. You seem to think he's as feckless as Trump.

I was thinking that at that point (should it arrive) Trump would do ANYTHING to keep Uncle Vlad from dumping the dirt on him, including pulling out of NATO or whatever Vlad required.
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