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Consequences of Trump's Low Approval Numbers


Jan 10, 2004
Port Clinton, Ohio
Basic Beliefs
It now looks like it will a long time (if ever) before Donald's approval number gets into the 40s. There's a caveat to that: Bush 2 went from mediocre numbers to hysterical highs, like 90%, after 9/11. But assume for a minute that Donald stalls around the mid- or low- 30s and stays there. Has any President in the age of polling stayed that low? I believe Nixon was in that territory in his last year in the White House.
What are the consequences of perpetually low numbers? Is there any good precedent? I heard one talking head on MSNBC state that 'you just can't govern at that level', but I found that to be incomprehensible and false to the facts. Trump can obviously issue p.o.'s, appoint judges, threaten other countries, launch missile strikes -- he does all these.
Make the nauseating assumption that he will be in office in '18, '19, and '20, but never at higher than 40% approval -- what will result? I have a few guesses. Mine are:
1) Obviously, worse relations with Congress, particularly since he sees setbacks as an opportunity to lambaste those he calls responsible. Also, Ryan, McConnell et al are already tired of responding to his nutty or racist statements, and they have to worry about midterms & beyond.
2) Even more erratic behavior from Trump, because he'll seek to hold on to the 35% that love his petulance and trash talk. As long as he can get a West Virginia audience to shriek at what he hollers, he'll keep the act going.
3) Worse relations with allies, if that's even possible. It's not inconceivable that mass protests will preclude him showing up for summits in European capitals. It's not even too fantastic to imagine countries recalling their ambassadors. Nothing is beyond imagining with Donald.
4) As a corollary, the absolute inability of the U.S. to put together a coalition for any military of 'peace keeping' mission whatsoever. Bush 2 probably ended that era, anyway, but Donald is more unpopular than Bush 2; quite an accomplishment for 7 months effort.
5) Big juicy defections from his staff. The ones with some personal standards. Remains to be seen, but I can't believe that staff can all stand in the midst of that terrific belching stink and not consider bolting. (And, hopefully, dishing.)
6) Most unfortunate for the world, an increasing 'rogue' mindset in the Donald. He knows more than the generals, than the press, than his own party, than anyone who didn't vote for him. He cares less and less every passing day if others disagree with him, in fact, criticism seems to settle him more deeply in his 'convictions'. Again, what is beyond imagining with such a character?
I think that the biggest change will be more limits placed on executive power, which is a good thing.

Already, even with the GOP in charge, they've put in Russia sanctions which the President can change and they're asserting themselves on first strike capabilities without going through them.

One of the main tools of the Presidency is the bully pulpit by which he applies political pressure on Congress in order to enact his agenda. Trump doesn't have that anymore since there isn't much of a consequence of standing up to a Nazi sympathizer.
5) Big juicy defections from his staff. The ones with some personal standards. Remains to be seen, but I can't believe that staff can all stand in the midst of that terrific belching stink and not consider bolting. (And, hopefully, dishing.)

I wondered before how long Kelly will put up with Trump's antics.

5) Big juicy defections from his staff. The ones with some personal standards. Remains to be seen, but I can't believe that staff can all stand in the midst of that terrific belching stink and not consider bolting. (And, hopefully, dishing.)

I wondered before how long Kelly will put up with Trump's antics.


Is there a non-paywall version of that?
Who can we safely bomb?
Rip up treaty with Iran; push the military to spook Iran by air and sea; maybe have special ops do their stuff to piss off Iran; fake or exaggerate evidence of Iran aiding the Taliban; ratchet up the tweets until something breaks...
Who can we safely bomb?
Rip up treaty with Iran; push the military to spook Iran by air and sea; maybe have special ops do their stuff to piss off Iran; fake or exaggerate evidence of Iran aiding the Taliban; ratchet up the tweets until something breaks...
Or just decide that IRANIAN drones buzzing our aircraft, carriers, pose sufficient risk to our brave military men and blow them out of the sky. And if that doesn't start something, bomb the base they drone out of, as a preventive measure.
Tell everyone 'they asked for it.'
Rip up treaty with Iran; push the military to spook Iran by air and sea; maybe have special ops do their stuff to piss off Iran; fake or exaggerate evidence of Iran aiding the Taliban; ratchet up the tweets until something breaks...
Or just decide that IRANIAN drones buzzing our aircraft, carriers, pose sufficient risk to our brave military men and blow them out of the sky. And if that doesn't start something, bomb the base they drone out of, as a preventive measure.
Tell everyone 'they asked for it.'
Well, yeah that kind of shit to spook Iran by air and sea. Could also blow up a speed boat or two as they get kind of too close...
Who can we safely bomb?
Rip up treaty with Iran; push the military to spook Iran by air and sea; maybe have special ops do their stuff to piss off Iran; fake or exaggerate evidence of Iran aiding the Taliban; ratchet up the tweets until something breaks...

Yeah, Iran is the one. No allies, and no nuclear capability. Get those poll numbers up in a hurry.
It may not be all bad. Trump can be safely ignored by the adults around him. For example, after issuing that idiotic statement about transgendered people in the military, every leader of every branch pretty much publicly told him to fuck off. Another example is Congress passing the Russia sanctions knowing he didn't want to do it.

In short, Trump can be hemmed in by those around him, even including those who are normally considered subordinate to the POTUS.

The upshot of this is a POTUS who will have to act without support from his own party. Were Trump a brave and informed man with a well developed philosophy on anything of consequence, it could be problematic. But he is not brave, nor does he possess the flimsiest of convictions outside of an instinctual sense to self-promote. This could mean that he will continue to act the idiot while the government chugs along despite him.

It is difficult to see him getting reelected. That electoral margin isn't going to happen again. There also seems to be little threat of him growing into the position and becoming a respected statesman. That's if he even makes it to 2020. And that's if he isn't primaried out of the office by someone else. It's a long shot right now, but crazy shit seems to be the order of the day so it's far from impossible.
It may not be all bad. Trump can be safely ignored by the adults around him. For example, after issuing that idiotic statement about transgendered people in the military, every leader of every branch pretty much publicly told him to fuck off.
Not quite.
They told him to go through proper channels, no changes would be made because of a tweet.
The current word is that the pentagon is 'working with' the White House to flesh out this new policy. What it means to those serving, recruitment, retention, veterans, etc.
I'm hoping that since the response was not wholly positive from conservatives, while wholly negative from liberals, it'll be allowed to quietly die. But that's another thing that may pop up when his numbers go lower. Blame the sexual perverts and wave the flag.
Corrections to my OP: shoulda said nominate judges, not appoint. Also, I meant to write EOs instead of POs, although I did have a demented vision of Trump sitting at his desk writing purchase orders ("More lube, more lube, I am such a BIG man"). Thanks everyone for not ripping me a new one.
MSNBC last night, on Last Word (10 p.m.), had a discussion of the prediction made by one scholar of Trumpiana (I forget his name) that Donald will resign the Presidency as soon as the end of the year because 1) his ego cannot stand the increasing mockery with which he is met and 2) Mueller's probe will open the fabled tax returns and more fully reveal how Russian moles got close to SCROTUS. I think this is a liberal wet dream, and Last Word is the show where a talking head predicted a 99% chance that HRC would win the election (this was made on Election Eve.) I do think Donald would resign if the Mueller investigation was going to capsize him. But it doesn't seem to be a fast process. He gets buoyed up by the hillbilly high mass he keeps putting on in the hinterlands. That's his drug. On the other side, he is lazy and old (but his laziness fits right into his 'leadership' 'style'.) Ultimately, my image of him resigning is a result of how abhorrent I find him. Confirmation bias to the max.
Ultimately, my image of him resigning is a result of how abhorrent I find him. Confirmation bias to the max.

We're all suffering from that. I mitigate the pain by buying and selling shares on Predictit.org, betting that Trump won't be president on 12/31/2018. My micro-account started with $20, and it's almost doubled now, from buying and selling between 29 and 39 cents a share. It keeps fluctuating with the daily news, and those fluctuations are rather predictable although the extent of the movement on a given day is not. I sold some yesterday at 38 cents, and immediately put in a buy order for 50 shares at 33 cents. If it executes, I'll offer it for sale again immediately at 38-39 cents.... and on it goes. There is a certain satisfaction that vastly outweighs the $20 in gains over several months, and a sort of perverse validation of my confirmation bias. :D
I suspect he will not resign in large part because it affords him some cover from the various investigations underway. Also his big ego won't let him admit he is a failure as president.
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