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Current senior WH adviser identified as "significant person of interest" in Russia probe

Miller or Kuschner?

Oddly, I would think Bannon the cleanest of the group. Morally reprehensible, but above the fray with money laundering. I could be wrong.
I hope its Sessions.
Related story Trump-Russia investiigation: Coverup is now part of it | McClatchy Washington Bureau

Investigators into Russian meddling in the U.S. presidential elections are now also probing whether White House officials have engaged in a cover-up, according to members of Congress who were briefed Friday by Deputy Attorney General Rod Rosenstein.

That avenue of investigation was added in recent weeks after assertions by former FBI Director James Comey that President Donald Trump had tried to dissuade him from pressing an investigation into the actions of Trump’s first national security adviser, retired Army Lt. Gen. Michael Flynn, members of Congress said, though it was not clear whom that part of the probe might target.
I think this is going to get quite ugly before it's all over. There just seems to be pointed fingers at so many people in this administration, and they all look suspicious. I don't think just flipping over to Pence is going to cut it once all is said and done. Between what may be uncovered and who seems to be providing shade for the administration, the White House janitor is going to be our new president before long, if he's Republican and pass a background check.
It's probably the cook. That second scoop of ice cream is Putin's way of trying to assassinate Trump with heart disease.
Here's a little something about Kushner that pops up on my political radar suddenly.

Like Ivanka, or anyone else close to Trump, there's a human need, I think, to believe that surely someone near the president is reasonable, reachable, sane. That may just not be so. Jared is another one of those people the US shouldn't put their trust in, for sure. He's really just a stereotypical spoiled rich brat. His dad was convicted of illegal campaign contributions, tax evasion, and witness tampering, and served time in federal prison. Charles Kushner bought his son's way into Harvard, like the rich are wont to do, and he doesn't seem to be especially qualified other than being rich and well connected (again to Russians) so that others should hope he succeeds in his long list of world's problems to solve.
I have such a hard time thinking the guy is smart enough to be guilty.

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The FBI is interested in his dealings with campaign data services involved in "micro-targeting" swing state voters, and any potential use of that data (authorized or not) by threat agents (the Russians). What drove the Fake News campaign? Was it Jared and his associates? Were there "under-the-table" dealings with that data or data services?

"person of interest" and "scrutiny" are terms used in the media... The only actual information is that Jared is on the witness list. He hasn't (as far as anyone knows for sure) been approached by them yet, nor named as a subject (or suspect). His lawyers (unlike Flynn's) pledge full cooperation... whether that is to avoid suspicion of what is either inevitably discovered or thought to be well covered up, remains to be seen.

Uh oh. It looking more and more like we have something actually nefarious going on, but (fortunately) Trump's entire team is amateur time.

Kislyak reportedly was taken aback by the suggestion of allowing an American to use Russian communications gear at its embassy or consulate — a proposal that would have carried security risks for Moscow as well as the Trump team.
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