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Desperate Senators Try One Last Time for Repeal

Jimmy Higgins

Jan 31, 2001
Basic Beliefs
Calvinistic Atheist
WASHINGTON DC --- South Carolina and Louisiana Senators Lindsey Graham and Bill Cassidy have put forth the latest of iterations for their 'repeal and replace' plan of the cornerstone legislation President Obama signed early in his Presidency. The Senators indicated that their latest revision tried to remove the most controversial portions that they felt was holding up the previous versions of the legislation and they hoped this would have the support needed to pass.

A copy of the legislation indicated that the only change would be renaming the bill from "Obamacare" to the "Affordable Care Act". Some Democrats raised initial objections as the bill was never called "Obamacare" but the objections withered away as they just didn't care enough as they understood the right-wing wouldn't "get it". A number of Republicans have spoken out against this latest bill. Kentucky Senator Rand Paul indicated renaming the bill definitely didn't go "far enough" to gain his support. Texas Senator Ted Cruz indicated that the bill wasn't "deviously evil enough" for his support.

A desperate President Trump went onto Twitter to vocalize his support for the bill. "I'll sign anything!" he stated at 4:23 AM. The Tweet came hours after it was reported that Trump demanded the firing of a staff member who he witnessed kneeling down while tying a shoe.

A vote on the bill is expected to be scheduled to be cancelled sometime in the next few days..
Jimmy, you could at least cite the news article you got this from...
I'm not sure it's desperate. Could it just be more of the same playing to the crowd that their prior repeal attempts were?
Sorry for drifting off into reality, but it seems that Repeal and Replace is dead for this fiscal year. Now to see what kind of sniveling tweets will emerge over the next 12 hours... Another fail for Don the Con and his Repug swamp rats.

Senate Republicans on Tuesday abandoned a latch-ditch effort to replace Obamacare after failing to round up enough votes for the so-called Graham-Cassidy bill. Senate leader Mitch McConnell said conservatives were giving up for now and would turn their focus to tax reform.
They have until Saturday (end of fiscal year), I believe. The Republicans fucked this pooch so badly, it'll be howling for years.

You get one budget related bill that you can pass through this special maneuver. And the Republicans got to use it 0 times this year. They had no contingency plan to rapid fire tax reform instead to save the '18 bill. Fucking idiots!

The Democrats passed ACA with a Super Majority. The Republicans can't even handle passing a 50-50.
I've lost track of how many times they've tried to ram this thing through, now. A bill that already failed multiple times.. they don't actually fix it, they just try to ram it through again.

How is this real life? What in the literal fuck is wrong with the GOP?
I've lost track of how many times they've tried to ram this thing through, now. A bill that already failed multiple times.. they don't actually fix it, they just try to ram it through again.

How is this real life? What in the literal fuck is wrong with the GOP?
Its what they do...bang and ram
I've lost track of how many times they've tried to ram this thing through, now. A bill that already failed multiple times.. they don't actually fix it, they just try to ram it through again.

How is this real life? What in the literal fuck is wrong with the GOP?
They have to make a show of it, especially when Trump does not want it to pass.
I've lost track of how many times they've tried to ram this thing through, now. A bill that already failed multiple times.. they don't actually fix it, they just try to ram it through again.

How is this real life? What in the literal fuck is wrong with the GOP?

They keep trying to ram it through again because they're knuckle draggers.

In completely unrelated news, it's also how they have sex.
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