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Donald Trump: being President for Life is great


Jul 27, 2000
Eugene, OR
Basic Beliefs
Trump praises Chinese president extending tenure 'for life'
“He’s now president for life, president for life. And he’s great,” Trump said, according to audio of excerpts of Trump’s remarks at a closed-door fundraiser in Florida aired by CNN.“And look, he was able to do that. I think it’s great. Maybe we’ll have to give that a shot someday,” Trump said to cheers and applause from supporters.
So he likes the idea of being President for Life?

The US is supposed to be a republic, not a monarchy. :p
As soon as I saw that news the other day, my first thought was that Trump would like the idea.

So we'll have Obama as President for Life then. ;)
The timing of this is pretty interesting for me.

Back in the Obama years, my friend (who I just stood up for at his wedding for the second time) posted to Facebook the nutty conspiracy theory that Obama was going to overturn the 22nd Amendment somehow and declare himself President-for-Life.

After some back and forth, I made a bet with him. I said that if, on January 21st 2017 Barack Obama was still President, I'd pay him the agreed upon sum of money and ask to borrow a firearm so that I could join him in the fight against tyranny.

If Obama stepped down on schedule, all he'd have to do is admit he was wrong.

I never did collect on that bet.
The timing of this is pretty interesting for me.

Back in the Obama years, my friend (who I just stood up for at his wedding for the second time) posted to Facebook the nutty conspiracy theory that Obama was going to overturn the 22nd Amendment somehow and declare himself President-for-Life.

After some back and forth, I made a bet with him. I said that if, on January 21st 2017 Barack Obama was still President, I'd pay him the agreed upon sum of money and ask to borrow a firearm so that I could join him in the fight against tyranny.

If Obama stepped down on schedule, all he'd have to do is admit he was wrong.

I never did collect on that bet.

Of course you didn't. Today's US right wing is first and foremost about fantasy and fear. Death panels, takin' r gunz, all kinds of made up shit to excuse their fear-based aggression and hatred. Oh, and the God given right to run and hide and avoid admitting wrong at all costs.
As soon as I saw that news the other day, my first thought was that Trump would like the idea.

So we'll have Obama as President for Life then. ;)

Since he's still alive, wouldn't it be Carter?

Maybe, but the name Carter doesn't trigger right wingers to frothing fear-rage.


That maybe Obama's greatest accomplishment in office. If there were a Democratic President for life, Bill Clinton would still be in the White House. I doubt Hillary would be there with him.

The real question to be asked is "Why?" It's clear to everyone that Trump is not having a good time. Why would he want to do this for the rest of his life?
Trump has a strange insanity that is completely blind.

His presidency has been a total embarrassment. A joke.

He has led nothing. Led no one.

He is not a leader.

He is a misleader and a cheap transparent salesman.

A strange sick little bald fat man.
The right wing will, of course, dismiss this as a "joke" and insist that they don't understand why no one is laughing.

I can only imagine the play this will get in international media.
President for Life


In the closed-door remarks, a recording of which was obtained by CNN, Trump also praised China's President Xi Jinping for recently consolidating power and extending his potential tenure, musing he wouldn't mind making such a maneuver himself.
"He's now president for life. President for life. No, he's great," Trump said. "And look, he was able to do that. I think it's great. Maybe we'll have to give that a shot some day."

Yeah, that's an appropriate topic for a joke by the sitting US president.

ETA: Whoops, didn't see the other thread.
It's clear to everyone that Trump is not having a good time. Why would he want to do this for the rest of his life?

Obviously, he thinks that if nobody could ever unseat him he would be a happy little dick-tater.
A lot of conservatives were up in arms about fake conspiracies of Obama being President a third term.
It's already being framed by the right as nothing but a joke; hateful libtards have no sense of humor, etc.

Yeah, that's pretty goddamned funny in the same week he talked about doing away with due process and starting a trade war.

Fuckin' hilarious I tells ya.

And now the obligatory, yet necessary: what if Obama had said/done...
Hey, I'm all about having Trump be President For Life... as long as it's over in 2019.
I've been saying the GOP goal is to subvert our democracy--a coup from within.

Looks like he just admitted it.
It's clear to everyone that Trump is not having a good time. Why would he want to do this for the rest of his life?

Obviously, he thinks that if nobody could ever unseat him he would be a happy little dick-tater.

He'll just have to settle for being a little dick.
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