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Donald Trump: friends are innocent, enemies are guilty, no matter what


Jul 27, 2000
Eugene, OR
Basic Beliefs
Donald Trump's Strange Justice - The Atlantic -- "The president regards due process as a form of political correctness—unless he or his allies are the ones targeted by law enforcement"

Anyone he dislikes is guilty even if proven innocent (the Central Park Five), while anyone he likes is innocent even if proven guilty (Joe Arpaio).

... When it comes to racial or religious discrimination, no amount of empirical evidence seems sufficient, but no proof is necessary for the president to be absolutely certain of the innocence of his supporters.

When it comes to Trump's associates, the president becomes a self-styled expert in due process, and a devotee of the idea that one is innocent until proven guilty—or in some cases, even after. ...

Similarly, when Trump’s allies have been accused of wrongdoing but not charged with crimes, Trump has insisted on giving them the benefit of the doubt, even in the face of strong public evidence against them. ...

This benefit of the doubt is not applied to Trump’s critics and political rivals, for whom an accusation appears as good as a conviction. ...

Such rhetoric also points to how Trump wishes the law would operate. For those outside Trump’s privileged circle, the law bars no cruelty, brutality, or injustice. For Trump and those he considers his allies, no scrupulous adherence to due process is sufficient, and no crime can justify prosecution.

For the gilded class orbiting Trump Tower, impunity. For communities of color and others targeted by his rhetoric, and the public figures who draw his wrath, only the harshest sanctions will do.
The need for revenge is one of the unmistakable driving forces in the man. Enemies must be assigned a derisive name -- others in the playground are encouraged to use it every time the offender is referenced -- and they are to be humiliated and crushed. Lock 'em up, take away their pension, label them as 'disgraceful', call them 'son of a bitch' from the Presidential microphone. Twist the knife. The Christian righties who support this man are hypocritical to a ridiculous extreme. He mocks their values (if they are true to their values.) And of course his lewd, coarse character completes the picture. We are living in a topsy-turvy America that I hope can never be repeated. Let's hope Donald's abnormality and personality dysfunction makes him a one-time disaster.
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