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Dozen GOP'ers in PA House want to impeach Dems on PA Supreme Court

Jimmy Higgins

Jan 31, 2001
Basic Beliefs
Calvinistic Atheist

Some umm... the PA Supreme Court noticed that despite more Democrats in PA than Republicans, the Republicans have an unreasonable number of US House seats. Apparently, that is an impeachable office.

article said:
A dozen GOP Pennsylvania lawmakers filed legislation on Tuesday to impeach four Democratic state Supreme Court justices who ruled the state’s congressional map was unconstitutionally gerrymandered and replaced it with a new one.

The Republicans moved to impeach Justices David Wecht, Christine Donahue, Kevin Dougherty and Debra McCloskey Todd, all Democrats who found the state’s congressional map was designed to favor Republicans and must be replaced before the May primary. Justice Max Baer (D), who also voted to strike down the map, but said it could remain in place until 2020, wasn’t mentioned in the impeachment resolutions.


“It’s specifically to do what I’ve been sworn to do, which is protect and defend the constitutions of Pennsylvania and the United States, period. The Supreme Court overstepped its bounds, and the check-and-balance to that is impeachment and impeachment only. We have no other method to hold them accountable,” Dush said.
Wow! While the bill likely won't pass, and impeachment would seem an impossible bar to clear, the is an alarming proposal.
Well, what's the alternative? Having a fair and impartial election where every person's vote counts equally? That doesn't seem like a reasonable solution and everyone who values freedom should fight as hard as possible against that kind of anti-democratic sentiment.

Some umm... the PA Supreme Court noticed that despite more Democrats in PA than Republicans, the Republicans have an unreasonable number of US House seats. Apparently, that is an impeachable office.

article said:
A dozen GOP Pennsylvania lawmakers filed legislation on Tuesday to impeach four Democratic state Supreme Court justices who ruled the state’s congressional map was unconstitutionally gerrymandered and replaced it with a new one.

The Republicans moved to impeach Justices David Wecht, Christine Donahue, Kevin Dougherty and Debra McCloskey Todd, all Democrats who found the state’s congressional map was designed to favor Republicans and must be replaced before the May primary. Justice Max Baer (D), who also voted to strike down the map, but said it could remain in place until 2020, wasn’t mentioned in the impeachment resolutions.


“It’s specifically to do what I’ve been sworn to do, which is protect and defend the constitutions of Pennsylvania and the United States, period. The Supreme Court overstepped its bounds, and the check-and-balance to that is impeachment and impeachment only. We have no other method to hold them accountable,” Dush said.
Wow! While the bill likely won't pass, and impeachment would seem an impossible bar to clear, the is an alarming proposal.

I kind of see his point actually, but...

If the Supreme Court is overstepping its bounds and needs to be "checked" when it does, what is the "check" when the state legislature creates unfair districts? The court would be overstepping its bounds if it suggested its own proposed boundaries, certainly, but all it called for was a review... by the legislature.

Some umm... the PA Supreme Court noticed that despite more Democrats in PA than Republicans, the Republicans have an unreasonable number of US House seats. Apparently, that is an impeachable office.

article said:
A dozen GOP Pennsylvania lawmakers filed legislation on Tuesday to impeach four Democratic state Supreme Court justices who ruled the state’s congressional map was unconstitutionally gerrymandered and replaced it with a new one.

The Republicans moved to impeach Justices David Wecht, Christine Donahue, Kevin Dougherty and Debra McCloskey Todd, all Democrats who found the state’s congressional map was designed to favor Republicans and must be replaced before the May primary. Justice Max Baer (D), who also voted to strike down the map, but said it could remain in place until 2020, wasn’t mentioned in the impeachment resolutions.


“It’s specifically to do what I’ve been sworn to do, which is protect and defend the constitutions of Pennsylvania and the United States, period. The Supreme Court overstepped its bounds, and the check-and-balance to that is impeachment and impeachment only. We have no other method to hold them accountable,” Dush said.
Wow! While the bill likely won't pass, and impeachment would seem an impossible bar to clear, the is an alarming proposal.

I kind of see his point actually, but...

If the Supreme Court is overstepping its bounds and needs to be "checked" when it does, what is the "check" when the state legislature creates unfair districts? The court would be overstepping its bounds if it suggested its own proposed boundaries, certainly, but all it called for was a review... by the legislature.
And the PA Supreme Court did just that. They gave the Legislature a few weeks to pump out another districting map. The Republicans gave them the finger.
“It’s specifically to do what I’ve been sworn to do, which is protect and defend the constitutions of Pennsylvania and the United States, period. The Supreme Court overstepped its bounds, and the check-and-balance to that is impeachment and impeachment only.
I would have thought that the 'check' to the state supreme court overstepping would be to take the case up to the Supreme Court of the United States. Not 'impeachment only.'

I wonder why PA didn't take the case to SCOTUS?
“It’s specifically to do what I’ve been sworn to do, which is protect and defend the constitutions of Pennsylvania and the United States, period. The Supreme Court overstepped its bounds, and the check-and-balance to that is impeachment and impeachment only.
I would have thought that the 'check' to the state supreme court overstepping would be to take the case up to the Supreme Court of the United States. Not 'impeachment only.'

I wonder why PA didn't take the case to SCOTUS?
I think they were afraid some crazy ass liberal on the bench would shoot them down without even hearing the case.
article said:
Supreme Court Justice Samuel Alito, who also declined to take up a similar request in February, issued the rejection of a plea to intervene by Pennsylvania House Speaker Mike Turzai and Senate President Pro Tempore Joe Scarnati, both Republicans.

Alito’s decision was not accompanied by any explanation, saying simply, “The application for stay presented to Justice Alito and by him referred to the Court is denied.”
They were so right!

Also, is it too late to mention that the PA Supreme Court is elected by the people? (known by some as a "check" and "balance")
Yet another version of their attempts to subvert the checks and balances of our system and take it over.

It wasn't that long ago that you guys thought I was nuts for worrying about them pulling things like this.
Someone call the waaambulance for those poor rethuglicans.
"Don't take away my gerrymandering! Waaaaah!"

The repugs in Congress are morphing into little imitation trumplets.
“It’s specifically to do what I’ve been sworn to do, which is protect and defend the constitutions of Pennsylvania and the United States, period. The Supreme Court overstepped its bounds, and the check-and-balance to that is impeachment and impeachment only.
I would have thought that the 'check' to the state supreme court overstepping would be to take the case up to the Supreme Court of the United States. Not 'impeachment only.'

I wonder why PA didn't take the case to SCOTUS?
Am I missing the sarcasm? Didn't SCOTUS decline?
“It’s specifically to do what I’ve been sworn to do, which is protect and defend the constitutions of Pennsylvania and the United States, period. The Supreme Court overstepped its bounds, and the check-and-balance to that is impeachment and impeachment only.
I would have thought that the 'check' to the state supreme court overstepping would be to take the case up to the Supreme Court of the United States. Not 'impeachment only.'

I wonder why PA didn't take the case to SCOTUS?
Am I missing the sarcasm? Didn't SCOTUS decline?

Yes, multiple times.
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