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"Everything happens for a reason" belief correlates with belief in conspiracy theories (and creationism)


May 29, 2003
Chicago suburbs
Basic Beliefs
atheism, resistentialism

One way to detect teleological thinking in individuals if to find that they subscribe to views such as, "Nothing happens by accident" or "Everything happens for a reason." The researchers found that these types of views correspond closely with a propensity to believe conspiracy theories.

Sounds like religion and conservatism are both caused by a childish need to ascribe intent to non-sentient things.

One way to detect teleological thinking in individuals if to find that they subscribe to views such as, "Nothing happens by accident" or "Everything happens for a reason." The researchers found that these types of views correspond closely with a propensity to believe conspiracy theories.

Sounds like religion and conservatism are both caused by a childish need to ascribe intent to non-sentient things.
Something at that site tried to hijack my computer.

Ugh. I can't bear it when people say that. Its hard to believe people can be that dumb. This elaboration on the phrase is OK by me though:

If you substitute causality for everything happens for a reason, then everything does happen for a reason. But not for some supernatural reason.

Up until Ben Franklin Christians believe lightning striking your house or barn was a sign from heaven, which was of course up above. Some consider lightning rods blasphemy.
I would have thought that the view that everything happens for a reason most closely correlated with a scientific worldview.

I think the conspiracy is that scientists try to make us believe whatever "reason" they cook up in their hellish accelerators and damn petri dishes. Me, I don't buy their stuff. I make my own!

Lard ou cochon ? :rolleyes:

Not so fast. Nothing happens without a cause is causality and in the end LOT.

The question is whiter or not the universe is deterministic meaning at any point in time the next step is predetermined. The philosophical interpretation for some is that then is if one's life may be predetermined. What we perceive as choice is predetermined.

And that leads to QM and whiter or not quantum uncertainty is just our observational limits or is there randomness to the universe.

It is a fair question overall.

One way to detect teleological thinking in individuals if to find that they subscribe to views such as, "Nothing happens by accident" or "Everything happens for a reason." The researchers found that these types of views correspond closely with a propensity to believe conspiracy theories.

Sounds like religion and conservatism are both caused by a childish need to ascribe intent to non-sentient things.

Imo, yes.

Though not, imo, just those two things. Most everyday human thinking is coloured by similar (dare I call them) basic assumptions, to one degree or another. I don't necessarily think atheists or liberals are free of them, in one guise or another. In a way, it's arguably the way our brains have evolved to work. A general example would be our tendency to see patterns.

I'm talking about more than just causality here. I mean (as I think you do) that there is some sort of reason (or purpose) beyond the universe blindly running on automatic.
Ugh. I can't bear it when people say that. Its hard to believe people can be that dumb. This elaboration on the phrase is OK by me though:

View attachment 17248

That's so spot on.

Predeterminism is a form of closure for folks I know. It allows them to excuse themselves for doing stupid things becaus they believe that all outcomes have already been decided. In a way it's a bit of pattern recognition taken to an extreme.
If you substitute causality for everything happens for a reason, then everything does happen for a reason. But not for some supernatural reason.

Up until Ben Franklin Christians believe lightning striking your house or barn was a sign from heaven, which was of course up above. Some consider lightning rods blasphemy.

I think most people confuse the meanings of reason and purpose and conflate meaning with purpose. Personally I would be lost if I didn't believe everything happens for a reason.
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