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Fall Fowl Foul - Concerns Mount as Pres. Trump Mulls Cancelling Turkey Pardon

Jimmy Higgins

Jan 31, 2001
Basic Beliefs
Calvinistic Atheist
WASHINGTON DC -- As Thanksgiving's arrival is less than two weeks away, what were rumors are now becoming fears as White House officials are confirming that President Trump is seriously giving thought to cancelling the Turkey Pardon, an event that dates back several decades. While the President had published Tweets indicating this possibility, it wasn't certain whether he was actually being serious.

"The President believes that pardoning turkeys is anti-Thanksgiving, and feels it sends the wrong message," noted one official who spoke on the condition of anonymity because of fear of being exposed as working in the Trump Administration.

Turkey pardons extend back to the 1940s and were originally enacted in order to appease hostile vegetarians whose infamous Thanksgiving protests in the 30's and 40's were notoriously violent. The event wouldn't become an annual tradition, however, until 1989 under President George HW Bush in a kickoff event poorly named "The Nation Gives the Bird it's Day".

Extending beyond this year's pardon, officials have also indicated that Trump is considering going even further and rescinding pardons dating back to 2009. The President's reservations regarding the pardons include questionable histories of previously pardoned birds under Obama, especially when Hillary Clinton was Secretary of State. Allegations have been raised regarding the 2012 pardon where an alleged deal included a Rockingham County farm providing a substantial donation to the Clinton Foundation in exchange for the pardoning of two of their birds.

This would be the second time a Clinton was involved in questionable pardons for cash allegations. President Clinton was suspected of trading pardons for money in the cases of both Marc Rich and the dog who played Eddie on the hit sitcom Frasier.

Lawyers for the turkeys, both for the candidates this year and the pardoned ones from the last eight years, have been scrambling around in an effort to determine legal options. "It is generally understood that a pardon is final," noted Chad Lipowitz, a lawyer representing Tater and Tot, the two turkeys pardoned by President Obama last Thanksgiving. "However, it is unclear if these protections apply to fowl. The Supreme Court may need to decide."

It is uncertain when President Trump will make a final decision regarding this year's and the previous pardons, however, the lawyers for the birds have stated that they already have paperwork filled out and are ready to file injunctions if necessary to protect their clients.
He's keeping the pardon for someone who needs it, and is probably keeping the turkey in reserve in case he winds up a cabinet member short...
You think it's funny that African-Americans are asking to not be killed?

Even more disprespectful - that's the most compassionate post I ever saw from Derec, and nobody is giving him credit for it.

I stopped giving credit to Derek when he is right about something... besides it being a rare event now-a-days, he bites... so I don't pet it anymore. He may be so used to being on the wrong moral side of an argument that he lost the ability to recognize a supporting statement... IDK... whatev.

Personally, I find it funny that blacks are asking to not be killed... at least, they are asking the wrong people... Maybe if they stop the 99% of shootings that are "black on black" it would be worth a listen about that last 1%.
the 99% of shootings that are "black on black" it would be worth a listen about that last 1%.

I would ask where you got that 99% stat... the closest I could find was about 87%, offered by a Faux Nooz talking head. Somehow you are able to represent it as 12 times more likely than even a neo-con propagandist can do...
Where did you get that 99% number?

Where did I get that number? Directly out of my ass... can't you smell it?

Not trying to be too serious here, nor hijack the Turkey Time thread... My only comment about BLM is that they are paying attention to the wrong issue... by a lot... and that Derek is apt to lash out, even at those that agree with a point or two of his... that's all..

So.. Turkeys... Fuck them. One of the stupidest animals on earth... I am happy to see the Vegetarian Apologetic Pardon go away. Waste of time and resources.
Terribly off-topic in a thread about turkeys, but I agree. If there is one thing blacks don't complain about, it is gang violence.

- - - Updated - - -

the 99% of shootings that are "black on black" it would be worth a listen about that last 1%.

I would ask where you got that 99% stat... the closest I could find was about 87%, offered by a Faux Nooz talking head. Somehow you are able to represent it as 12 times more likely than even a neo-con propagandist can do...
Where did you get that 99% number?
The number is irrelevant because of the flaw of the conclusion that blacks don't care about gang violence which lead to these higher murder numbers.

The conclusion was not that they don't care, but that BLM is misrepresenting what Blacks care about... or if not misrepresenting, representing the smallest element of the issue, while ignoring the largest.
So.. Turkeys... Fuck them. One of the stupidest animals on earth... I am happy to see the Vegetarian Apologetic Pardon go away. Waste of time and resources.

Yeah, and it will pave the way for Cheato to re-open cases against all these turkeys as well! :)

Why are there like 1,000 drug dealers on that list of the previous administration's pardons? I mean, there are a whole lot. I do think I remember something about someone getting busted for having a trace amount of cocaine on the bottom of their shoe in an airport, and was pardoned for the "offense" of "smuggling cocaine into the US"... but... so many....and for things like 100 lbs of coke, etc...
So.. Turkeys... Fuck them. One of the stupidest animals on earth... I am happy to see the Vegetarian Apologetic Pardon go away. Waste of time and resources.

Yeah, and it will pave the way for Cheato to re-open cases against all these turkeys as well! :)

Why are there like 1,000 drug dealers on that list of the previous administration's pardons? I mean, there are a whole lot. I do think I remember something about someone getting busted for having a trace amount of cocaine on the bottom of their shoe in an airport, and was pardoned for the "offense" of "smuggling cocaine into the US"... but... so many....and for things like 100 lbs of coke, etc...

Yes! I found that rather striking as well - lots of cocaine, more cocaine and even more cocaine... weird.
Maybe it's a representative cross section of American crimes, but I rather doubt it!
Yeah, and it will pave the way for Cheato to re-open cases against all these turkeys as well! :)

Why are there like 1,000 drug dealers on that list of the previous administration's pardons? I mean, there are a whole lot. I do think I remember something about someone getting busted for having a trace amount of cocaine on the bottom of their shoe in an airport, and was pardoned for the "offense" of "smuggling cocaine into the US"... but... so many....and for things like 100 lbs of coke, etc...

Yes! I found that rather striking as well - lots of cocaine, more cocaine and even more cocaine... weird.
Maybe it's a representative cross section of American crimes, but I rather doubt it!

My guess would be that these are people who got a pardon in exchange for providing information about organized crime to the authorities. Or perhaps in exchange for large political campaign donations.
My guess would be that these are people who got a pardon in exchange for providing information about organized crime to the authorities. Or perhaps in exchange for large political campaign donations.

Maybe both. They gave a large political donation and then reported themselves for bribing a politician and needed a pardon.
Why are there like 1,000 drug dealers on that list of the previous administration's pardons? I mean, there are a whole lot. I do think I remember something about someone getting busted for having a trace amount of cocaine on the bottom of their shoe in an airport, and was pardoned for the "offense" of "smuggling cocaine into the US"... but... so many....and for things like 100 lbs of coke, etc...

Yes! I found that rather striking as well - lots of cocaine, more cocaine and even more cocaine... weird.
Maybe it's a representative cross section of American crimes, but I rather doubt it!

My guess would be that these are people who got a pardon in exchange for providing information about organized crime to the authorities. Or perhaps in exchange for large political campaign donations.

Unfortunately, that is certainly not the case... I know this because the vast majority of these pardons apparently were made in the last seconds of Obama's presidency. It was an "on the way out the door" thing.
Hmm... looks like my article was fake news. Trump pardons Drumstick. According to the article, after the pardoning, the staff accidentally placed the President in the cage and were walking him to the truck to go back to Minnesota. It took several minutes to realize the mistake. Melania noted she thought something was off after Donald (actually Drumstick) hadn't tried to grab her ass for several minutes.
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