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Fallout - The Trump Shutdown


Made in America
Sep 23, 2012
Basic Beliefs
English is complicated
Too lazy to start a poll, but wanted to ask -
What will the fallout of the Trump Shutdown look like?
Helps one party or another?
Helps or hurts Trump?

Bonus question: How long will De Gummint be shut down?
Too lazy to start a poll, but wanted to ask -
What will the fallout of the Trump Shutdown look like?
Helps one party or another?
Helps or hurts Trump?
Probably depends on who blinks first.
Trump spent a LOT of time during the last shutdown blaming everything on Obama. So it'd only be consistent to blame everything on him.
I'm sure he's asking his aides how he can end this without looking like a total pussy.
You mean...the Democrat shut down of the government?

Because Democrats hate government, the military, children, and America?

The administration (and state media/Fox News) are all in blaming this on the Democrats. What remains to be seen is how much the gullible public buys into this narrative.

God. How sickening.

And unfortunately, to think conservative voters are going to hold Trump to his own words, or hold him responsible for anything, is at best wishful thinking.

He claimed to be such a great dealmaker/negotiator. With majorities in the House and Senate, all he needed to bring a few people from the other side over, consolidate his side, and it would've been done. Easier said than done... but he did say, "It's all gonna be so easy."

It's like at the end of every day, whatever Trump has actually said and done in the past is erased, it's all rewritten, and the next day he gets a fresh start. Nothing is ever his fault. He's the very thing that conservatives claim to despise.
Too lazy to start a poll, but wanted to ask -
What will the fallout of the Trump Shutdown look like?
Helps one party or another?
Helps or hurts Trump?

Bonus question: How long will De Gummint be shut down?

You mean the Schumer Shutdown?
You mean...the Democrat shut down of the government?

Because Democrats hate government, the military, children, and America?

The administration (and state media/Fox News) are all in blaming this on the Democrats. What remains to be seen is how much the gullible public buys into this narrative.

90% of the Senate Democrats voted for the Shutdown. Of course it is Democratic Shutdown, and all because Democrats are for illegals.


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And unfortunately, to think conservative voters are going to hold Trump to his own words, or hold him responsible for anything, is at best wishful thinking.
If you think this is Trump Shutdown, do you also think last shutdown was Obama Shutdown?
"A shutdown falls on the president's lack of leadership. He can't even control his party and get people in a room. A shutdown means the president is weak." - Donald Trump 2013
You mean...the Democrat shut down of the government?

Because Democrats hate government, the military, children, and America?

The administration (and state media/Fox News) are all in blaming this on the Democrats. What remains to be seen is how much the gullible public buys into this narrative.

90% of the Senate Democrats voted for the Shutdown. Of course it is Democratic Shutdown, and all because Democrats are for illegals.


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And unfortunately, to think conservative voters are going to hold Trump to his own words, or hold him responsible for anything, is at best wishful thinking.
If you think this is Trump Shutdown, do you also think last shutdown was Obama Shutdown?

?? I'm not sure that you understand. During Obama's shutdown, the republicans controlled the house and the senate. Do you understand the process? Having said that, I don't hold Obama entirely blameless for his shutdown. Your crazy party currently controls the house, the senate, and the presidency. The current shutdown is all you!

Having said that, I think that you guys need to grow some. Quit kicking the can down the road. I'd prefer that you either give the dreamers citizenship or start the process of evicting them from their homes (and suffer the political and human consequences).
They had a bipartisan deal, which Trump asked for and promised to sign unconditionally, but then he changed his mind, like a very stable nutjob.
?? I'm not sure that you understand. During Obama's shutdown, the republicans controlled the house and the senate. Do you understand the process?
Do you? Republicans do not have 60 votes in the Senate.
Most Democrats voted for the shutdown. In the House they could not prevent the CR from passing, but in the Senate they blocked it.
Your crazy party currently controls the house, the senate, and the presidency.
It's not MY crazy party. I am an indepedent, and actually agree with Dems on many things. But their infatuation with illegals is very irksome.
The current shutdown is all you!
Again, it is predominately the Democrats who voted to block the CR and thus for the shutdown. It's on them.

I'd prefer that you either give the dreamers citizenship or start the process of evicting them from their homes (and suffer the political and human consequences).
I think we need some form of DACA legislation, as I have written before. But we do need to combine it with border control and effective immigration enforcement so we do not have millions of dreamers in 20 years again.

P.S.: Jonah Ryan did it for the daylight savings(sic) time. Schumer did it for the illegals.
You mean...the Democrat shut down of the government?

Because Democrats hate government, the military, children, and America?

The administration (and state media/Fox News) are all in blaming this on the Democrats. What remains to be seen is how much the gullible public buys into this narrative.

90% of the Senate Democrats voted for the Shutdown. Of course it is Democratic Shutdown, and all because Democrats are for illegals.


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And unfortunately, to think conservative voters are going to hold Trump to his own words, or hold him responsible for anything, is at best wishful thinking.
If you think this is Trump Shutdown, do you also think last shutdown was Obama Shutdown?

Are you forgetting that this is about both DACA and CHIP?
90% of the Senate Democrats voted for the Shutdown. Of course it is Democratic Shutdown, and all because Democrats are for illegals.
Spoken like a true Republican ideologue. Both parties are saying "Deal with my concerns or else" - both parties are responsible.
Are you forgetting that this is about both DACA and CHIP?
Well the Dems are surely making more noise about the illegals.

It's very offensive that you keep calling the dreamers illegals. They did not break the law coming to the US. Secondly, Obama passed the dreamer act giving them temporary permission to be here.
The democrats and Cadet Bonespurs had a deal. Trump reneged on that deal.
Step-by-step, this shutdown was manufactured by Senate Republican "leadership" - the hardliners. I don't even blame Trump, and only pin it on him because HE says that is where it must be pinned. #TrumpShutdown

If Senate Republican "leadership" actually cared about health care for children, they would have routinely extended funding for CHIPS before it expired on September 30, 2017. There was already bipartisan agreement for CHIPS, and legislation ready to go:

Senate Finance Committee Chairman Orrin Hatch (R-Utah) and Ranking Member Ron Wyden (D-Ore.) today announced an agreement to ensure stability for vulnerable children by extending the Children’s Health Insurance Program (CHIP) for five years.

Mitch McConnell has refused to bring this bill to the Senate floor because he knows it will pass with an overwhelming bipartisan majority, and then he can't use the health and lives of little kids as a bargaining chip.

Likewise, DACA legislation would easily pass with a 60+ majority, but Mitch McConnell refuses to even allow debate on any of the proposed much less a vote. This is in spite of the fact that Senate Democrats have - TWICE - agreed to funding for Trump's vanity wall. His excuse is that the man-baby shitting up the White House has not agreed to anything. So what! Let the fucktard veto it! I don't think he would, but if he did it is possible there would be enough votes in the House and Senate to pass it anyway. There is certainly enough public support for it.

As to the CR, it didn't help that the dotard was month's late getting his budget request over to Congress, and the request he sent made absolutely zero economic sense. In the meantime, House and Senate Republicans were far more interested in passing the Trump Tax Scam before the end of last year, that they didn't really work on the budget (and completely shut out the Dems on the tax bill). Senate Republicans voted for reconciliation on the budget just so they could pass the tax scam with just 51 votes. Meanwhile, nothing about the budget has made it through appropriations. Ryan, McConnell & Trump can't pin that on Chuck Schumer or Senate Democrats (though they are trying). So, here we are in January 2018 without a funded budget, which means yet another Continuing Resolution - something our military (in particular) says is a very bad move and costs us more money in the long run.

Senate Republicans can't use another reconciliation. They used that up on the tax scam... plus they tacked on the CHIP amendment to use as blackmail against the Democratic Senators.

Had Mitch McConnell added DACA (which included money for the vanity wall), this would have been done. He refused. This is all on him and his cohorts.
Again, it is predominately the Democrats who voted to block the CR and thus for the shutdown. It's on them.
False. Several Republicans voted against the cloture motion, too

I'd prefer that you either give the dreamers citizenship or start the process of evicting them from their homes (and suffer the political and human consequences).
I think we need some form of DACA legislation, as I have written before. But we do need to combine it with border control and effective immigration enforcement so we do not have millions of dreamers in 20 years again.
Oh, you mean like the bipartisan proposals that Trump agreed to twice, and reneged on twice, and that McConnell won't even allow to the floor for debate much less a vote?

Schumer did NOT do "it for the illegals" :rolleyes: Your attempts to conflate overall immigration with DACA is just more racist partisan bullshit.
Step-by-step, this shutdown was manufactured by Senate Republican "leadership" - the hardliners. I don't even blame Trump, and only pin it on him because HE says that is where it must be pinned. #TrumpShutdown

If Senate Republican "leadership" actually cared about health care for children, they would have routinely extended funding for CHIPS before it expired on September 30, 2017. There was already bipartisan agreement for CHIPS, and legislation ready to go:

Senate Finance Committee Chairman Orrin Hatch (R-Utah) and Ranking Member Ron Wyden (D-Ore.) today announced an agreement to ensure stability for vulnerable children by extending the Children’s Health Insurance Program (CHIP) for five years.

Mitch McConnell has refused to bring this bill to the Senate floor because he knows it will pass with an overwhelming bipartisan majority, and then he can't use the health and lives of little kids as a bargaining chip.

Likewise, DACA legislation would easily pass with a 60+ majority, but Mitch McConnell refuses to even allow debate on any of the proposed much less a vote. This is in spite of the fact that Senate Democrats have - TWICE - agreed to funding for Trump's vanity wall. His excuse is that the man-baby shitting up the White House has not agreed to anything. So what! Let the fucktard veto it! I don't think he would, but if he did it is possible there would be enough votes in the House and Senate to pass it anyway. There is certainly enough public support for it.

As to the CR, it didn't help that the dotard was month's late getting his budget request over to Congress, and the request he sent made absolutely zero economic sense. In the meantime, House and Senate Republicans were far more interested in passing the Trump Tax Scam before the end of last year, that they didn't really work on the budget (and completely shut out the Dems on the tax bill). Senate Republicans voted for reconciliation on the budget just so they could pass the tax scam with just 51 votes. Meanwhile, nothing about the budget has made it through appropriations. Ryan, McConnell & Trump can't pin that on Chuck Schumer or Senate Democrats (though they are trying). So, here we are in January 2018 without a funded budget, which means yet another Continuing Resolution - something our military (in particular) says is a very bad move and costs us more money in the long run.

Senate Republicans can't use another reconciliation. They used that up on the tax scam... plus they tacked on the CHIP amendment to use as blackmail against the Democratic Senators.

Had Mitch McConnell added DACA (which included money for the vanity wall), this would have been done. He refused. This is all on him and his cohorts.

Yeah, but Derec has a meme...so there!
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