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"Fire and Fury" The book that demonstrates that Trump is unfit to serve as president

I haven't seen the Wolfe's book yet but the following do not appear that mind-blowing.


The 14 most mind-blowing items from Michael Wolff's tell-all Trump book excerpt

Here are the titles

1. Trump's people expected his defeat, and felt it was best for the country
2. He ran for fame. Shocker.
3. The dude didn't even want to invest in himself
4. The Trumps were NOT pleased with victory
5. Does Donny even care about the country?
6. Kushner was ~almost~ Chief of Staff
8. Bannon knows Trump's a creep
9. Trump hated his inauguration
10. Bannon loved Trump's travel ban
12. Ivanka jokes about Daddy's combover
13. Trump is very private and often fears he'll be poisoned
14. He low-to-medium-key hates his own staff

Maybe point 12 is the devastating one

I'll check for better examples.
Other than providing new quotes and new feud dynamics, it mostly confirms prior reporting about the situation there. It's a disaster.

I wonder if best girl Ivanka will get the same Bannon treatment.

Ivanka Reveals the Truth About Trump’s Hair—And Mocks It, Too

“She treated her father with a degree of detachment, even irony, going so far as to make fun of his comb-over to others,” Wolff writes, as extracted in . “She often described the mechanics behind it to friends: an absolutely clean pate—a contained island after scalp-reduction *surgery—surrounded by a furry circle of hair around the sides and front, from which all ends are drawn up to meet in the center and then swept back and secured by a stiffening spray.”
“The color, she would point out to comical effect,” Woolf continues, “was from a product called Just for Men—the longer it was left on, the darker it got. Impatience resulted in Trump’s orange-blond hair color.”

Did Wolfe also expose Trump'a small thingy writing it looks like a pecker only it's much smaller.
I haven't seen the Wolfe's book yet but the following do not appear that mind-blowing.


The 14 most mind-blowing items from Michael Wolff's tell-all Trump book excerpt

Here are the titles

1. Trump's people expected his defeat, and felt it was best for the country
2. He ran for fame. Shocker.
3. The dude didn't even want to invest in himself
4. The Trumps were NOT pleased with victory
5. Does Donny even care about the country?
6. Kushner was ~almost~ Chief of Staff
8. Bannon knows Trump's a creep
9. Trump hated his inauguration
10. Bannon loved Trump's travel ban
12. Ivanka jokes about Daddy's combover
13. Trump is very private and often fears he'll be poisoned
14. He low-to-medium-key hates his own staff

Maybe point 12 is the devastating one

I'll check for better examples.

So you are telling us that you fell for click-bait?
Jeezus. If even half of this is true, what a circus American politics has become. Hopefully he will not be up for election next time.
The book itself won't be anywhere near as entertaining as the verbal contortions Fox news/Breitbart etc will make because of it release. That's the part I'm looking forward to.

Already, Sarah Huckabee Sanders and others are denouncing it all as fantasies, lies and gossip, but insiders are already confirming that much of this is in fact true. This will continue on in this manner for days, weeks and months. Other WH reporters are now stating the none of this is something not known by people familiar with the facts. Already the usual right wing media are shrieking like agitated monkeys. And now it looks like GOP candidates wanting to run in 2018 are having to make their allegiances known. Early declarers are abandoning Bannon. Which means if Trump continues on melting down, they will have to walk that back.
Listening to Randi Rhodes today. She is reading large excerpts of the book on the air. All I can say is :eek2: :eek2: :eek2: !
In my daily tour of conservative sites, there's almost nothing about this. On the reddit forums it's been banned from discussion. Like, there was a post or two early on, but they've been taken down. On the independent ones you'll find a thread or two with no more than a page and a half worth of "I never liked Bannon anyway!" and of course, "Fake news!" There have been some drive-by comments like "Trump is getting proceeds from the book and is playing 3-D chess with this!" type of silly bullshit. That there's no evidence for this is par for the course.

I'm searching for a word or phrase to describe it, but I can't think of an appropriate one.

"Denial" comes to mind, but this is something else. It's active self-censorship. Like all the Trump supporters have hunkered down in a bunker and are trying to come up with a response.

It's so fucking... weird.
Michael Steele had an interesting take as to why Bannon would say so much against Trump. He thinks Bannon could see the legal handwriting on the wall (re: Russia collusion and other crimes) and was even then starting to distance himself
Sarah Huckabee:

Trump is a "strong and good leader"

She damn near said it! "Dear leader" :sick-green:

I suspect that right now, Vladimir Putin is reading his copy of this book and thinking to himself "wow...is it really that easy to infiltrate the White House? Jeez, I've been doing this wrong all along."
I suspect that right now, Vladimir Putin is reading his copy of this book and thinking to himself "wow...is it really that easy to infiltrate the White House? Jeez, I've been doing this wrong all along."

:lol: I was thinking much the same thing earlier! Not about Putin, but just the idea that they gave Michael Wolff so much access with zero idea who he was or what he was going to write. :eek:
The book itself won't be anywhere near as entertaining as the verbal contortions Fox news/Breitbart etc will make because of it release. That's the part I'm looking forward to.

Already, Sarah Huckabee Sanders and others are denouncing it all as fantasies, lies and gossip, but insiders are already confirming that much of this is in fact true. This will continue on in this manner for days, weeks and months. Other WH reporters are now stating the none of this is something not known by people familiar with the facts. Already the usual right wing media are shrieking like agitated monkeys. And now it looks like GOP candidates wanting to run in 2018 are having to make their allegiances known. Early declarers are abandoning Bannon. Which means if Trump continues on melting down, they will have to walk that back.

Sanders declared that no one would be interested in reading the book. Meanwhile, it’s in the #1 spot on Amazon. As a pre-order.
The book itself won't be anywhere near as entertaining as the verbal contortions Fox news/Breitbart etc will make because of it release. That's the part I'm looking forward to.

Already, Sarah Huckabee Sanders and others are denouncing it all as fantasies, lies and gossip, but insiders are already confirming that much of this is in fact true. This will continue on in this manner for days, weeks and months. Other WH reporters are now stating the none of this is something not known by people familiar with the facts. Already the usual right wing media are shrieking like agitated monkeys. And now it looks like GOP candidates wanting to run in 2018 are having to make their allegiances known. Early declarers are abandoning Bannon. Which means if Trump continues on melting down, they will have to walk that back.

Sanders declared that no one would be interested in reading the book. Meanwhile, it’s in the #1 spot on Amazon. As a pre-order.

She makes Muhammed Saeed al-Sahaf look like the epitome of honesty and plausibility.
I wonder if any of the talking heads are asking where the Chief of Staff was while this guy was walking around the White House for a year interviewing people.
Something's rotten here, and I'm not talking about Kellyanne's cooch.


After the election, I proposed to him that I come to the White House and report an inside story for later publication — journalistically, as a fly on the wall — which he seemed to misconstrue as a request for a job. No, I said. I'd like to just watch and write a book. "A book?" he responded, losing interest....

Since the new White House was often uncertain about what the president meant or did not mean in any given utterance, his non-disapproval became a kind of passport for me to hang around — checking in each week at the Hay-Adams hotel, making appointments with various senior staffers who put my name in the "system," and then wandering across the street to the White House and plunking myself down, day after day, on a West Wing couch.

Yeah, so? I'm talking about the Chief of Staff, the guy that's suppose to control access to the POTUS, the guy that came in in late July and evidently didn't say, who's this? Didn't do any background on this guy just sitting there. Didn't wonder what he might be writing or try to exercise any control over it.
Barring any further information, my guess is Kelly doesn't see his job as controlling access to the president. Well then, just what is his function? Tackle the idiot when he goes for the football?

Joe Scarborough asked this question of the Trump staff in general but unless I missed it, did not bring up the Chief of Staff specifically.

Oh well. If I'm the only one asking this question...
Yeah, so? I'm talking about the Chief of Staff, the guy that's suppose to control access to the POTUS, the guy that came in in late July and evidently didn't say, who's this? Didn't do any background on this guy just sitting there. Didn't wonder what he might be writing or try to exercise any control over it.
To be fair to Kelly, when he came into this position, he had his hands full with people asking for stuff.
Trump tends to agree with whoever was the last person to talk to him, so he could completely reverse a 9 oclock decision at 10. Kelly had to make sure people asking for stuff went in in the right order, and the extraneous dweebs didn't fuck things up.
Wolff wasn't asking for anything. I'm sure Kelly had seen him around several times before he became chief of staff, and knew of him as the guy writing about Trump, who would get up and leave if things were sensitive (and the staff remembered he was there and thought to ask him to leave) and had bigger headaches to worry about.
Yeah, so? I'm talking about the Chief of Staff, the guy that's suppose to control access to the POTUS, the guy that came in in late July and evidently didn't say, who's this? Didn't do any background on this guy just sitting there. Didn't wonder what he might be writing or try to exercise any control over it.
To be fair to Kelly, when he came into this position, he had his hands full with people asking for stuff.
Trump tends to agree with whoever was the last person to talk to him, so he could completely reverse a 9 oclock decision at 10. Kelly had to make sure people asking for stuff went in in the right order, and the extraneous dweebs didn't fuck things up.
Wolff wasn't asking for anything. I'm sure Kelly had seen him around several times before he became chief of staff, and knew of him as the guy writing about Trump, who would get up and leave if things were sensitive (and the staff remembered he was there and thought to ask him to leave) and had bigger headaches to worry about.

Or: Kelly is a true patriot and knew what was going on and thought it was important.
I have to hand it to Wolff. He saw an opportunity and took it. No other writer/reporter thought to do this. This was just too easy. Now he's going to get a big payday out of his great idea. This is just so entertaining.
I haven't seen the Wolfe's book yet but the following do not appear that mind-blowing.


The 14 most mind-blowing items from Michael Wolff's tell-all Trump book excerpt

Here are the titles

1. Trump's people expected his defeat, and felt it was best for the country
2. He ran for fame. Shocker.
3. The dude didn't even want to invest in himself
4. The Trumps were NOT pleased with victory
5. Does Donny even care about the country?
6. Kushner was ~almost~ Chief of Staff
8. Bannon knows Trump's a creep
9. Trump hated his inauguration
10. Bannon loved Trump's travel ban
12. Ivanka jokes about Daddy's combover
13. Trump is very private and often fears he'll be poisoned
14. He low-to-medium-key hates his own staff

Maybe point 12 is the devastating one

I'll check for better examples.

So you are telling us that you fell for click-bait?

I'm waiting for substance and as I said better examples. There are more books than I expected

Did you guys see the long lines of people in New York City waiting in the cold to buy their copies of the book? After Trump demanded that the book not be released, the publisher decided to release it four days early. It comes out on kindle at 9AM this morning. in my house, we're just waiting to buy it for our kindles. 25 minutes to go.

People are saying that Trump's lawyers have given the publisher a great marketing idea. "Fire and Fury," the book that the president doesn't want you to read. What idiots.
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