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Fox News Poll - Trump approval rating drops to 40%

Jimmy Higgins

Jan 31, 2001
Basic Beliefs
Calvinistic Atheist

article said:
Donald Trump has hit a new low job approval rating of just 40 per cent.Most of the voters that approve of the job Mr Trump is doing are white men. Of that bloc, only 28 per cent “strongly approve” of his performance in the White House.
This is down from 45 per cent in the same poll conducted in April.

Okay, so after last week... only 5% changed their minds?!

You know, the poll results get weirder.
article said:
Vice President Mike Pence also experienced a drop in approval of eight points, down from 50 per cent in April to just 42 per cent in the most recent poll.
VP Pence's approval rating is just 2 pts higher than Trump's. Pence is a VP, they don't do much of anything. In general, no one gives a butt what they do (except for VP Agnew). So... why are his poll numbers dropping?

And how in the fucking hell are 4 in 10 Americans thinking Trump is doing a g... oh wait a minute. These people are idiots. Nevermind.

According to RCP, the approval rating is in line with everyone else (37 to 40%) but Rasmussen (46%) and the newly created Trump Polling company, which polled Trump at 100% approval.

And just to make matters really frustrating, it doesn't appear that Trump's disapproval rating has been greatly affected by the firing of Comey or the implosions of last week. The disapproval and approval numbers changed by 2 pts since May 11th.
But Republicans still think he's doing a great job.


Some of the drop in approval comes from Republicans, as just 81 percent approve of the president.

"Just" 81 fucking percent.

The GOP, no doubt angering Pimp Money Jesus by using math to gerrymander, but no doubt making up for it by not doing their job in the Senate, have figured out how to be a minority yet control all three branches and 40 state legislatures.

And if lazy ass Democrats don't turn out in overwhelming numbers, it's not going to matter.

I'm very pessimistic today.
Actually 81% is pretty low. 70% or lower and Paul Ryan will send over the Resignator Bot.

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I thought this article was interesting as they compared the change of those "strongly approving" of Don the Con. It does seem that FFvC is loosing some of his strong support, though bolstering his "somewhat support" category.
There’s been a considerable decline in the number of Americans who strongly approve of Trump, from a peak of around 30 percent in February to just 21 or 22 percent of the electorate now. (The decline in Trump’s strong approval ratings is larger than the overall decline in his approval ratings, in fact.) Far from having unconditional love from his base, Trump has already lost almost a third of his strong support. And voters who strongly disapprove of Trump outnumber those who strongly approve of him by about a 2-to-1 ratio, which could presage an “enthusiasm gap” that works against Trump at the midterms. The data suggests, in particular, that the GOP’s initial attempt (and failure) in March to pass its unpopular health care bill may have cost Trump with his core supporters.

“You can’t con people, at least not for long. If you don’t deliver the goods, people will eventually catch on.” -- Don the Con
I'm not surprised at Pence. He's coming off as awfully weak throughout this whole thing. That man makes plain vanilla seem like zesty sauce.
Or else he's laying low, trying to keep out of sight. He may be doing that to try to avoid being tainted with association with President Trump.
Well, Pence hasn't been truthful about this whole matter either, so I think you're right. Between that and looking like he either has NO idea what's actually going on in the white house, or he's a part of it so things don't look too good for him either. The problem is the order of succession has us all fucked either way. After that we've got Paul Ryan, who's got a lower approval rating than anyone, or then what? Hatch? Ugh...

It's a conucopia of shit.
View attachment 11266

totally true stuff, yep
I don't really get that political cartoon. I don't see how Don the Con bested Macron in any way. Sure the long and strong handshake was silly, but if anything I think it demonstrated that FFvC is a worthy caricature. Beyond that little tart event, there is...uh...uhm...ah...yeah that. And in the US, the interactions of Macron and Don the Con is essentially a null. But this is Ben Garrison selling his toons to his audience, so they probably luved it...
That cartoon is almost The Onion level like satire.

But it is being serious.
That cartoon is almost The Onion level like satire.

But it is being serious.

His whole shtick is conspiracy:
That cartoon is almost The Onion level like satire.

But it is being serious.

His whole shtick is conspiracy:
And he also seems to believe in his shtick...

What is the Deep State? It consists of the illuminati who control vast fortunes. It includes the central bankers, the Bilderbergs, the CFR, and the spy agencies that illegally track and record Americans. They want power and control through collectivism.
Yep, I've been hearing conspiracy about the deep state ramping up for awhile now, and even hear it on FOX news occasionally. When Trump gets reamed, this will be the excuse. I'm pretty astounded about the level of cognitive bias those cartoons take. How anyone can think Trump is draining the swamp is beyond me, considering um, everything the man does.

The hero motif they give this sub-par, stupid, incompetent buffoon is simply dazzling. When this guy sticks out his chin a la Mussolini and says he alone can fix it, they really buy it. It's reminiscent of what we often see in banana republics to me. Cult of personality.
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