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Germany denounces USA

I don't take anything from that article that would suggest Germany is going to leave NATO nor shut down US bases.

I just take it to mean that they will operate far more independently and be like France instead of being the UK Boy Wonder to our Batman.

The below is what I would expect more of, maybe they even will pull their existing ones out if our insanity continues...
NATO Secretary General Jens Stoltenberg said this week that NATO allies and the United States would split the burden of providing some 3,000 more troops, an increase that would take NATO’s training mission to about 16,000 troops.

Two diplomats said that at this stage, the United States is likely to provide 2,800 troops, while non-U.S. NATO allies and partners will send an additional 700 troops, potentially making up a 3,500-strong personnel increase.

Germany, one of the main European troop contributors, said it was not increasing its contribution for next year, which German Defence Minister Ursula von der Leyen defended.
I don't take anything from that article that would suggest Germany is going to leave NATO nor shut down US bases.
But I really can see Trump closing all those bases to punish Germany. No more service member salaries spent on the local economy and all that...
I don't take anything from that article that would suggest Germany is going to leave NATO nor shut down US bases.
But I really can see Trump closing all those bases to punish Germany. No more service member salaries spent on the local economy and all that...

Well yeah, I can see FFvC doing just about any crazy thing. I think the Repugs would finally revolt on something like that though. And combined with enough Democratic neocons, they could force a legal mandate up his ass...
Germany should better sweep before its own doorstep.

More than two months after the federal elections, they are still not close to forming a new government. Angela Merkel is only the acting chancellor. Sigmar Gabriel is only the acting foreign minister, from a party that has vowed to go into opposition after getting their worst election result since WWII. Of course SPD is now rethinking that vow.
And in no small part due to mistakes acting chancellor Merkel made in 2015, Germany is halfway to islamicized itself.
Remember what happened about a year ago? When a Tunisian Muslim mass migrant killed a bunch of people at a Christmas market?
Anis Amri: How a terror suspect eluded German authorities
So the acting minister should kindly shut the fuck up!
Why are there US military bases in Germany today anyway?
Initially they were there because Germany was allied-occupied.

Then, during the Cold War, they became a bulwark against possible Soviet aggression against Western Europe.

Nowadays they are just a convenient way-point on the way to the Middle East.

So to sum up: a combination of inertia and convenience,.

But they are also a good deal for Germany, as US soldiers spend a lot of money locally.
Why are there US military bases in Germany today anyway?
Initially they were there because Germany was allied-occupied.

Then, during the Cold War, they became a bulwark against possible Soviet aggression against Western Europe.

Nowadays they are just a convenient way-point on the way to the Middle East.

So to sum up: a combination of inertia and convenience,.

But they are also a good deal for Germany, as US soldiers spend a lot of money locally.

Plus treaty obligations.

I constantly have to remind our constitutional scholars that under our constitution treaty obligations are the highest obligations that the executive branch must fulfill, more important than our own federal laws. I am sure that you understand this.

It is snowing here in northwestern Gwinnett county.
Germany thinks that we here in the US have lost our collective minds by electing this mindless buffoon to the presidency. I believe that they are right.

We fought two senseless wars in the middle east, we are threatening once again to re-negotiate the Geneva Conventions so that we can torture people, we are basing policies on fantasies of how the world is and of how things really work, climate change for example, we embrace religious fundamentalism while decrying the damage being done by a different religion's fundamentalism, etc. Apparently because the very rich in the US want tax cuts and a free hand to rape consumers and to repeatedly drive the financial markets into chaos so that a select few can make huge profits.
I don't take anything from that article that would suggest Germany is going to leave NATO nor shut down US bases.
But I really can see Trump closing all those bases to punish Germany. No more service member salaries spent on the local economy and all that...
I can't see Trump doing that at all.

Kelly: Sir, that is what Obama would have done.
Trump: Then build more bases in Germany!

On the one hand, I can't say that I blame Germany for this. In fact, they should probably have done this sooner. But if this means they're leaving NATO and kicking American bases out of Germany, then that kind of gives Putin exactly what he wants.

That article is in snopes. Snopes seems a bit too harsh on the article and that may or may not be about the title versus the content. I haven't had a lot of time to read either and so I think it is probably a good idea to look at both the article and snopes when you or anyone else has time.
Then, during the Cold War, they became a bulwark against possible Soviet aggression against Western Europe.

No such aggression was ever planned by the Soviets who had a lot of rebuilding to do. It was Russia who bore the brunt of WWII and it was Russia that defeated the Nazi's.

The bases were there to project US power as it meddled in the ME and other areas, beginning what we see today.

And what we see today is Europe sick and tired of US violence and threats and meddling.

The US has become a hated nation.

A nation to oppose.

Because it is bloodthirsty ignorant and dangerous.

The attack of Iraq just being it's latest huge insanity. And Europe is stuck dealing with the results from that criminal invasion.
Germany thinks that we here in the US have lost our collective minds by electing this mindless buffoon to the presidency. I believe that they are right.

We fought two senseless wars in the middle east, we are threatening once again to re-negotiate the Geneva Conventions so that we can torture people, we are basing policies on fantasies of how the world is and of how things really work, climate change for example, we embrace religious fundamentalism while decrying the damage being done by a different religion's fundamentalism, etc. Apparently because the very rich in the US want tax cuts and a free hand to rape consumers and to repeatedly drive the financial markets into chaos so that a select few can make huge profits.

I think Trump was simply the straw that broke the camel's back. American leadership and moral authority has really taken a hit due to (ironically) the GOP. I think things really went south with the Bush administration, and the takeover of the GOP by the religious right. Evangelicals have put us squarely where we are today. Now our right party is so far over the top they not only put up Trump as a candidate, but look at each and every other candidate that ran last election. Shameful, simply shameful. What was the Democrat counter? Hillary. Yes, Hillary would have been worlds better for the country and the world than Don the Con, but she really only would have slowed down the U.S.'s decline.
Germany thinks that we here in the US have lost our collective minds by electing this mindless buffoon to the presidency. I believe that they are right.

We fought two senseless wars in the middle east, we are threatening once again to re-negotiate the Geneva Conventions so that we can torture people, we are basing policies on fantasies of how the world is and of how things really work, climate change for example, we embrace religious fundamentalism while decrying the damage being done by a different religion's fundamentalism, etc. Apparently because the very rich in the US want tax cuts and a free hand to rape consumers and to repeatedly drive the financial markets into chaos so that a select few can make huge profits.

I think Trump was simply the straw that broke the camel's back. American leadership and moral authority has really taken a hit due to (ironically) the GOP. I think things really went south with the Bush administration, and the takeover of the GOP by the religious right. Evangelicals have put us squarely where we are today. Now our right party is so far over the top they not only put up Trump as a candidate, but look at each and every other candidate that ran last election. Shameful, simply shameful. What was the Democrat counter? Hillary. Yes, Hillary would have been worlds better for the country and the world than Don the Con, but she really only would have slowed down the U.S.'s decline.

They took a pretty dim view of Reagan, so you can go back even further.

And the rise of evangelicals as a political force can probably be traced back to Nixon's Southern Strategy.
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