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Hannity: Obama bad for meeting w/ North Korea, but Trump good for meeting w/ North Korea


May 29, 2003
Chicago suburbs
Basic Beliefs
atheism, resistentialism


One of the interpretations of the Euthyphro dilemma is that authority-based moral systems result in the most extreme form of moral relativism in which morality becomes incoherent. Things are not good or bad based on what is done, but on who does them.

Thus, Hannity is giving us an unwitting example of the warning of the Euthyphro dilemma about the dangers of authority-based moral systems. When Obama mentioned that he would be willing to meet with the leader of North Korea, Hannity was enraged. Back in 2008, Hannity argued that it would never be a good idea to meet with the leader of North Korea because the leader of North Korea is evil, and Obama is obviously incompetent at foreign policy for entertaining the idea of meeting with the leader of North Korea.

But when Trump sets up a meeting with the North Korean leader, Hannity is beside himself with praise for the tremendous wisdom of Dear Leader Trump.

This is a consistent theme with Republicans. Things that are bad when a Democrat does them suddenly become good when a Republican does the same thing (or worse). I don't think it's a coincidence that most conservatives are Christian, which uses an authority-based moral system. Most conservatives are already trained from a young age to believe that moral acts are good or bad based on who does them. Those who are not raised Christian are part of a community of rabid Christians and probably influenced by their odd proclivities.
Rush Limbaugh was recently accused on air for what appears to be hypocritical--in the eyes of the uninitiated.

When a liberal does something that a conservative deems bad, expect backlash, but such backlash is not to be expected or at least not to a commensurate feverish degree we'd otherwise expect had it been a liberal wrong-doer.

Rush said, "I exist, to deny, liberalism success."

A judge ridicules the driver in his court for the deeds of the accused as he was drinking and driving--just as he should, but none of what makes the judge hypocritical (as he too drinks and drives) makes him worthy of the same ridicule as the drunk driver (that actually caused harm beyond merely being a risk).

It's not WHO, per se. But yes, WHO matters. Obama? Are you serious? That's like sending a child to perform surgery. That's assine on the face of it. Trump, well, he's someone capable of making a difference. Plus, as a benefit, even should he not make a difference, we would know we've sent someone in with the character capable; hence, it's not the person (as just a name or affiliation) but the traits and character that makes up the person. We can't blindly regard everyone as equals when some excel in places others do not.
Rush Limbaugh was recently accused on air for what appears to be hypocritical--in the eyes of the uninitiated.

When a liberal does something that a conservative deems bad, expect backlash, but such backlash is not to be expected or at least not to a commensurate feverish degree we'd otherwise expect had it been a liberal wrong-doer.

Rush said, "I exist, to deny, liberalism success."

A judge ridicules the driver in his court for the deeds of the accused as he was drinking and driving--just as he should, but none of what makes the judge hypocritical (as he too drinks and drives) makes him worthy of the same ridicule as the drunk driver (that actually caused harm beyond merely being a risk).

It's not WHO, per se. But yes, WHO matters. Obama? Are you serious? That's like sending a child to perform surgery. That's assine on the face of it. Trump, well, he's someone capable of making a difference. Plus, as a benefit, even should he not make a difference, we would know we've sent someone in with the character capable; hence, it's not the person (as just a name or affiliation) but the traits and character that makes up the person. We can't blindly regard everyone as equals when some excel in places others do not.

So conservatives aren't actually screaming hypocrites because the mainstream media is part of a vast international conspiracy to make you feel bad? That must be why the media wouldn't shut up about the possible implications of Hillary's private email server, but says hardly anything about various private email servers in the Trump administration. This is clearly evidence of a liberal media bias against conservatives!
Sean Hannity has been proven to be a lying hypocrite for literally decades. And never, not once has Hannity used this as a reason for his change in mind. The Euthyphro dilemma is a scumbag's last defense when their credibility and integrity are non-existent
Sean Hannity has been proven to be a lying hypocrite for literally decades. And never, not once has Hannity used this as a reason for his change in mind. The Euthyphro dilemma is a scumbag's last defense when their credibility and integrity are non-existent

But what about the international liberal media conspiracy? Doesn't that prove that Hannity is telling the truth and not a hypocrite? Conspiracy theories prove things! [/Conservolibertarian]
Sean Hannity has been proven to be a lying hypocrite for literally decades. And never, not once has Hannity used this as a reason for his change in mind. The Euthyphro dilemma is a scumbag's last defense when their credibility and integrity are non-existent

But what about the international liberal media conspiracy? Doesn't that prove that Hannity is telling the truth and not a hypocrite? Conspiracy theories prove things! [/Conservolibertarian]

Precisely. Hannity goes straight to whataboutisms. Never, not once has he said, "The reason I said that then and mean this now is because...". Not once.
Hannity is what a dangerous propagandist like Goebbels looks like in the modern world.

He is impervious to reason. He is not rational.

He thinks his god prefers the US to other nations.

When you begin from there it is impossible to be reasoned with.
But yes, WHO matters. Obama? Are you serious? That's like sending a child to perform surgery. That's assine on the face of it. Trump, well, he's someone capable of making a difference.

Are you on drugs, or did you transpose the names? If you're being facetious, I apologize. If you're serious... seek help.
But yes, WHO matters. Obama? Are you serious? That's like sending a child to perform surgery. That's assine on the face of it. Trump, well, he's someone capable of making a difference.

Are you on drugs, or did you transpose the names? If you're being facetious, I apologize. If you're serious... seek help.
Apology accepted :D
But yes, WHO matters. Obama? Are you serious? That's like sending a child to perform surgery. That's assine on the face of it. Trump, well, he's someone capable of making a difference.

Are you on drugs, or did you transpose the names? If you're being facetious, I apologize. If you're serious... seek help.
He lives in a propaganda bubble in which he was told that Trump already filled all of his campaign promises including the promise to defeat ISIS within 30 days of taking office. I think they admit that he hasn't built the wall yet.

They also believe he is the smartest president and that our genius president is outsmarting everyone, including the international media conspiracy to make conservatives feel bad.
But yes, WHO matters. Obama? Are you serious? That's like sending a child to perform surgery. That's assine on the face of it. Trump, well, he's someone capable of making a difference.

Are you on drugs, or did you transpose the names? If you're being facetious, I apologize. If you're serious... seek help.
He lives in a propaganda bubble in which he was told that Trump already filled all of his campaign promises including the promise to defeat ISIS within 30 days of taking office. I think they admit that he hasn't built the wall yet.

They also believe he is the smartest president and that our genius president is outsmarting everyone, including the international media conspiracy to make conservatives feel bad.

You do not understand the depths of my awesomeness.
To be fair, a lot of the same Democrats that applauded Obama for saying he would meet various regimes (North Korea among them) are now wagging their finger at Trump saying it's a bad idea. Now, Trump is inept like we've never seen, but that's generally not what's being said.
Trump is inept .... period.

He doesn't know anything. He doesn't know history. He doesn't even know geography. He doesn't know science.

He is a demented bald old man.

And anybody who voted for him should be ashamed of themselves.
To be fair, a lot of the same Democrats that applauded Obama for saying he would meet various regimes (North Korea among them) are now wagging their finger at Trump saying it's a bad idea. Now, Trump is inept like we've never seen, but that's generally not what's being said.

I don't see the willingness to talk as any cause of finger-wagging. It's the hypocrisy that brings it on.
Of course it would be one thing for an experienced, intelligent person like Obama to meet with a despotic loose cannon, and quite another for a dullard like Trump to wander into whatever traps might be set for him.
To be fair, a lot of the same Democrats that applauded Obama for saying he would meet various regimes (North Korea among them) are now wagging their finger at Trump saying it's a bad idea. Now, Trump is inept like we've never seen, but that's generally not what's being said.
The presumption would be a meeting with the North Korean leader (they hadn't tested a nuke yet, right) would have been via coordination with the State Department and our allies. Obama would have been briefed and read up.

The Trump "meeting" announcement came about on the fly, with no consultation of our allies or President aides. There is no indication Trump can locate North Korea on the map.
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