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Homeland Security Admits It Tried to Manufacture Fake Terrorists for Trump


Veteran Member
Mar 27, 2008
always on the move
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Atheist, skeptic, nerd
The report shows Homeland Security tried to find financial links between protestors in Portland in order to conflate that into an antifa 'terrorist organization'

The banks are just vendors, and the Fed is the only supplier. If they couldn't make the connection' they probably need to upgrade their software.
Terrorist may b e too strong a word in this context, but I have no doubt there is foreign money and influence filtering into American protests.

Police intelligence in Seattle reported outside agitators in Seattle during the demonstrations, IOW riots.

I am not familiar with Gizmodo and I can not find corroborating reports.

The link is poor quality propaganda.

There have been reports of Russian and other money feeding into social media groups without their knowing where the money is coming from.

Washington — Two Russian nationals working for a news network controlled by Vladimir Putin's government funneled millions of dollars to an American media company that paid right-wing influencers for videos pushing narratives favorable to the Kremlin, U.S. prosecutors alleged on Wednesday.

To me the Seattle 'protestors' were terrorists.

They attacked busyness in Chinatown terrorizing people. I waked the protestors march into Chinatown form our roof deck. I saw the damage the next day.

The CHOP Zone. Reporters were assaulted, free speech was suppressed, armed people terrorizing and controlling the zone.
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Terrorist may b e too strong a word in this context, but I have no doubt there is foreign money and influence filtering into American protests.

Police intelligence in Seattle reported outside agitators in Seattle during the demonstrations, IOW riots.

I am not familiar with Gizmodo and I can not find corroborating reports.
That might be because this story is from the fall of 2022. I think the OP'er got news aggregated.

Here is the report from Homeland Security.

DHS Report Pg 64/65 said:
3. Politicization of Intelligence Products. This investigation revealed no evidence of politicization (roughly “write this analysis this way to support this political assertion”)467 by anyone in the I&A chain of command or DHS Secretary’s office. However, Mr. Murphy did make other attempts to controvert the collection-analysis process. Particularly illuminative was the promulgation of the term “Violent Antifa Anarchists Inspired” (VAAI).As discussed by several intelligence analysts, to understand the genesis for VAAI, one must take the events of the summer into context. In many conversations, Mr. Murphy stated that the violent protesters in Portland were connected to or motivated by ANTIFA. This may have made sense to Mr. Murphy based on his own beliefs, but I&A did not have collections (evidence) to show it and absent reporting or some other evidence on motivation, I&A analysts could not ascribe motivation to the violent actors as Mr. Murphy expected. Mr. Murphy would tell the analysts to cite to existing OSIRs as evidence of the motivation, but the OSIRs did not draw a connection to ANTIFA. For weeks, the analysts had been telling Mr. Murphy that because ANTIFA was not in the collection, it could not be put into the analysis. Notwithstanding this feedback from the I&A analysts, on July 25, 2020, Mr. Murphy sent an email to his senior leadership instructing them that henceforth, the violent opportunists in Portland were to be reported as VAAI, unless the intel “show[ed] . . . something different.”468 The analysts stated that “if you lived through the process, you could see where this VAAI definition was coming from a mile away. He got tired of the analysts telling him they did not have the reporting and he was convinced it was ANTIFA so he was going to fix the problem by changing what the collectors were reporting.” 469Senior I&A leaders immediately responded negatively after Mr. Murphy summarily promulgated the term on 25 July. Several issues existed. In his email promulgating the term, Mr. Murphy asserted that:

“The individuals are violently attacking the Federal facilities based on those ideologies. We can’t say any longer that this violent situation is opportunistic. Additionally, we have overwhelmingly intelligence regarding the ideologies driving individuals towards violence and why the violence has continued. A core set of Threat actors are organized, show up night after night, share common TTPs and drawing on like-minded individuals to their cause….”470

In fact, per the analysts’ statements noted above, overwhelming intelligence regarding the motivations or affiliations of the violent protesters did not exist. Indeed, the review team could not identify any intelligence that existed to support Mr. Murphy’s assertion.471
The point being, the analysts were doing their job and the Trump appointee was there to politicize things.
Every year since the 90s WTO riots in Seattle Antifa and Black Block have shown up dressed in black ninja clothes with homemade weapons and fire bombs. I have seen them running around. with weapons. Haven't seen them recently

The apologists always say Antfa is not terrorist but I think otherwise. They come to Seattle to provoke violent responses from police. People are afraid to go on the steetss when they are around..

I am no fan of Trump, but sometimes I agree with the right.
Every year since the 90s WTO riots in Seattle Antifa and Black Block have shown up dressed in black ninja clothes with homemade weapons and fire bombs. I have seen them running around. with weapons. Haven't seen them recently

The apologists always say Antfa is not terrorist but I think otherwise. They come to Seattle to provoke violent responses from police. People are afraid to go on the steetss when they are around..
There seems to be a professional group of people that just go from WTO event to WTO event.
I am no fan of Trump, but sometimes I agree with the right.
But saying you are against professional agitators isn't a right-wing view. It is mainstream view. The problem here is that the Trump appointee was trying to sell the protests in Portland as organized violence, even though the professionals who analyze this stuff for a living weren't observing that. The Trump Admin was trying to sell an image of Antifa that wasn't accurate, in order to sell his image of a dystopian United States where violent mobs were everywhere (while he was President).
The Trump Admin was trying to sell an image of Antifa that wasn't accurate, in order to sell his image of a dystopian United States
Trump can’t survive without supervillains of his own creation that he can vanquish at will (being imaginary, it’s not too hard).
Trump’s Antifa is NO different from his dog-eating Haitians, his caravans and every other boogeyman that terrifies his cowardly voters.

I was pleased to hear that people in Springfield OH are filing criminal charges against Miracle Ear and the sectional predator for their intentionally harmful lies.
Nothing new here. Trump is known to try to get fake investigations opened whenever it benefits him personally. From trying to get his justice department to open fake investigations into election fraud, to getting Ukraine to open a fake investigation into Joe and Hunter Biden, this man is a criminal with no bounds. Only by the integrity of the people Trump was ordering were these things averted. Trump now realizes people of integrity are an obstacle to what he wants. He will not make that mistake again. The new requirement to being in Trump's government are 100% loyalty to him and zero integrity. The government is going to be staffed full of amoral criminals if Trump wins.
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