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Hope Hicks is out

Jimmy Higgins

Jan 31, 2001
Basic Beliefs
Calvinistic Atheist
Well, if you bet on the long odd horse Hope Hicks to resign as White House Communications Director, you probably scored some fair coin.

She cited wanting to spend more time with her family... wait... she is only 29 years old?!

Hope Hicks was one of the longest server advisers to the President and being 29, and a former model, she must have known a lot! That is why Tom Brady's wife is the Defensive Coordinator for the Patriots!

We can only guess what person (pet?) in Trump's ever diminishing small circle of allies will be given the position that has seen more turnaround than the Defense Against the Dark Arts faculty position at Hogwarts. Certainly there must be someone who isn't on the verge of indictment and can find a lawyer that won't cost too much.
I heard she "communicated" with a lot of guys around the White House.
Hmmm, I always thought she was the one Trump was fucking.
CNN Article (my emphasis) said:
A tearful Hicks announced her departure to the White House communications team Wednesday afternoon, a source inside the room told CNN. She referenced how many years she had worked for Trump, said she has always wanted the best for him and that she felt like now was the right time to go -- which some in the room took as a reference to the speculation she's leaving in light of her testimony. She thanked the team and said she will miss them all.
That'd be six years, working with him full-time. That isn't that long... granted, if you only 16 years old, I guess it seems like a longer period of time.

Granted, working for that obese manatee with a temper of a 2 year old probably makes the time linger, especially when he's laying into you naked all the while telling you about how this has to be the best sex you've ever had (such a narcissist that he faked her orgasms).
Hmmm, I always thought she was the one Trump was fucking.

There can't be only one...

Well, he's fucking the entire planet, sure but I seriously doubt he's up for more than the occasional fuck with anything or anyone. No matter how many pumps, implants or pills he's got at his disposal. Probably a little pro forma chasing around a desk or bed or something but actual fucking?
That'd be six years, working with him full-time. That isn't that long... granted, if you only 16 years old, I guess it seems like a longer period of time.
If she were a dog, that would be the equivalent of 42 years. My guess is that in "Daily exposure to Trump" years that is more like 60 years.
Hmmm, I always thought she was the one Trump was fucking.

There can't be only one...

Well, he's fucking the entire planet, sure but I seriously doubt he's up for more than the occasional fuck with anything or anyone. No matter how many pumps, implants or pills he's got at his disposal. Probably a little pro forma chasing around a desk or bed or something but actual fucking?
Now you are just splitting woodies...

Besides I was mostly having a little fun...
Let me get this straight... a young girl in her 20's, with no prior political experience, is the personal assistant to the most powerful person on Earth, and is leaving for better opportunities than that?
That story simply doesn't jibe. Her departure can be nothing of the sort.
Let me get this straight... a young girl in her 20's, with no prior political experience, is the personal assistant to the most powerful person on Earth, and is leaving for better opportunities than that?
That story simply doesn't jibe. Her departure can be nothing of the sort.
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