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How would you react if Trump North Korea cooperative?


Aug 22, 2003
South Pole
Basic Beliefs
Trump is saying he's "open to talks with little rocket man", and North Korea is now having talks with South Korea for the first time in a long time leading up to the Olympics. What if Trump meets with Kim and Kim suddenly becomes cooperative and brings democracy to North Korea?

How would you react? Trump would still be Trump the rude idiot. Would you look at him any differently? Would you "give him credit" for "winning so huge"?

PS - I just realized the title has a typo. Meant to say Trump had or made North Korea cooperative.
Well, 'cooperate' is kinda supposed to be trump's job. He billed himself as the great dealmaker.
And anything making was LESS likely would be good.

I just think FFvC would have to delegate a LOT of the process, and support his delegates.

I also fear that trump really wants a glorious war to secure his place in history.

So my reaction would be glee and no small measure of surprise...
Unless I could see the threads of cooperation as to how this developed, I'd have to feed it into my "America just voted away it's democracy." theory rather than assume Kim Jong-un suddenly became The Benevolent Leader.
And what of his political prison camps, torture, slave-labor, and just generally letting the population starve to keep the military and especially his nuclear program going? That's okay now as long as he promises not to do it again?

If this just magically happened and Trump was involved, aside from expecting Kim Jong-un to be brought before the International Criminal Court, I'd expect a full investigation as to how the United States Dear Leader made this happen.
How would you react? Trump would still be Trump the rude idiot. Would you look at him any differently? Would you "give him credit" for "winning so huge"?

I'd probably die of shock. Assuming I survived that, I'd react the same way as if he sprouted wings and began flying around White House grounds.
Trump is saying he's "open to talks with little rocket man", and North Korea is now having talks with South Korea for the first time in a long time leading up to the Olympics. What if Trump meets with Kim and Kim suddenly becomes cooperative and brings democracy to North Korea?

How would you react? Trump would still be Trump the rude idiot. Would you look at him any differently? Would you "give him credit" for "winning so huge"?

PS - I just realized the title has a typo. Meant to say Trump had or made North Korea cooperative.

I Kim did change it could be for economic reforms but the status quo would remain, hence no immediate moves to democracy.
I would compliment him on a job well done.

It is difficult to overstate just how confident I feel that I will never have to say that.
When it happens, I will find out how I will react. Until that time, I see no need to think about it.
Trump has shown that he isn't worth listening to, as he doesn't stay to his word, the word of his State Dept, or previous administration agreements.

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I'm all for giving credit where it's due. No one is divinely virtuous or pathologically evil, so of course there will be shades of grey in anyone's character.

Having said that, can you imagine the amount of bragging Trump would do if he accomplished something like that? You wont be able to hear my opinion on such a matter; it would be drowned out by the impending twitt-anmi about such a feat.
Why would I think that if Trump talked to North Korea that North Korea would turn towards democracy?

I rather think it would go the other way. We've got Trump, after all. Slippery slope is well greased.
Trump is taking credit for the upcoming talks between N and S Korea. He had nothing to do with it.
Trump is taking credit for the upcoming talks between N and S Korea. He had nothing to do with it.
You are clearly forgetting his fire and brimstone warnings to North Korea. It completely scared them into making overtures to allow them to place athletes in the Olympics.
Trump is taking credit for the upcoming talks between N and S Korea. He had nothing to do with it.

He absolutely had something to do with it. He's shown that the US is now a joke and can't be counted on so our allies are beginning to go it alone. With 'Murica out of the way (we're too busy becoming great again), the Koreas can now talk amongst themselves and we're not invited.
If that happened, I'd give Trump credit for an effective strategy. Kim didn't want to play nuclear chicken with someone who's almost as crazy and unpredictable as he is. It's one area where Trump being Trump could potentially have an upside.

Now, I don't think it's going to happen, but I didn't think that Trump would get elected or last an entire year in office if he did. Shows how much my predictions of anything Trump related are worth.
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