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If Russia caused Trump to win does that mean Americans are easily led?

McAFee has his views and is an expert in his field so it may not be simply playing the McAfee card.

Although John McAfee founded the anitvirus software company that bears his name, he left that company nearly 25 years ago, and is no longer considered an expert in the field of computer security. Since then he has gone on to becoming an expert at losing nearly $100 million in the real estate market, an expert in illicit drug use, and an expert paranoiac.

It's still very much not clear the Russians did actually hack Hillary's email.

Why do keep on making statements that indicate that you think Hillary Clinton's email server was hacked? It is still very much clear that NO ONE hacked Hillary Clinton's email server. Not Russia, not Guccifer 2.0, and not some 14 year old fat kid in his mother's basement.

Please acknowledge this fact to avoid embarrassing yourself further: Hillary Clinton's email server was not hacked.
If Russia caused Trump to win does that mean Americans are easily led?

yes. Even if Trump's win was less than completely nefarious (jury is still out), people are extremely easily led to believe anything.at.all.

Here is a list within just one of the categories of ways people make (bad) decisions, of which good public speakers are experts at exploiting:

The Russians wanted to weaken the Clinton Administration. The question is, did they have an impact on the election. I'd say off all the bullshit stuff out there, the emails were the biggest deal (and the media which is allegedly in the boat for Clinton helped to keep emails in the news). The emails provided a bit of cover for Trump as he just kept on having issues. I don't know whether the "fake news" helped much at all. Comey being forced to 'reopen' the Clinton investigation certainly did not help at all. And we know that Giuliani created actual "fake news" with contacts in the NY FBI bureau with regards to the Clinton Foundation.

Ultimately, it is still unclear what in the heck happened. Did black turnout drops lose the election? It dropped near 7 pts and all Clinton needed was 150,000 votes combined in WI, MI, and PA to change the election results. So yeah, black people not voting for a non-black candidate didn't help. I think the biggest deal was that some women loved Trump, much more than could have been predicted.

The Russians tried to assist and did help, but something greater (worse) was at work. Many women chose the cult of personality persona and neglected the whole serial adulterer, sexual assaulting person.
If barbos wants to know how easily people are led, he need look no further than his own Uncle Vlad.
Just lie to them, tell them what they want to hear, murder or "disappear" journalists or opposition that tries to tell the truth about him... Cheato wishes he could be like Vlad.
If barbos wants to know how easily people are led, he need look no further than his own Uncle Vlad.
Just lie to them, tell them what they want to hear, murder or "disappear" journalists or opposition that tries to tell the truth about him... Cheato wishes he could be like Vlad.

I've thought this since the first mention of Putin during the campaigning last year. King Buttercup totally admires Putin and sucks up to him because Putin intimidates him.
If barbos wants to know how easily people are led, he need look no further than his own Uncle Vlad.
Just lie to them, tell them what they want to hear, murder or "disappear" journalists or opposition that tries to tell the truth about him... Cheato wishes he could be like Vlad.

C'mon anybody could have poisoned Litvenenko with polonium. And those apartment bombings leading up to the second Chechen war were totally done by terrists - even though the only two people arrested in connection with them were two ethnic Russians who were employed by the FSB
If barbos wants to know how easily people are led, he need look no further than his own Uncle Vlad.
Just lie to them, tell them what they want to hear, murder or "disappear" journalists or opposition that tries to tell the truth about him... Cheato wishes he could be like Vlad.
How do you know that you are not being led when you are told that Putin this and Putin that?
If barbos wants to know how easily people are led, he need look no further than his own Uncle Vlad.
Just lie to them, tell them what they want to hear, murder or "disappear" journalists or opposition that tries to tell the truth about him... Cheato wishes he could be like Vlad.

C'mon anybody could have poisoned Litvenenko with polonium. And those apartment bombings leading up to the second Chechen war were totally done by terrists - even though the only two people arrested in connection with them were two ethnic Russians who were employed by the FSB

Well, assuming that british are not lying, Litvinenko case seems rather clear, he was "terminated" by FSB connected people. The rest of the list which is usually attributed to Putin by western media is just conspiracy theories of different magnitude of ridiculousness. Of course western public does not understand the situations well enough or at all to see that. As for litvinenko, I have thought about it and has come to the conclusion that it's a rather separate case in that FSB killed their own agent who defected. Had CIA had a chance they would probably killed Snowden I think. People who go to work for these kind of organizations sell their souls as far as I am concerned. Having said that, It was a mistake to kill him. Putin got a very bad reputation and he knows it.
True the collusion is not demonstrable at this stage which I have also said. Hence agreed.

Yes, you brought up collusion AGAIN even though the topic was responsibility for the hack, you keep trying to divert to something else, something which you keep getting wrong too, since you are claiming that there is no evidence of collusion.

And on the actual topic, here is what your cited source Clapper happen to say just today:

"There's been a long history of Soviet interference going back to the Soviet era in our elections, but never, ever has there been a case of the aggressiveness and direct actions that the Russians took and their conduct of a multifaceted campaign to interfere with our election," he told CNN's Chris Cuomo Tuesday on "New Day."

Clapper previously testified before a Senate judiciary subcommittee that he was not aware of any evidence demonstrating collusion between President Donald Trump's campaign and Russia -- but he also said he had been unaware of an FBI investigation into the matter until former FBI Director James Comey announced it publicly at a House hearing in March.

"Are you 100% sure that Russia was behind the election meddling that you described," Cuomo asked Clapper Tuesday.

"Absolutely," Clapper responded. "The evidence, which unfortunately we could not detail in our intelligence community assessment, was, in my view, overwhelming. And that is why the assessment that we did enjoyed such a high confidence level."

Clapper: Russia 'absolutely' meddled in the 2016 election - CNNPolitics.com

Please ask someone to translate that for you if you still don't get it.

By the way, as KeepTalking pointed out, you also earlier repeated your whopper that Clinton's email server was hacked. Stop the bullshit for once. Are you honestly this inept or are you doing this on purpose? That you never admit error, gives me a hint.

Hacking: This is something which has been going on for a considerable amount of years. Since this is concerning an unsecured server this created a field day for all kinds of Hacks. That is it. We can also argue that since this was happening for a number of years, the previous US governments should have been doing something about it (but it is possible it was).

Thanks for another of your headscratching non sequiturs.

I suggest you read the procedures used in particular the Supreme Court Case Nixon v. United States (1993) This was relating to WALTER Nixon, not Richard Nixon.

I did read it. YOU need to read it. This is what YOU quoted:

The Senate countered that it had complete authority over how to fashion proceedings and that Senators' political accountability was the only check on this authority. Ultimately, the Supreme Court accepted the Senate's arguments in Nixon v. United States (1993) on the principal ground that the Senate's power to try impeachments included the nonreviewable final discretion to determine how to conduct its trials.

That is the exact opposite of what you keep claiming. If Congress wanted to, they could decide to impeach Trump because he's too unfit to walk half a mile without taking a break. Congress can vote however they want about it. Of course they should try to objectively apply suitable standards of evidence, but as your quote says it's a political process not a judicial one.

However if you can find a lawyer on the forum (there used to be a couple) he/she can give a perspective in that he may say my interpretation is correct or it is wrong. However this is really not the central issue as it relates to the methodology used.

It's not a court of course. It's a trial in the Senate presided over by the Chief Justice (in the case of the President).

Yes, go ask any lawyer who knows about impeachment. Please do so. Go play your nutty game with them instead of wasting our time here.

Unless the statements are false, hacking seems to have taken place.

The leaks are pretty boring and certainly insufficient to seriously discredit anyone.


FBI Sources: Clinton Server Hacked By 'At Least Five' Foreign Intel Agencies, Two Major Federal Probes Ongoing

Hillary’s server continues to haunt her

Did that system ever get hacked? On Friday, the FBI revealed that a hacker broke into an email account on that system.

Here are 18 lacklustre statements from the BBC. Could any of these have been doctored?? Maybe, maybe not.

18 revelations from Wikileaks' hacked Clinton emails

The above could be true of false but what I have seen (unless these are fake emails) is there is nothing dramatic enough to change things.

The Impeachment Trial is analogous to a court trial, but in a different setting and a limitation of powers once the person is found guilt.

There is a continuing disparity as to the following positions:

PROOF BEYOND REASONABLE DOUBT is something which defendants would expect impeachment proceedings and which we see in criminal trials.

However those who present a case (for convicting) argues for have urged a lower civil standard namely a weight of evidence.

The standards for presenting, evaluating and adjudicating on evidence are not in themselves changed for to do otherwise would violate the constitution and be illegal.

WEIGHT OF EVIDENCE: One case in favour of preponderance rests in the fact the fact that the Impeachment Court has limited powers

The disparity is as to the court standards used and not the principals of evaluating evidence.

If you ask a lawyer, you may get differing opinions as to the standard they feel is required.

The Impeachment Trial is analogous to a court trial, but in a different setting and a limitation of powers once the person is found guilt.

There is a continuing disparity as to the following positions:

PROOF BEYOND REASONABLE DOUBT is something which defendants would expect impeachment proceedings and which we see in criminal trials.

However those who present a case (for convicting) argues for have urged a lower civil standard namely a weight of evidence.

The standards for presenting, evaluating and adjudicating on evidence are not in themselves changed for to do otherwise would violate the constitution and be illegal.

WEIGHT OF EVIDENCE: One case in favour of preponderance rests in the fact the fact that the Impeachment Court has limited powers

The disparity is as to the court standards used and not the principals of evaluating evidence.

If you ask a lawyer, you may get differing opinions as to the standard they feel is required.

I could speak to Lawyers but then I prefer to check for myself as follows:


CRS Report for Congress
Standard of Proof in Senate Impeachment
Thomas B. Ripy
Legislative Attorney
American Law Division

The Constitution gives the United States Senate the responsibility for trying
impeachments, but does not address the standard of proof that is to be used in such
trials. This report concludes that an examination of the constitutional language, history, and the work of legal scholars provides no definitive answer to the question of what standard is to be applied. In the final analysis the question is one which historically has been answered by individual Senators guided by their own consciences.

At best, the constitutional provisions concerning the power of impeachment provide only indirect guidance in analyzing the question of what standard of proof is, or should be, applicable to Senate impeachment trials. Nevertheless, those words are the starting point for discussions about the nature of impeachment proceedings and the standard of proof that is or should be applicable to such proceedings.

See also

Impeachment is also addressed in the Executive Article of the Constitution wherein it is said that: “The President, Vice President, and all Civil Officers of the United States, shall be removed from Office on Impeachment for and Conviction of, Treason, Bribery, or other high Crimes and Misdemeanors.” Finally, the Judicial Article provides that, “The trial of all Crimes except Impeachment, shall be by Jury; ....” These few words provide the constitutional framework for a discussion of the standard of proof in impeachment proceedings, but no definitive answer as to what standard is to or should be applied. The use of certain words such as “try,” “convicted” and “conviction” suggests that impeachment might be likened to a criminal proceeding, where the standard of proof is beyond a reasonable doubt.

You could quote some legal opinion when you write as that helps.
Although John McAfee founded the anitvirus software company that bears his name, he left that company nearly 25 years ago, and is no longer considered an expert in the field of computer security. Since then he has gone on to becoming an expert at losing nearly $100 million in the real estate market, an expert in illicit drug use, and an expert paranoiac.

It's still very much not clear the Russians did actually hack Hillary's email.

Why do keep on making statements that indicate that you think Hillary Clinton's email server was hacked? It is still very much clear that NO ONE hacked Hillary Clinton's email server. Not Russia, not Guccifer 2.0, and not some 14 year old fat kid in his mother's basement.

Please acknowledge this fact to avoid embarrassing yourself further: Hillary Clinton's email server was not hacked.

Losing money in real estate and taking drugs do not in themselves cause someone to de-expert. Like any opinion he may be right or wrong.

Even if her site was hacked the information is generally lacklustre.
There was conflicting information on this.

What was the conclusion on this matter (to close this issue)?
If Russia caused Trump to win does that mean Americans are easily led?

Easily fooled, not easily led, at least by this tweeting twit.
If barbos wants to know how easily people are led, he need look no further than his own Uncle Vlad.
Just lie to them, tell them what they want to hear, murder or "disappear" journalists or opposition that tries to tell the truth about him... Cheato wishes he could be like Vlad.
How do you know that you are not being led when you are told that Putin this and Putin that?
Well context would be become important, and looking at a bunch of events as a whole.
If barbos wants to know how easily people are led, he need look no further than his own Uncle Vlad.
Just lie to them, tell them what they want to hear, murder or "disappear" journalists or opposition that tries to tell the truth about him... Cheato wishes he could be like Vlad.
How do you know that you are not being led when you are told that Putin this and Putin that?

The same way I "know" that I exist, the sky is blue when it's daytime and clear, and you're a Russian shill.
Some things are obvious beyond the need for further validation.
Unless the statements are false, hacking seems to have taken place.

Yes, hacking took place, just not the hacking that you repeatedly claim to have taken place. Specifically, there is absolutely no indication or evidence that Hillary Clinton's private email server was hacked. After reading your first link below, however, I now see why you think that is was. The reason, in short, is shoddy or intentionally misleading reporting.

The leaks are pretty boring and certainly insufficient to seriously discredit anyone.


FBI Sources: Clinton Server Hacked By 'At Least Five' Foreign Intel Agencies, Two Major Federal Probes Ongoing

Townhall.com either got this story very wrong, or is intentionally misreading it's readers. I suspect the latter, given their far right bent. Your very next link from the Washington Times shows how they got it wrong.

Here is the quote from the above article that shows just how abysmal/ misleading townhall.com's reporting is in this case:

FBI posted on its website more than 300 emails that Mrs. Clinton had sent to an unnamed colleague not in the government — no doubt her adviser Sid Blumenthal — that had fallen into the hands of foreign powers. It turns out — and the Sunday night release proves this — that Mr. Blumenthal was hacked by intelligence agents from at least three foreign governments and that they obtained the emails Mrs. Clinton had sent to him that contained state secrets. Sources believe that the hostile hackers were the Russians and the Chinese and the friendly hackers were the Israelis.

Despite the sensational headline, and shoddy reporting from townhall, the above article shows not that Hillary Clinton's server was hacked, but rather that Sid Blumenthal's email was hacked, and it contained emails sent from Hillary Clinton's server. Please read your sources more carefully before embarrassing yourself further in this regard.

Did that system ever get hacked? On Friday, the FBI revealed that a hacker broke into an email account on that system.

No, the system did not get hacked. An email address for one of Bill Clinton's aides was compromised, but not hacked. The email was accessed by using the account ID and password of the aide. Please try to read for comprehension in the future to avoid embarrassing yourself further with regard to this matter.

Here are 18 lacklustre statements from the BBC. Could any of these have been doctored?? Maybe, maybe not.

18 revelations from Wikileaks' hacked Clinton emails

These were not Clinton's emails, they were John Podesta's emails, which were obtained from phishing his account (notably not an account Hillary Clinton's server), and not by hacking Hillary's server. Please try actually reading your sources before linking to them in order to avoid embarrassing yourself further with regard to this matter.

The above could be true of false but what I have seen (unless these are fake emails) is there is nothing dramatic enough to change things.

The above are examples of your being taken in by shoddy or misleading sources, failure to comprehend what you have read, and/or failure to read the sources to which you linked.

Although John McAfee founded the anitvirus software company that bears his name, he left that company nearly 25 years ago, and is no longer considered an expert in the field of computer security. Since then he has gone on to becoming an expert at losing nearly $100 million in the real estate market, an expert in illicit drug use, and an expert paranoiac.

Why do keep on making statements that indicate that you think Hillary Clinton's email server was hacked? It is still very much clear that NO ONE hacked Hillary Clinton's email server. Not Russia, not Guccifer 2.0, and not some 14 year old fat kid in his mother's basement.

Please acknowledge this fact to avoid embarrassing yourself further: Hillary Clinton's email server was not hacked.

Losing money in real estate and taking drugs do not in themselves cause someone to de-expert. Like any opinion he may be right or wrong.

While what you say is true, in the fast moving world of computer security, not being active in that field for nearly 25 years certainly is a compelling reason to believe that one is no longer an expert in that field.

Even if her site was hacked the information is generally lacklustre.
There was conflicting information on this.

What was the conclusion on this matter (to close this issue)?

There is no conflicting information on whether or not Hillary Clinton's email server was hacked, only shoddy or misleading report from far right sources, and your failure to read or understand what the more reliable sources are reporting.
How do you know that you are not being led when you are told that Putin this and Putin that?

The same way I "know" that I exist, the sky is blue when it's daytime and clear, and you're a Russian shill.
Some things are obvious beyond the need for further validation.
I know I am not a shill, hence you are wrong about that. And since you are wrong about one thing you could be wrong about others as well.
The same way I "know" that I exist, the sky is blue when it's daytime and clear, and you're a Russian shill.
Some things are obvious beyond the need for further validation.
I know I am not a shill, hence you are wrong about that. And since you are wrong about one thing you could be wrong about others as well.
You aren't a shill, but you seem to be blinded by anti-Americanism. You somehow see no relevance in an FBI Director being fired over an investigation of Russian meddling, the NSA to the President resigning because of undisclosed contacts with Russia, the Attorney General lying about having no contacts with Russia during the campaign or transition, and a private citizen trying to broker a private channel through the Russian embassy with Moscow.

That's a whole lot of Russia in there and the conspiracy may now date back to April 2016.
How do you know that you are not being led when you are told that Putin this and Putin that?
Well context would be become important, and looking at a bunch of events as a whole.
Why do you think you are given right context when you watch the news about some topic you really don't know much about?
You have no way to check anything you are told.

- - - Updated - - -

I know I am not a shill,

You are a shill, though perhaps unwittingly. Just as plain as the color of the sky.
No, I am not.
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