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If we weren't labelled 'sapiens' then what.. ?


Jun 23, 2010
Say we have a chance to re-brand our species to something other than Homo Sapiens, to Homo [something else].

What do we go with?
To add a bit of substance to this thread using 're-branding' was probably poor word choice in the original post. What I'm getting at with the question is something along the lines of: if in theory 'sapiens' is a poor choice, what other defining feature would you go with to describe us?

I don't think this is an arbitrary question either as I figure going with 'intelligent' might have been a bit anthropocentric.
Change from homo to sexualy and sexuality and race neutral sapiens.

That should please most.
The idea that we are sufficiently different from other chimps as to have our own genus is perhaps even more lacking in humility than the 'sapiens' tag.

I agree with Pratchett et al. that genus 'Pan' should include us and our immediate ancestors. Although I guess we could equally well promote chimps to Homo Troglodytes, but then 'Homo Paniscus' would become rather odd, so Bonoboes would need to become Homo Homunculus or something.

It's easier just to move us to Pan, and either call us Pan Sapiens for backward consistency, or perhaps Pan Falsus, given our joyful dissemination not just of stories, but of outright lies.
Homo Lingua

We have a language capacity which is what separates us from all other apes.

We use computers to communicate.

With language.
Primatus Horriblis

This self loathing shit about us humans is a sickness brought about by hyper progressivism. Unless you are a creationist we are what evolution made us. We are as natural as a wolf, deer, or mosquito.

Articulate spasm, how are brain is wired, and our physical dexterity gave us sconce which allows us to manipulate the environment.
Think I might go with something about being social.

What we've labelled 'intelligence' seems to be a reaction to more complex social groups, so it's actually 'cognitive ability oriented towards social groups' rather than just 'cognitive ability'.

In every culture in the world social skills / status is highly prized. We're a social species, not a purely 'intelligent' one.
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