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Irony that is Trump and the Florida Shooter

Jimmy Higgins

Jan 31, 2001
Basic Beliefs
Calvinistic Atheist
The President (along with the NRA, oddly enough) was bemusing about how so many people failed. About how there were all these warning signs about the shooter before hand and the FBI did nothing, the Sheriff did nothing, etc... etc...

And here we are pondering just how desperate a lone wolf in the White House, with his allies almost all gone, would become, when it came to staying in power or 'sending a message' that he has the biggest dick in the universe.

And I wonder about the "so many people failed" argument. The warning signs of him being a sociopath were there. We knew he had something going on with Russia. But no one did anything to stop it... and he has access to nuclear weapons (though not necessarily the ability to unilaterally use them if the military deems it).

Trump is pushing 1920's trade policies and leaping from free trade deals like it is going out of style. But we knew he was a shitty businessman... but people still voted for him.

The warning signs were there about Trump... why didn't anyone act on it?

Post Script to Secret Service - The post is in no ways to be taken as condoning harm to the President, but rather hoping for impeachment or an indictment because the people failed on Election Day.
Post Script to Secret Service - The post is in no ways to be taken as condoning harm to the President, but rather hoping for impeachment or an indictment because the people failed on Election Day.

In other words, due process...

what Trump wants to eliminate
The President (along with the NRA, oddly enough) was bemusing about how so many people failed. About how there were all these warning signs about the shooter before hand and the FBI did nothing, the Sheriff did nothing, etc... etc...

And here we are pondering just how desperate a lone wolf in the White House, with his allies almost all gone, would become, when it came to staying in power or 'sending a message' that he has the biggest dick in the universe.

And I wonder about the "so many people failed" argument. The warning signs of him being a sociopath were there. We knew he had something going on with Russia. But no one did anything to stop it... and he has access to nuclear weapons (though not necessarily the ability to unilaterally use them if the military deems it).

Trump is pushing 1920's trade policies and leaping from free trade deals like it is going out of style. But we knew he was a shitty businessman... but people still voted for him.

The warning signs were there about Trump... why didn't anyone act on it?

Post Script to Secret Service - The post is in no ways to be taken as condoning harm to the President, but rather hoping for impeachment or an indictment because the people failed on Election Day.

I've said before and I'll say again: Trump was very clever in choosing his Vice President. I'm sure he looked down the line of succession, too.

I think that impeachment of Trump is necessary because I am certain that he has and continues to break laws. It's the right thing to do.

I don't think we'll be better off in terms of who sits in the White House if he's removed from office. At least not until after the midterms. So, a year from now. Maybe.
Trump is not capable to see the irony, he breaks irony meters with every twit. As for Mike Pence I doubt it was Trump who choose him, simply because Trump did not plan to win and doubtful had even known Pence. And whoever came up with Pence certainly had not thought about possible Trump impeachment.
Trump is not capable to see the irony, he breaks irony meters with every twit. As for Mike Pence I doubt it was Trump who choose him, simply because Trump did not plan to win and doubtful had even known Pence. And whoever came up with Pence certainly had not thought about possible Trump impeachment.

I disagree with the bolded (though I agree with the rest).

Whoever choose Pence was trying to accomplish two things imho:

1. Give the right-wing Evangelicals one of their own in the White House to offset Trump's pussy-grabbing philandering behavior (though they need not have worried. The hypocritical religious voters put their so-called values aside faster than Trump tells another whopper)

2. Have one of their own as President when Trump goes down.
Hillary put him in office when even he didn't truly expect it, and Americans have difficulty controlling their authorities.
Hillary put him in office when even he didn't truly expect it, and Americans have difficulty controlling their authorities.

I'm curious. Do you think Americans have more difficulty controlling their authorities than other nations?

I've watched the UK and dominion states lately and I'm not particularly assured that they have any more success than Americans do at 'controlling their authorities'.

Maybe you can elucidate for us?
Hillary put him in office when even he didn't truly expect it, and Americans have difficulty controlling their authorities.

I'm curious. Do you think Americans have more difficulty controlling their authorities than other nations?

I've watched the UK and dominion states lately and I'm not particularly assured that they have any more success than Americans do at 'controlling their authorities'.

Maybe you can elucidate for us?

In a parliamentary system you have something called a vote of no confidence and there is no need to impeach.
Hillary put him in office when even he didn't truly expect it, and Americans have difficulty controlling their authorities.

I'm curious. Do you think Americans have more difficulty controlling their authorities than other nations?

I've watched the UK and dominion states lately and I'm not particularly assured that they have any more success than Americans do at 'controlling their authorities'.

Maybe you can elucidate for us?

In a parliamentary system you have something called a vote of no confidence and there is no need to impeach.

But does a vote of no confidence remove the official from office? Does it somehow restrict their powers? And in a highly partisan scenario, such as exists in the U.S., couldn't a vote of no confidence be used in bad faith to batter a political opponent?

And if there is no removal and/or no restriction on power, what would give a person like Trump pause to reconsider his actions and inactions?

I'm not asking to challenge what you're saying; I'm asking because a vote of no confidence has different meanings in different systems. So which system do you have in mind when you mention the vote of no confidence?
Trump is not capable to see the irony, he breaks irony meters with every twit. As for Mike Pence I doubt it was Trump who choose him, simply because Trump did not plan to win and doubtful had even known Pence. And whoever came up with Pence certainly had not thought about possible Trump impeachment.

I disagree with the bolded (though I agree with the rest).

Whoever choose Pence was trying to accomplish two things imho:

1. Give the right-wing Evangelicals one of their own in the White House to offset Trump's pussy-grabbing philandering behavior (though they need not have worried. The hypocritical religious voters put their so-called values aside faster than Trump tells another whopper)

2. Have one of their own as President when Trump goes down.

The story is it was Manafort that brought Pence as a possibility, and lied to Trump claiming his plane was undergoing repairs so he would stay in town longer to meet with Pence.
Why would Manafort want Pence? I don't know. Maybe it was his own idea, maybe he was directed to Pence by someone paying him.
Trump is not capable to see the irony, he breaks irony meters with every twit. As for Mike Pence I doubt it was Trump who choose him, simply because Trump did not plan to win and doubtful had even known Pence. And whoever came up with Pence certainly had not thought about possible Trump impeachment.

I disagree with the bolded (though I agree with the rest).

Whoever choose Pence was trying to accomplish two things imho:

1. Give the right-wing Evangelicals one of their own in the White House to offset Trump's pussy-grabbing philandering behavior (though they need not have worried. The hypocritical religious voters put their so-called values aside faster than Trump tells another whopper)

2. Have one of their own as President when Trump goes down.

The story is it was Manafort that brought Pence as a possibility, and lied to Trump claiming his plane was undergoing repairs so he would stay in town longer to meet with Pence.
Why would Manafort want Pence? I don't know. Maybe it was his own idea, maybe he was directed to Pence by someone paying him.
Kasich and Christie was allegedly offered the position. Presumably Kuschner would have stepped in on Christie. It is an interesting question on Pence. The more obvious reason would be the evangelical vote. Though, Trump was winning southern states on his own. Trump has defied so much convention, sometimes it really is hard to figure what exactly is going on.
IIRC, a vote of no confidence only works if the leadership has lost the loyalty of its own majority members.

Do you parliamentary folks still have things like bills of attainder and Star Chamber? You did at one time. So far, we have yet to have an executive who has decided to rule without a Congress, but the same cannot be said of parliamentary rule. Indeed, the US Constitution is, in several places, an explicit response to the abuses of power from the authorities of Britain. I suspect your smugness is misplaced.
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