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Irresponsible Chinese scientist edited the genes of babies


May 29, 2003
Chicago suburbs
Basic Beliefs
atheism, resistentialism


This is kind of insane.

As I'm sure most of you know, CRISPR is a new tool that allows biologists to do incredible things with genes. It has opened up many new avenues of research that will no doubt be of great benefit to mankind in the future. But when it comes to using this tech on humans, the consensus of researchers has been that we're just not ready for that yet. There are too many unknowns to risk doing this to actual viable human beings who could then pass down their edited genes to descendants.

He announced what he did via YouTube video.

We only have his word that he properly explained to parents the risks of the procedure he did on their infants.

Other scientists cannot properly evaluate the results.

Now that the twins have been born, sequencing their genes was unable to show that their DNA was correctly altered. And instead of an actual peer-reviewed paper to examine, all scientists have is He’s YouTube videos and interviews with the press to judge whether or not this can be called a “success.” Other geneticists have looked at the few data points He has made public and one, Sean Ryder, pointed out that the actual resulting genes have been edited in a way completely unlike anything that’s been studied, so we have no idea what the result will be. Will the girls be immune to HIV? Maybe. Will they have tails? Who knows?

Sure, if this procedure is successful, the babies will be immune to AIDS. We can't actually verify anything though, and He exploited desperate parents who had AIDS and were worried about passing it on to their infants.

As mentioned, no one can verify anything that he did or the results of anything he did, so whatever he accomplished is scientifically useless at the moment.

Worse, this could lead to the public freaking out and cause a major setback to legitimate research.

Normally, when a scientist crosses this many ethical lines, the punishment is that the rest of the scientific community stops taking his published research seriously and his/her career is as good as finished, but it doesn't sound like this maniac was publishing in the first place, so what is the scientific community going to hold over his head?

Trigger Warning
The above video contains the opinions of a non-male person, and further Rebecca Watson is known to be a person who doesn't believe women are inferior and who doesn't believe that women exist for the purpose of serving or pleasing men. Conservatives and libertarians have been known to become highly emotional when exposed to the opinions of such people. Click on the above video at your own risk, but definitely don't cry to me if you watch the video and get your feelings hurt.​
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