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Kushner: Trump lies to his base because he thinks they are stupid

On the one hand, running for president may be the only thing Trump didn't fail at, and this may be because he got hello from the Russians.

On the other hand, Trump voters will read about this and still support Trump just as vigorously and worshipfully as ever.
I think this can be made into an even more broad statement that is still correct:

"Trump lies all the time to everyone because he thinks they are stupid."

It seems self evident that he really thinks he is smarter than everyone else, and therefor lying will be of no consequence. Hopefully this particular manifestation of his narcissism will be his ultimate downfall.
I think this can be made into an even more broad statement that is still correct:

"Trump lies all the time to everyone because he thinks they are stupid."

It seems self evident that he really thinks he is smarter than everyone else, and therefor lying will be of no consequence. Hopefully this particular manifestation of his narcissism will be his ultimate downfall.

Sure, but when he thinks he is smarter than his voters, there is a genuine question about which is actually dumber. When he thinks he is smarter than, say, Angela Merkel, there is no question about who is actually dumber, and hence talking about it is not as interesting.
As if we ever needed a reason that nepotism was corrupting and bone-headed. We have to pay attention to this Kohl's underwear model who supposedly has the smarts to negotiate in the Middle East? Jesus Christ.

This statement implies that Jared thinks Trump is smarter than Trump voters, which in turn brings up an interesting question: is he? Who is dumber? Trump or Trump voters?


Underseer said:
On the other hand, Trump voters will read about this and still support Trump just as vigorously and worshipfully as ever.

I think you answered your own question.

Yes, but on the other hand, there is everything Trump ever said, and the fact that he drove nearly every business venture into the ground.
Too bad there isn't corroboration for this of a type that would make it undeniable...

Never mind, Trump would deny it and his base would believe him.

He's famous for saying, "Just say it and they'll believe it." And apparently he's right--at least enough for him to be President of the United States. Now excuse while I rush to find a plastic bucket to vomit into.
...there is everything Trump ever said, and the fact that he drove nearly every business venture into the ground.

He is obviously a surpassing fucking genius - who else do you know who has gotten rich by repeatedly failing?
...there is everything Trump ever said, and the fact that he drove nearly every business venture into the ground.

He is obviously a surpassing fucking genius - who else do you know who has gotten rich by repeatedly failing?

People who do leveraged buy-outs?
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