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Looks like Kushner may be in big trouble


Aug 12, 2001
Georgia, US
Basic Beliefs

President Trump's decision to put his assets into a not-so-blind trust led to myriad concerns about possible conflicts of interest. The biggest early flash points in the debate over using the White House for personal gain, though, have been decidedly focused on his son-in-law, Jared Kushner.

The New York Times reported Wednesday night that the Kushner family real estate company obtained two large loans totaling more than $500 million from companies whose executives met with Kushner at the White House last year. One was from Apollo Global Management for a Chicago skyscraper, while the other was from Citigroup for some Brooklyn office buildings. In the former case, the executive, Joshua Harris, also spoke with Kushner about a White House job that never materialized.

Kushner's legal team says he played no role in securing the loans. The lenders say standard processes were followed, with Citigroup emphasizing that a relationship existed before Kushner joined the White House. And the Kushner Companies suggested the Times was struggling to connect dots. “Stories like these attempt to make insinuating connections that do not exist to disparage the financial institutions and companies involved,” a spokeswoman said.

I can't paste the entire article but there is some more interesting information in it, if you bother to look at the link. I already read the article in the NYTImes this morning. Foreign governments are already trying to manipulate Kushner. How will this play out? Anyone care to give an opinion?

President Trump's decision to put his assets into a not-so-blind trust led to myriad concerns about possible conflicts of interest. The biggest early flash points in the debate over using the White House for personal gain, though, have been decidedly focused on his son-in-law, Jared Kushner.

The New York Times reported Wednesday night that the Kushner family real estate company obtained two large loans totaling more than $500 million from companies whose executives met with Kushner at the White House last year. One was from Apollo Global Management for a Chicago skyscraper, while the other was from Citigroup for some Brooklyn office buildings. In the former case, the executive, Joshua Harris, also spoke with Kushner about a White House job that never materialized.

Kushner's legal team says he played no role in securing the loans. The lenders say standard processes were followed, with Citigroup emphasizing that a relationship existed before Kushner joined the White House. And the Kushner Companies suggested the Times was struggling to connect dots. “Stories like these attempt to make insinuating connections that do not exist to disparage the financial institutions and companies involved,” a spokeswoman said.

I can't paste the entire article but there is some more interesting information in it, if you bother to look at the link. I already read the article in the NYTImes this morning. Foreign governments are already trying to manipulate Kushner. How will this play out? Anyone care to give an opinion?

Why isn't anyone investigating Hillary's emails? Why is anyone even talking about this? This is clearly a witch hunt!!!!!! [/conservolibertarian]
My father had an expression, "Cutting the dog's tail off in short pieces." It meant drawing out a painful experience, when it would be better to end it quickly.

This is something Trump and Kushner never learned. It's only a matter of time. Kelly can't fire Kushner, but he can make him useless. That's what executives do with people they don't want, but can't get rid of.
The corruption is just beyond mind-boggling at this point.

I wonder if an indictment against Ivanka would make Cadet Bonespurs resign.
The corruption is just beyond mind-boggling at this point.

I wonder if an indictment against Ivanka would make Cadet Bonespurs resign.
This family is so sociopathic and deluded thanks to how insulated a gaggle of gaggles of lawyers can provide, they just kept doing this stuff. And they should have known people were going to be looking.

I nearly choked when I saw the $500 million in loans which Kuschner's aid or lawyer assured us was just coincidence in timing.
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