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Market Drops 500 pts on Trump Tariff announcement

Jimmy Higgins

Jan 31, 2001
Basic Beliefs
Calvinistic Atheist
Stuff will become more expensive, but America wins in the end because no one will retaliate tariffs. But for some reason, the stock market dropped 500 pts.

Trump is running the nation like it is the 1920's.
LOL on the Abbot & Costello vid. But it has one problem, they really didn't get their start until the late 1930's.
He simply wants to make sure that once everyone gets their Big Tax Break, they won't be able to buy any more of anything than they could before the Big Tax Break.
I did not realize Shemp appeared in an Abbot & Costello movie until just now, despite having watched every one of their movies at least once when I was a kid. I was also a 3 Stooges fan, but never really appreciated Shemp as a Stooge until much later.
If only we could get some Democrats in there. They really love free trade and pro-stockmarket policies.
If only we could get some Democrats in there. They really love free trade and pro-stockmarket policies.

It appears that you are correct.
I personally believe it makes little difference. In fact it could be that republicans harvest the damage done by democrats and democrats benefit from the republican policies they displace. Right, dismal?
And besides, the DJIA is only off 420 at the close.
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If only we could get some Democrats in there. They really love free trade and pro-stockmarket policies.

Are you saying that how well the Stock Market does isn't really related to how well the rest of the economy is doing?

If not, then why is it so important to give the economic elites tax cuts at every possible opportunity?

Taxes on the economic elites has gone steadily down since Reagan. By your logic, shouldn't the number of jobs and the amount of pay for jobs gone up steadily since Reagan?
If we track the broad changes from Reagan to now (maximum time to overlook fluctuations), the elites have done very well, but things have become stagnant or worse for everyone not an elite.

Before Reagan, a single income could raise a family, but a house and a car and send all children to college and end up with a nice retirement.

Ever since we started kowtowing to the elites, families in which both parents are more educated than the previous generation struggle to achieve what their parents' generation had. Meanwhile, the debt is worse.

I don't see how decades of cutting taxes has produced any benefits to anyone but the economic elites.
If only we could get some Democrats in there. They really love free trade and pro-stockmarket policies.

I would agree that democrats tend to be more pro-trade than republicans in today's world. Trump pulling us out of the Asian Trans-pact cost us many jobs and gave China great power. But not all dems are pro-trade. Thanks for your support!
Jebus... where to go, this thread or a Day Without Stupid thread? (First world problems)

World's Most Powerful person said:
When a country (USA) is losing many billions of dollars on trade with virtually every country it does business with, trade wars are good, and easy to win. Example, when we are down $100 billion with a certain country and they get cute, don’t trade anymore-we win big. It’s easy!
How in the fuck did this guy get so much money... oh wait... inheritance, stock fraud, really awesome accountants and lawyers. It just doesn't occur to this bully that if he is up against someone who can punch back (read, most of our largest trade partners), they can make with the easy too. Isn't anyone explaining this stuff to him with a pie chart? Protectionism drove the first world into a Great Depression.
Jebus... where to go, this thread or a Day Without Stupid thread? (First world problems)

World's Most Powerful person said:
When a country (USA) is losing many billions of dollars on trade with virtually every country it does business with, trade wars are good, and easy to win. Example, when we are down $100 billion with a certain country and they get cute, don’t trade anymore-we win big. It’s easy!
How in the fuck did this guy get so much money... oh wait... inheritance, stock fraud, really awesome accountants and lawyers. It just doesn't occur to this bully that if he is up against someone who can punch back (read, most of our largest trade partners), they can make with the easy too. Isn't anyone explaining this stuff to him with a pie chart? Protectionism drove the first world into a Great Depression.

Yeah, but at least FFvC saved Alec Baldwin's dieing mediocre career....bring back Darrell Hammond!!!
Jebus... where to go, this thread or a Day Without Stupid thread? (First world problems)

World's Most Powerful person said:
When a country (USA) is losing many billions of dollars on trade with virtually every country it does business with, trade wars are good, and easy to win. Example, when we are down $100 billion with a certain country and they get cute, don’t trade anymore-we win big. It’s easy!
How in the fuck did this guy get so much money... oh wait... inheritance, stock fraud, really awesome accountants and lawyers. It just doesn't occur to this bully that if he is up against someone who can punch back (read, most of our largest trade partners), they can make with the easy too. Isn't anyone explaining this stuff to him with a pie chart? Protectionism drove the first world into a Great Depression.

Yeah, but at least FFvC saved Alec Baldwin's dieing mediocre career....bring back Darrell Hammond!!!
Darrell Hammond hears us.
It's almost as if what the President of the United States says really matters.

Or, more insidiously: certain people got him to say that and then sold short in the relevant markets a day or two before.

Here's what's become apparent about the Trump non-presidency; whatever you think might be going on, is probably going on.
So the Dow Jones dropped 500 points - from 24,900. Two percentage points. Whoopdedoo. Alarmingly, though, it's down 3300 points from exactly a year ago. No, sorry. I mean it's up 3300 points from exactly a year ago.
So the Dow Jones dropped 500 points - from 24,900. Two percentage points. Whoopdedoo. Alarmingly, though, it's down 3300 points from exactly a year ago. No, sorry. I mean it's up 3300 points from exactly a year ago.

Down another 0.65% today (at the moment).
Big woopdedoo, unless this is the new normal.
I hope the markets take a huge dive over the next few days, since I am planning to pu money back in next week. But I don't expect that to happen, since virtually NOTHING Teh Dotard says turns out to be true at the end of the day, and this pullback is based on the notion that he'll actually follow through on his latest attempt to distract attention from his Russia woes.
So the Dow Jones dropped 500 points - from 24,900. Two percentage points. Whoopdedoo. Alarmingly, though, it's down 3300 points from exactly a year ago. No, sorry. I mean it's up 3300 points from exactly a year ago.
Congress needs to pass a law that makes it a Federal Crime to have shit on Obama about the economy and ignored the Dow, but then gets erections because of the Dow whenever it goes up.
So the Dow Jones dropped 500 points - from 24,900. Two percentage points. Whoopdedoo. Alarmingly, though, it's down 3300 points from exactly a year ago. No, sorry. I mean it's up 3300 points from exactly a year ago.
Congress needs to pass a law that makes it a Federal Crime to have shit on Obama about the economy and ignored the Dow, but then gets erections because of the Dow whenever it goes up.
Just in case you're implying that the Dow Jones gives me an erection at any time, let me assure you that it does not. <y previous post was a jibe at the noises coming from the chook house. A two per cent drop is nothing to get excited about. The comparison to this time last year was meant to widen the perspective aimed at revealing that drop to be a blip.
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