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McCabe Fired 2 Days Before Retirement


Veteran Member
Sep 23, 2006
Basic Beliefs

Mr. McCabe was among the first at the F.B.I. to scrutinize possible Trump campaign ties to Russia. And he is a potential witness to the question of whether Mr. Trump tried to obstruct justice. Mr. Trump has taunted Mr. McCabe both publicly and privately, and Republican allies have cast him as the center of a “deep state” effort to undermine the Trump presidency.

As a witness, Mr. McCabe would be in a position to corroborate the testimony of the former F.B.I. director, James B. Comey, who kept contemporaneous notes on his conversations with Mr. Trump. Mr. Comey said Mr. Trump prodded him to publicly exonerate the president on the question of Russian collusion and encouraged him to shut down an investigation into his national security adviser.

In a statement released by his lawyers, Mr. McCabe said his firing was part of Mr. Trump’s “ongoing war on the F.B.I.” and Robert S. Mueller III, the special counsel. He said he answered questions truthfully in the internal investigation and contacted investigators to correct the record when he believed they misunderstood him.

“I am being singled out and treated this way because of the role I played, the actions I took and the events I witnessed in the aftermath of the firing of James Comey,” he said.

Mr. McCabe, a 21-year F.B.I. veteran, was eligible for a government pension if he retired on Sunday. The firing jeopardizes that benefit, though it was not immediately clear how much he might lose.

“It’s incredibly unfair to my reputation after a 21-year career,” Mr. McCabe said. He said the president’s public attacks were aimed at several targets. “The real damage is being done to the F.B.I., law enforcement and the special counsel,” he said.

Mr. McCabe was among the first at the F.B.I. to scrutinize possible Trump campaign ties to Russia. And he is a potential witness to the question of whether Mr. Trump tried to obstruct justice. Mr. Trump has taunted Mr. McCabe both publicly and privately, and Republican allies have cast him as the center of a “deep state” effort to undermine the Trump presidency.

As a witness, Mr. McCabe would be in a position to corroborate the testimony of the former F.B.I. director, James B. Comey, who kept contemporaneous notes on his conversations with Mr. Trump. Mr. Comey said Mr. Trump prodded him to publicly exonerate the president on the question of Russian collusion and encouraged him to shut down an investigation into his national security adviser.

In a statement released by his lawyers, Mr. McCabe said his firing was part of Mr. Trump’s “ongoing war on the F.B.I.” and Robert S. Mueller III, the special counsel. He said he answered questions truthfully in the internal investigation and contacted investigators to correct the record when he believed they misunderstood him.

“I am being singled out and treated this way because of the role I played, the actions I took and the events I witnessed in the aftermath of the firing of James Comey,” he said.

Mr. McCabe, a 21-year F.B.I. veteran, was eligible for a government pension if he retired on Sunday. The firing jeopardizes that benefit, though it was not immediately clear how much he might lose.

“It’s incredibly unfair to my reputation after a 21-year career,” Mr. McCabe said. He said the president’s public attacks were aimed at several targets. “The real damage is being done to the F.B.I., law enforcement and the special counsel,” he said.

Out of all the despicable things that Trump has done, for some reason, this one has bothered me the most. Despite the accumulating evidence, I haven't really been in favor of impeachment. He won the election. But now I say: impeach the piece of shit.
Utterly petty, utterly classless, utterly mean. Trump lacks ANY moral compass whatever. Clearly, if your parents didn't even instill garden-variety manners in you, they never got around to any moral lessons. Trump is nauseating. You right wing Christian born-agains who consider yourself reborn from within -- literally new people in a beloved community -- if you support this abnormal wretch, you have nothing to say to the rest of us.
There’s a key indicator in his firing statement that no one has caught yet (emphasis mine):

The big picture is a tale of what can happen when law enforcement is politicized, public servants are attacked, and people who are supposed to cherish and protect our institutions become instruments for damaging those institutions and people.

“Become instruments.” That can only be a veiled reference—and thereby confirmation—to Trump being an instrument for Putin. No wonder he was fired.
It's the replacement of dedicated officials with loyalists. It doesn't take many, just a few in key spots. Then the loyalists begin making slow changes within the organization; non-loyalists are weeded out and replaced with lower level lackeys, and/or already present loyalists are promoted. The rest who stay end up "Just Following Orders."

This isn't paranoia. This is what's happening.

At this point, Trump is backed into a corner and has 1 of 2 options:

1. Wait until the axe falls on his neck

2. Take active measures to prevent the axe from falling

He's chosen #2. He is not going to sit back and allow himself to be removed.

Sessions is either going to be fired, or he'll cave and give the order to fire Mueller. If the former, then both Sessions and Rosenstein will be fired. Their replacements have already been picked out. Then they'll fire Mueller.

What happens next is up to Congress.

Does anyone think Congress will act honorably at that point?

There's lots of hopeful talk about how the Republicans supported Nixon until they didn't. But how many of those Nixon-era Republicans were actively running interference for Nixon to the point where they themselves were aiding in the obstruction of the investigation? At this point, it appears that a clear majority of the GOP will cover for Trump no matter what he does or says.
It's the replacement of dedicated officials with loyalists. It doesn't take many, just a few in key spots. Then the loyalists begin making slow changes within the organization; non-loyalists are weeded out and replaced with lower level lackeys, and/or already present loyalists are promoted. The rest who stay end up "Just Following Orders."

This isn't paranoia. This is what's happening.

At this point, Trump is backed into a corner and has 1 of 2 options:

1. Wait until the axe falls on his neck

2. Take active measures to prevent the axe from falling

He's chosen #2. He is not going to sit back and allow himself to be removed.

Sessions is either going to be fired, or he'll cave and give the order to fire Mueller. If the former, then both Sessions and Rosenstein will be fired. Their replacements have already been picked out. Then they'll fire Mueller.

What happens next is up to Congress.

Does anyone think Congress will act honorably at that point?

There's lots of hopeful talk about how the Republicans supported Nixon until they didn't. But how many of those Nixon-era Republicans were actively running interference for Nixon to the point where they themselves were aiding in the obstruction of the investigation? At this point, it appears that a clear majority of the GOP will cover for Trump no matter what he does or says.

We can't count on the current congress. They have already closed their Russian investigation and found no problems! Our only chance is to retake congress next year and have a check on Trump's growing and dangerous tyrannical power.
It's the replacement of dedicated officials with loyalists. It doesn't take many, just a few in key spots. Then the loyalists begin making slow changes within the organization; non-loyalists are weeded out and replaced with lower level lackeys, and/or already present loyalists are promoted. The rest who stay end up "Just Following Orders."

This isn't paranoia. This is what's happening.

At this point, Trump is backed into a corner and has 1 of 2 options:

1. Wait until the axe falls on his neck

2. Take active measures to prevent the axe from falling

He's chosen #2. He is not going to sit back and allow himself to be removed.

Sessions is either going to be fired, or he'll cave and give the order to fire Mueller. If the former, then both Sessions and Rosenstein will be fired. Their replacements have already been picked out. Then they'll fire Mueller.

What happens next is up to Congress.

Does anyone think Congress will act honorably at that point?

There's lots of hopeful talk about how the Republicans supported Nixon until they didn't. But how many of those Nixon-era Republicans were actively running interference for Nixon to the point where they themselves were aiding in the obstruction of the investigation? At this point, it appears that a clear majority of the GOP will cover for Trump no matter what he does or says.

We can't count on the current congress. They have already closed their Russian investigation and found no problems! Our only chance is to retake congress next year and have a check on Trump's growing and dangerous tyrannical power.

This whole exercise is designed to give his "with hunt" cries credence as well as political cover to GOPers in Congress. When Mueller releases his report, it better be a blockbuster.

If he does. Speculation is Sessions is to be fired, and a more compliant AG will keep the investigation from harming Cheeto.
This whole exercise is designed to give his "with hunt" cries credence as well as political cover to GOPers in Congress. When Mueller releases his report, it better be a blockbuster.

If he does. Speculation is Sessions is to be fired, and a more compliant AG will keep the investigation from harming Cheeto.

One of Trump's lawyers called for Mueller's investigation to be ended this morning, and he said was saying that on behalf of Trump. Then a little while later, he said he wasn't saying it was on behalf of Trump.


“I pray that Acting Attorney General Rosenstein will follow the brilliant and courageous example of the FBI Office of Professional Responsibility and Attorney General Jeff Sessions and bring an end to alleged Russia Collusion investigation manufactured by McCabe’s boss James Comey based upon a fraudulent and corrupt Dossier,” ...

When The Daily Beast initially asked Dowd if he was speaking on behalf of the president, he answered, “Yes as his counsel.” After publication of this story, however, Dowd emailed to say he was actually speaking in his personal capacity, and not on the president’s behalf.

So this newest trial balloon was sent up, then quickly pulled back down. It was a test to see the reaction.

Mueller is going to be fired. He's now subpoenaed Trump's business records, which Trump said was a red line. If Trump lets him cross that red line without doing anything, he may lose some of his base. Worse, it could very well lead to his removal from office. And the New York DA already has a shitload of financial crimes charges ready to roll against Trump.

Trump's choice here is to hold onto power with everything he's got, or face prison.

There is no doubt about what Trump is going to do.
McCabe kept memos describing his interactions with Trump, similar to the ones Comey kept. Trump has released a series of unhinged tweets this morning, included this bit of insanity:
Trump said:
The Fake News is beside themselves that McCabe was caught, called out and fired. How many hundreds of thousands of dollars was given to wife’s campaign by Crooked H friend, Terry M, who was also under investigation? How many lies? How many leaks? Comey knew it all, and much more!
He flat out admits that it was a move to remove someone that he (and only he) thought was his political foe. When are his supporters going to admit that the man is unfit to hold any office of responsibility?
When are his supporters going to admit that the man is unfit to hold any office of responsibility?

If Trump sacrificed a goat in a Satanic ritual on the White House lawn, and then had sex with the goat's corpse, his supporters would say, "But liberals support freedom of religion and promiscuous sex. Hypocrites!"
When the full extent of your venality, moral turpitude, and political corruption becomes known, you will take your rightful place as a disgraced demagogue in the dustbin of history. You may scapegoat Andy McCabe, but you will not destroy America ... America will triumph over you," Brennan, who was CIA head under President Barack Obama, tweeted.

He speaks as if he knows something, and considering his former position, I think he does. I think the problem is that Trump's crimes are extensive. I think every time the investigation goes down a new path, two more paths open for the investigation. Of course, this is good, because I think they will have more than enough to nail his ass to the wall hard. The downside is the investigation is large and slow and it has to be completed. I also think that the RNC itself is going to be in a lot of trouble, considering other recent revelations. As many have remarked, no one can trust the current incarnation of the GOP to do the right thing, anyone that is under Trump's thumb by being under the purview of his base, or involved in his shenanigans, or will take a hit when Trump goes down in flames has an incentive to continue to do what many of the GOP have been doing, which is to obstruct the investigation. If the investigation is somehow not allowed to continue, there will have to be a revelation (somehow) of what has been found out so far in order to get to the Trump administration as well as Trump himself. Things could get very ugly. I also get the distinct impression that many are counting on Mueller's investigation to take him down, as there haven't been many other investigations opened for the other cases of questionable behavior on part of the President.

What I find so awful is that with all the resources the federal government can bring to bear, this dumb ass crop of current GOP congress critters and a very stupid family have put up quite an effective defense, even with their crackerjack lawyers and rabidly dumb base of support.

Rule of law my ass.
It's the replacement of dedicated officials with loyalists. It doesn't take many, just a few in key spots. Then the loyalists begin making slow changes within the organization; non-loyalists are weeded out and replaced with lower level lackeys, and/or already present loyalists are promoted. The rest who stay end up "Just Following Orders."

This isn't paranoia. This is what's happening.

At this point, Trump is backed into a corner and has 1 of 2 options:

1. Wait until the axe falls on his neck

2. Take active measures to prevent the axe from falling

He's chosen #2. He is not going to sit back and allow himself to be removed.

Sessions is either going to be fired, or he'll cave and give the order to fire Mueller. If the former, then both Sessions and Rosenstein will be fired. Their replacements have already been picked out. Then they'll fire Mueller.

What happens next is up to Congress.

Does anyone think Congress will act honorably at that point?

There's lots of hopeful talk about how the Republicans supported Nixon until they didn't. But how many of those Nixon-era Republicans were actively running interference for Nixon to the point where they themselves were aiding in the obstruction of the investigation? At this point, it appears that a clear majority of the GOP will cover for Trump no matter what he does or says.

I'm just hoping we make it to the November elections and, more importantly, to those elected getting sworn into office.

I really truly do believe that Trump would start a war in an effort to keep himself in power. He loves loves loves dictators, and wants to be one.
When are his supporters going to admit that the man is unfit to hold any office of responsibility?

If Trump sacrificed a goat in a Satanic ritual on the White House lawn, and then had sex with the goat's corpse, his supporters would say, "But liberals support freedom of religion and promiscuous sex. Hypocrites!"

Don't be stupid. They'd say Hillary has done worse.
When are his supporters going to admit that the man is unfit to hold any office of responsibility?

If Trump sacrificed a goat in a Satanic ritual on the White House lawn, and then had sex with the goat's corpse, his supporters would say, "But liberals support freedom of religion and promiscuous sex. Hypocrites!"

Don't be stupid. They'd say Hillary has done worse.

Buttery males.
McCabe just made life tough for Comey and the special counsel

Following his termination late Friday night, former FBI deputy director Andrew McCabe declared that he was “singled out” after “unrelenting” attacks by President Trump and critics. McCabe’s objections are less than credible, given the virtually unprecedented recommendation of career officials to fire the one-time acting FBI director.

McCabe is accused of misleading investigators about allegedly giving information to a former Wall Street Journal reporter about the investigation of Hillary Clinton and the Clinton family’s charitable foundation. McCabe asserts in his post-firing statement that he not only had authority to “share” that information to the media but did so with the knowledge of “the director.” The FBI director at the time was Comey

If the “interaction” means leaking the information, then McCabe’s statement would seem to directly contradict statements Comey made in a May 2017 congressional hearing. Asked if he had “ever been an anonymous source in news reports about matters relating to the Trump investigation or the Clinton investigation” or whether he had “ever authorized someone else at the FBI to be an anonymous source in news reports about the Trump investigation or the Clinton investigation,” Comey replied “never” and “no.”
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