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McConnell Delays Health Care Retraction Bill While McCain Gets Surgery

Jimmy Higgins

Jan 31, 2001
Basic Beliefs
Calvinistic Atheist
WASHINGTON DC -- Senate Majority Leader Mitch McConnell released an announcement that indicated that the bill to retract access to health care for millions of Americans would be on hold while one of his colleagues, Arizona Senior Senator John McCain, recovered from blood clot surgery.

Senator McCain underwent a relatively simple procedure to remove a large blood clot near his eye. The procedure which he had access to thanks to both being an elected Government official and being relatively wealthy would be one of many potential procedures millions of Americans would no longer have access to if they need it.

The potentially dangerous presence of the two-inch blood clot near the eye was removed, in part, thanks to the billions of dollars spent by healthy Americans in the form of insurance premiums, deductibles, and out of pocket expenses to support the American health care system, and the price of the procedure.

When McConnell's office was asked whether they saw any irony to the announcement, a McConnell spokesperson said "No."
they need McCain. Without him it's DOA. It remains to be seen if McCain is really well. Perhaps his very confused questioning of Comey was an indication of a larger problem. Speculation of course. McCain is 80 though.
When McConnell's office was asked whether they saw any irony to the announcement, a McConnell spokesperson said "No."
Of course not. The goal of Trumpcare isn't health care, it's profits.
If they had to delay the vote because half the Senate was getting audited, that'd be ironic.

Maybe we can spin this to make Obamacare a self-interest thing?
If only the wealthy can get this sort of surgery, that means doctors only get to practice on wealthy patients. The more poor people that are covered, the more practice they can get before they touch real people.
McConnell has the advantage of being able to tax people so that he can enjoy healthcare and a healthy pension, not to mention a ton of other perks. And that money comes from people who have none of those things but still pay taxes. You really have to be a vile, two-faced douchebag to be McConnell.
McConnell has the advantage of being able to tax people so that he can enjoy healthcare and a healthy pension, not to mention a ton of other perks. And that money comes from people who have none of those things but still pay taxes. You really have to be a vile, two-faced douchebag to be McConnell.

It would almost be worth it to see this wealth care bill pass, just to watch that scumbag lose his seat.
McConnell has the advantage of being able to tax people so that he can enjoy healthcare and a healthy pension, not to mention a ton of other perks. And that money comes from people who have none of those things but still pay taxes. You really have to be a vile, two-faced douchebag to be McConnell.

It would almost be worth it to see this wealth care bill pass, just to watch that scumbag lose his seat.

I do wonder if that's what it'll finally take. It's not like GOP voters give a single flying fuck about anyone they don't personally know. And actually, they don't really give a flying fuck about anyone they do know. Not to go off on a personal tangent, but I recently dumped a lifelong friend because of his political views. I heard "Why should I have to pay for that?" one too many times out of his goddamned mouth. My daughter has a heart condition that isn't immediately life threatening, but as time goes on it will progress and she'll need consistent medical care. But my lifelong pal doesn't associate his views with the potential dangers to the life of my kid.

And he's typical of the Trump/GOP train of thought. If it isn't helping them immediately, then it's wasteful because, well, because apparently other people simply don't exist (or something).

Anyway, maybe when the red staters start really suffering, they'll finally see the light.
...maybe when the red staters start really suffering, they'll finally see the light.

Given the level of gullibility they have already demonstrated, I'd not be surprised if they pass that wealthcare bill, blame all the resulting deaths on Obama, and get their idiot followers to swallow it.
...maybe when the red staters start really suffering, they'll finally see the light.

Given the level of gullibility they have already demonstrated, I'd not be surprised if they pass that wealthcare bill, blame all the resulting deaths on Obama, and get their idiot followers to swallow it.

Yep. It's almost a certainty. Fox, Limbaugh, etc. will tell them its the Dems fault and they'll believe it. See, these fucking people want benefits, but they don't want the wrong people to get them (see racial minorities and anyone who isn't a conservative). And to that end, they'll spite even themselves to prevent others from receiving decent healthcare. And then we come back around to them blaming the Democrats for it.

And no one less than the President of the United States cheers them on and affirms every stupid thing they believe, validating their utterly irrational lack of self-interest.
It would almost be worth it to see this wealth care bill pass, just to watch that scumbag lose his seat.

I do wonder if that's what it'll finally take. It's not like GOP voters give a single flying fuck about anyone they don't personally know. And actually, they don't really give a flying fuck about anyone they do know. Not to go off on a personal tangent, but I recently dumped a lifelong friend because of his political views. I heard "Why should I have to pay for that?" one too many times out of his goddamned mouth. My daughter has a heart condition that isn't immediately life threatening, but as time goes on it will progress and she'll need consistent medical care. But my lifelong pal doesn't associate his views with the potential dangers to the life of my kid.

And he's typical of the Trump/GOP train of thought. If it isn't helping them immediately, then it's wasteful because, well, because apparently other people simply don't exist (or something).

Anyway, maybe when the red staters start really suffering, they'll finally see the light.

Look, if you're not bringing home six figures and a sweet benefits package it's because you're fucking lazy, right. I mean, what else could it be? I knew someone who railed against every social program in the books, until his unemployable adult daughter with psychological issues needed assistance and it came down to it coming out of his pocket or depending on the social services she never paid a dime into. He got real good real quick at filling out forms.

It has to affect their immediate family for them to see the light. It's just like it is with homosexuality. Only when their kid comes out are they capable of compassion.

It's a small small world.
MSM is all announcing that TrumpCare is dead due to two new republican defections.

Who could have guessed that health care could be so complicated?
When McConnell's office was asked whether they saw any irony to the announcement, a McConnell spokesperson said "No."
Of course not. The goal of Trumpcare isn't health care, it's profits.
If they had to delay the vote because half the Senate was getting audited, that'd be ironic.

Maybe we can spin this to make Obamacare a self-interest thing?
If only the wealthy can get this sort of surgery, that means doctors only get to practice on wealthy patients. The more poor people that are covered, the more practice they can get before they touch real people.

I think, my re than anything for the Mitch McConnell types, it is more about not letting the Democrats win. Obamacare is basically a Heritage Foundation plan, for fuck's sake.
Seriously, though, one can only roll their eyes when a Boomer starts waxing on about how Millennials are self-absorbed.
MSM is all announcing that TrumpCare is dead due to two new republican defections.

Who could have guessed that health care could be so complicated?

Hey here's an idea! If you want to get a better health care bill passed through the Senate, there are over 40 other people who would get on board for the right bill.

And they work in the same building as Mitch McConnell.

MSM is all announcing that TrumpCare is dead due to two new republican defections.

Who could have guessed that health care could be so complicated?
ACA was on life support to, for a bit. But it is interesting to see "moderate" and radical Republicans both being against the bill, but still only a few.
ideally, anyone who votes for medicaid age to be older in the future, but is old enough for it not to affect them should have that difference applied to them - even for congressional retiree medical coverage.

Meaning that if a law would push up medicaid age up 2 years and the congressperson is say 71 years old he would not have insurance (even congressional) between the ages of 71 to 73. Let him get soaked financially for all the medical bills.

That or have middle aged or millennial vigilante death squads killing these old fucks. McCain first. Like the fire extinguisher scene in Irreversible.
ideally, anyone who votes for medicaid age to be older in the future, but is old enough for it not to affect them should have that difference applied to them - even for congressional retiree medical coverage.

Meaning that if a law would push up medicaid age up 2 years and the congressperson is say 71 years old he would not have insurance (even congressional) between the ages of 71 to 73. Let him get soaked financially for all the medical bills.

That or have middle aged or millennial vigilante death squads killing these old fucks. McCain first. Like the fire extinguisher scene in Irreversible.
Medicaid or Medicare? I think you are confused.
MSM is all announcing that TrumpCare is dead due to two new republican defections.

Who could have guessed that health care could be so complicated?

Hey here's an idea! If you want to get a better health care bill passed through the Senate, there are over 40 other people who would get on board for the right bill.

And they work in the same building as Mitch McConnell.


Who knew???
The Republicans opposed the ACA from day 1. It became law in early 2010.

They have howled at the moon for seven years about how it is destroying the known universe, maybe more.

But in all that time they never thought to come up with an alternative.

That is a party that is useless. Absolutely useless. All it can do is destroy. It cannot create anything of value. It has no ideas. It has masters to please.

How anybody supports them is simply astounding.
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