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Meanwhile in speak softly, carry a big stick...

Jimmy Higgins

Jan 31, 2001
Basic Beliefs
Calvinistic Atheist

President Trump said:
North Korea best not make any more threats to the United States. They will be met with fire and fury like the world has never seen... he has been very threatening beyond a normal state. They will be met with fire, fury and frankly power the likes of which this world has never seen before.
This guy knows about WWII, right? Hiroshima, Nagasaki? Dresden. We have a pretty high bar for "fire, fury, and frankly power".

While I agree that the North Korean leader has been making threats "beyond a normal state", I don't think threatening Armageddon upon North Korea is the best way to come out of the gate.
Dear Americans,

Thank you so much for giving this man your nuclear launch codes. We feel that the planet is a much safer and more secure place now than it was a few months ago.

Thank you,

The Rest of the World
Dear Americans,

Thank you so much for giving this man your nuclear launch codes. We feel that the planet is a much safer and more secure place now than it was a few months ago.

Thank you,

The Rest of the World
My thoughts too, as an American ... but one that didn't vote for Trump and refuses to be supportive of "my president". I heard the news NK has missile-read warheads, and I thought "This shit was inevitable, but now?! Just when an imbecile has been elected US president?"

The timing... :(
Dear Americans,

Thank you so much for giving this man your nuclear launch codes. We feel that the planet is a much safer and more secure place now than it was a few months ago.

Thank you,

The Rest of the World

Don't worry - with Cheato it's "Speak bigly and carry a soft stick."
I've never really believed in the idea of deescalation by default. Many cases call for refraining to escalate, yet the very opposite of what's needed should sometimes be the short term tactic. It's very counter intuitive, but being the craziest most volatile guy in the room, though dangerous for things getting out of hand quickly, can serve to calm things quicker than caving into threats on the border of exploding. The trick is knowing when and how far to go ... and when to teeter between being unusually docile and excessively impulsive. It would seem to defy logic until the human element is fully considered. Roll over quietly to your own demise; the US is just barking back right now, but keep up the threats, and the bite to follow will be no surprise.

President Trump said:
North Korea best not make any more threats to the United States. They will be met with fire and fury like the world has never seen... he has been very threatening beyond a normal state. They will be met with fire, fury and frankly power the likes of which this world has never seen before.
This guy knows about WWII, right? Hiroshima, Nagasaki? Dresden. We have a pretty high bar for "fire, fury, and frankly power".

While I agree that the North Korean leader has been making threats "beyond a normal state", I don't think threatening Armageddon upon North Korea is the best way to come out of the gate.

I think Congress may have something to say about this.
Trump won't back down, not to some little Asian fucker. And, call me crazy but I think China may take exception.

If Uncle Vlad tells him to back down, he'll back down. Pisser tapes, y'know...
But of course he'll claim a Great Victory for his most awesome-est statesmanship.
President Trump said:
North Korea best not make any more threats to the United States. They will be met with fire and fury like the world has never seen... he has been very threatening beyond a normal state. They will be met with fire, fury and frankly power the likes of which this world has never seen before.
This guy knows about WWII, right? Hiroshima, Nagasaki? Dresden. We have a pretty high bar for "fire, fury, and frankly power"..
We dropped our entire nuclear arsenal at the time on Hiroshima and Nagasaki, for about 35 kilotons of nuclear boomage.
Those two bombs together would be about zero point two percent of what one Trident sub carries at a minimum. And that's if they're carrying the smaller bombs this week.

So, yeah, we've met that high bar and stepped right on over it.
Don't get me wrong, I'm not sure if Trump really knows what he's talking about, but even if it's by coincidence, he's not wrong about 'never seen before.'
This guy knows about WWII, right? Hiroshima, Nagasaki? Dresden. We have a pretty high bar for "fire, fury, and frankly power"..
We dropped our entire nuclear arsenal at the time on Hiroshima and Nagasaki, for about 35 kilotons of nuclear boomage.
Those two bombs together would be about zero point two percent of what one Trident sub carries at a minimum. And that's if they're carrying the smaller bombs this week.

So, yeah, we've met that high bar and stepped right on over it.
Don't get me wrong, I'm not sure if Trump really knows what he's talking about, but even if it's by coincidence, he's not wrong about 'never seen before.'
Like I said, we need to launch a nuke to break the barrier. That is quite haunting taunting.
If someone threatens you with a nuclear attack then the obvious response is to point out that you will inflict as much damage and more on them in retaliation. That is the essence of deterrence and, although Trump isn't expressing it very well, he is simply re-hashing old war rhetoric.

Unfortunately, in the Cold War we had relatively sane leaders, in this case neither Trump nor Kim can be considered truly sane. Kim, at best, could possibly get a fission weapon or two to Guam. Trump could probably put a fusion weapon on every single square mile of North Korea. Neither of them have the slightest concern for the consequences.
Fire and fury sounds like shock and awe, and we all saw how well that is going...

Well "Shock and Awe" worked very well. So well, the Iraqi military didn't fight back. Too bad the game just doesn't end there and rolls some needless credits.
Its complicated

Fire and fury sounds like shock and awe, and we all saw how well that is going...

Well "Shock and Awe" worked very well. So well, the Iraqi military didn't fight back. Too bad the game just doesn't end there and rolls some needless credits.
Well there are a few differences. The Iraqi army wasn't just 35 miles from say Riyadh with shitloads of missiles and artillery. It's not just a giant sand lot. Saddam didn't have a mutual defense treaty with a 500lb gorilla. And Saddam was dumb enough to think that sitting there for 6 months while the US built up a pretty massive force, was somehow going to work out differently than it did. The fat kid only has to look back at that recent sequence and ponder any huge US build up. Never mind what the PRC would think of a massive US buildup without a nuanced agreement about what happens next, but just having FFvC's tweets to ponder. Also, would SK be accepting of a massive US buildup, like SA did and wanted?

The PRC might not mind the US destroying NK nuclear facilities, as long as we didn't invade, but they most probably don't want a unified Korea with the US military poised to be on their doorstep. But if we just destroyed NK nuclear facilities, would the fat kid just sit back and take it? Or would he unleash his army in an attack on Seoul? It is fairly easy to tell how it could begin. But it is much harder to tell how it would end. Attacking NK, in whatever form, cowboy style would be quite reckless. But building a coalition of regional players that work towards a common purpose would be quite the deal for a real statesman. To bad we currently have a clown...
Well "Shock and Awe" worked very well. So well, the Iraqi military didn't fight back. Too bad the game just doesn't end there and rolls some needless credits.
Well there are a few differences. The Iraqi army wasn't just 35 miles from say Riyadh with shitloads of missiles and artillery. It's not just a giant sand lot. Saddam didn't have a mutual defense treaty with a 500lb gorilla. And Saddam was dumb enough to think that sitting there for 6 months while the US built up a pretty massive force, was somehow going to work out differently than it did. The fat kid only has to look back at that recent sequence and ponder any huge US build up. Never mind what the PRC would think of a massive US buildup without a nuanced agreement about what happens next, but just having FFvC's tweets to ponder. Also, would SK be accepting of a massive US buildup, like SA did and wanted?

The PRC might not mind the US destroying NK nuclear facilities, as long as we didn't invade, but they most probably don't want a unified Korea with the US military poised to be on their doorstep. But if we just destroyed NK nuclear facilities, would the fat kid just sit back and take it? Or would he unleash his army in an attack on Seoul? It is fairly easy to tell how it could begin. But it is much harder to tell how it would end. Attacking NK, in whatever form, cowboy style would be quite reckless. But building a coalition of regional players that work towards a common purpose would be quite the deal for a real statesman. To bad we currently have a clown...

In a lot of practical ways, NK is part of the PCR already so if Korea unified under SK the game wouldn't be much different, US forces still have a launching point for invasion directly on their doorstep, a tiny march between the two isn't going to make much difference when you consider how fast armies can move now and how large China is to begin with.
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