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Military Pay Raise for coming year...


Mar 31, 2006
Far Western Mass
Basic Beliefs
I'm here...
So, there's this law, see, that says when you determine the military's pay raise, you look at the Employment Cost Index for the private sector, and the military raise should track that. The estimate this year was that the private sector's pay went up 2.4 percent.

That's the law. Trump is not forced to follow that law, however. Because he loves our troops, the greatest fighting force in the world, he's written an 'alternative.'

Trump said, "Accordingly, I have determined it is appropriate to exercise my authority under section 1009(e) of Title 37, United States Code, to set the 2018 monthly basic pay increase at 2.1 percent. This decision is consistent with my fiscal year 2018 Budget

Also, Trump has a witch doctor on staff, and can see the future:
and it will not materially affect the Federal Government's ability to attract and retain well-qualified members for the uniformed services."
Wasn't there someone who kept bitching for the last two years about Obama doing things that were not in accordance with The Law? Funny, i thought i'd heard something on those lines....


What's really funny, though, is the GOP has been saying they want a 2.4% raise for the troops, the Democrats have been wanting 2.9%....
My brother, decorated war vet, got into a fist fight with someone at a gas station over how the Republicans treat the military and veterans. The guy approached my brother to "thank him for his service". My brother asked him which party he supports, guy said reps. My brother told him I don't want your thanks and started listing off the shitty things republicans have done to miliary personnel and veterans. The guy attacked him.
My brother told him I don't want your thanks and started listing off the shitty things republicans have done to miliary personnel and veterans. The guy attacked him.
But...but...but... It's the GOP that SUPPORTS the troops! Just ask 'em!
Conservatives love the troops like a child loves their little plastic army men. And after they're done putting them in the dirt, lighting them on fire or putting fire crackers between their legs, they ask mom to go buy more to replace the ones they ruin. Then they forget about them until the next time they want to have fun with them.
My brother told him I don't want your thanks and started listing off the shitty things republicans have done to miliary personnel and veterans. The guy attacked him.
But...but...but... It's the GOP that SUPPORTS the troops! Just ask 'em!

My brother tends to be a shit-stirrer. He heard there was going to be a RW anti-muslim demonstration near where he lived. He hopped onto his Harley and parked across the street from the demonstration and donned his desert head gear he brought back with him from GW I or II, not sure which because he went to both (and Vietnam too). So he just leaned on his bike and glared at them like that. They called the cops on him for "suspicious behavior".
El Cheato Magnifico said:
This decision is consistent with my fiscal year 2018 Budget

Cheato has a FY '18 budget??!!!
That's earth-shattering news to me. Last I heard, he cut a deal with Schumer and Pelosi to keep the gov open until December 2017.
Did I miss something?
Maybe he's talking about his PERSONAL FY 18 budget, and plans to pocket the difference between that 2.1% and the 2.4% Reps asked for or the 2.9% the Dems wanted?
El Cheato Magnifico said:
This decision is consistent with my fiscal year 2018 Budget

Cheato has a FY '18 budget??!!!
That's earth-shattering news to me. Last I heard, he cut a deal with Schumer and Pelosi to keep the gov open until December 2017.
Did I miss something?
You didn't get the FY '18 budget Tweet? It was all in there...
So, there's this law, see, that says when you determine the military's pay raise, you look at the Employment Cost Index for the private sector, and the military raise should track that. The estimate this year was that the private sector's pay went up 2.4 percent.

That's the law. Trump is not forced to follow that law, however. Because he loves our troops, the greatest fighting force in the world, he's written an 'alternative.'

Also, Trump has a witch doctor on staff, and can see the future:
and it will not materially affect the Federal Government's ability to attract and retain well-qualified members for the uniformed services."
Wasn't there someone who kept bitching for the last two years about Obama doing things that were not in accordance with The Law? Funny, i thought i'd heard something on those lines....


Well, from this linky, Don the Con might actually be doin stuff within the rules for once as section 1009(e) of Title 37, United States Code seems to be wide enough to drive a Hummer H1 thru it:
(e)Presidential Determination of Need for Alternative Pay Adjustment.—
(1) If, because of national emergency or serious economic conditions affecting the general welfare, the President considers the pay adjustment which would otherwise be required by this section in any year to be inappropriate, the President shall prepare and transmit to Congress before September 1 of the preceding year a plan for such alternative pay adjustments as the President considers appropriate, together with the reasons therefor.
(2) In evaluating an economic condition affecting the general welfare under this subsection, the President shall consider pertinent economic measures including the Indexes of Leading Economic Indicators, the Gross Domestic Product, the unemployment rate, the budget deficit, the Consumer Price Index, the Producer Price Index, the Employment Cost Index, and the Implicit Price Deflator for Personal Consumption Expenditures.
(3) The President shall include in the plan submitted to Congress under paragraph (1) an assessment of the impact that the alternative pay adjustments proposed in the plan would have on the Government’s ability to recruit and retain well-qualified persons for the uniformed services.

What's really funny, though, is the GOP has been saying they want a 2.4% raise for the troops, the Democrats have been wanting 2.9%....
Yeah, but the Repugs are more willing to let those generals play with their toys...the fodder doesn't need more money.
I remember during the 90s when the Republicans actually did support the troops. I was in during the Clinton years, and I just recall that he was always asking for one level and Congress was always pushing for higher amounts, and we usually got those. According to the chart on this site nearly all the raises I got when I was in ('93-'01) were better than what 45 is proposing.
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