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Apr 13, 2006
Late for dinner
Basic Beliefs
Gnostic atheist

Kushner used private email to conduct White House business - POLITICO

Presidential son-in-law and senior adviser Jared Kushner has corresponded with other administration officials about White House matters through a private email account set up during the transition last December, part of a larger pattern of Trump administration aides using personal email accounts for government business.

Aides who have exchanged emails with Kushner on his private account since President Donald Trump took office in January include former chief of staff Reince Priebus, former chief strategist Steve Bannon, National Economic Council director Gary Cohn, and spokesman Josh Raffel, according to emails described to or shown to POLITICO. In some cases, those White House officials have emailed Kushner’s account first, said people familiar with the messages. At times, Bannon and Priebus have also used private email accounts to correspond with Kushner and others.

We can only expect that Trump will call for an investigation into this very serious misconduct, right? Right?
Per CNN, the Senate Intelligence Committee is not pleased that they learned of Kushner's other account used for official business from the news media and not from Kushner himself.

Considering recent history, this is rather unbelievable. Guess he figured that he was too smart to get caught.
Per CNN, the Senate Intelligence Committee is not pleased that they learned of Kushner's other account used for official business from the news media and not from Kushner himself.

Considering recent history, this is rather unbelievable. Guess he figured that he was too smart to get caught.

...or that Daddy-in-law would pardon him if he did get caught.
Per CNN, the Senate Intelligence Committee is not pleased that they learned of Kushner's other account used for official business from the news media and not from Kushner himself.

Considering recent history, this is rather unbelievable. Guess he figured that he was too smart to get caught.
I'm starting to think he is a sociopath. He doesn't care, because it doesn't matter.
Per CNN, the Senate Intelligence Committee is not pleased that they learned of Kushner's other account used for official business from the news media and not from Kushner himself.

Considering recent history, this is rather unbelievable. Guess he figured that he was too smart to get caught.
I'm starting to think he is a sociopath. He doesn't care, because it doesn't matter.

Either that or he's aware of reality and doesn't care because it doesn't matter.
It's just more of the same with the Trump corporation taking proactive measures to claim the 'other side' is doing what they themselves are actually doing. "Lock her up" was a chant started by them with full awareness that it was them that would need to be "locked up".

Upon discovery that they are guilty of what they accuse, their strategy is to claim that the "other side" is just doing a "I know you are but what am I" defense. Tell "your side" of the story FIRST to win.
It's just more of the same with the Trump corporation taking proactive measures to claim the 'other side' is doing what they themselves are actually doing. "Lock her up" was a chant started by them with full awareness that it was them that would need to be "locked up".

Upon discovery that they are guilty of what they accuse, their strategy is to claim that the "other side" is just doing a "I know you are but what am I" defense. Tell "your side" of the story FIRST to win.

I fear that the "monkey see monkey do" effect is encouraging the rest of the rethuglicans to adopt his prophylactic "I know you are but what am I" tactic.
While the GOP is in charge at the moment, that approach should not work so well. They are going to get shown the door if they don't start taking responsibility for actually passing some legislation.
I fear that the "monkey see monkey do" effect is encouraging the rest of the rethuglicans to adopt his prophylactic "I know you are but what am I" tactic.
While the GOP is in charge at the moment, that approach should not work so well. They are going to get shown the door if they don't start taking responsibility for actually passing some legislation.

I actually doubt it. The 33% "base" doesn't give two shits about getting anything done - they just want endorsement - tacit or otherwise - of their racism and bigotry, and they're getting that in spades. They're even willing to take a tax increase and the loss of their healthcare, as long as they don't get condemned for their deplorable acts and attitudes. And the rethuglicans still have huge Russian support, as long as they cater to divisiveness. That's probably good for another incremental 20% of voter "support".
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