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Mueller, a Republican, is part of a conspiracy against Republicans!!!!!!


May 29, 2003
Chicago suburbs
Basic Beliefs
atheism, resistentialism

Illuminati exposed! The Republican party is conspiring against the Republican party (and mother Russia, all praise to mother Russia)!

Uranium One!



Sandy Hook! Crisis actors!

Gay frogs! What about the gay frogs? Who is going to protect us from the people behind the gay frogs?
What's really funny is that this new conspiracy theory implies that investigating treason is the same thing as being against the Republican party.

I don't think they thought through the implications of their own conspiracy theory.
Reminds me of the Republican judge who attended a conservative Christian church being castigated by the right-wing for being a liberal hippy, because he abided by Terri Schiavo's Guardian ad Litem's guidance and Schiavo's husband's wishes that she should be allowed to die.

We are meandering over towards banana republic politics.
What's been the penalty to the GOP for being so batshit crazy?

Nothing. Just the opposite as a matter of fact.

They called John Kerrey a coward and Dubbya a war hero and their voters bought it. GOP voters saw Bush lead the nation into a war based on false pretenses and they re-elected him.

I believe it was from that experience that the GOP learned it really could say anything and their voters would believe it. They (establishment GOP) didn't want Trump, but now that he's a walking rubber stamp for them, they'll support him as if he'd always been in the gang.

The bonus for them is that Trump has shown them the Marianas trench depths of not only just how deep Trump's base is willing to sink, but how deep (R) voters in general will too. The jaw dropping lies that don't need even need confirmation outside of one's own senses don't phase them in the slightest. Rather than acknowledge the lie, there's always an excuse about what he really meant. Of course, Fake News and Whatabout are still on the greatest hits list. But even when those fail, "I don't care" is an oft heard response, which is almost inevitably coupled with "Hillary would've been worse."

Thus, they'll believe anything put in front of them that justifies their support, no matter how absurd, because honesty and good faith aren't things they have room for. Just like Trump.
What's been the penalty to the GOP for being so batshit crazy?

Nothing. Just the opposite as a matter of fact.
This is the thing that is scary. They keep getting deeper and deeper into this anti-anything that reflects poorly on them. At what point can you no longer return from that?

They called John Kerrey a coward and Dubbya a war hero and their voters bought it. GOP voters saw Bush lead the nation into a war based on false pretenses and they re-elected him.
Was it Kerrey or Max Cleland, or was it both?!
Many of the former sensible and moderate Republicans are gone now. What's left is the far right, rabid, conspiracy minded evangelicals that used to be the fringe in AM radio and religious programming.
We are meandering over towards banana republic politics.

There's no meandering - it's a beeline, and we're almost there. As Underseer observes, we're already at the point where treason and republicanism are basically the same thing, and a large segment of the American public is just fine with that.
#releasethememo is well known to be a Russian troll/bot meme, and is ritually reinforced by our Traitor in Chief.
Many of the former sensible and moderate Republicans are gone now. What's left is the far right, rabid, conspiracy minded evangelicals that used to be the fringe in AM radio and religious programming.
The same is true of the Democrats. [/false equivalence]
Uneducated, willfully ignorant simple-folk don't like to be called stupid. When they are, they side with the people that say, "don't call them stupid". The GoP says the Dems are calling them stupid, which they were. So they side with the folks that say, "your not stupid, you're awesome!"

The land of the Stupid will continue to oppose anyone that says they are stupid... cause', you know, they're pretty fucking stupid.
GOP voters saw Bush lead the nation into a war based on false pretenses and they re-elected him.
And many of those false pretenses came from Robert Mueller. So, let's take his word now? Who's batshit crazy?

Poisoning the well (or attempting to poison the well) is a type of informal logical fallacy where irrelevant adverse information about a target is preemptively presented, with the intention of discrediting or ridiculing everything that the target person says.

Next, a person can be bad at one thing, but good at another. Similarly, a person can do something bad, but also do something good.

So what you're trying to say, is that because Mueller supported a Bush Administration policy, that he's now unqualified to investigate Donald Trump.

I think you may be out of your league here.
This is an interesting article on Mueller's long history (911 fabrications; torture; and further back...), and many of his foibles (not that this makes anything about FFvC right), with one snippet:
Neither Comey nor Mueller—who are reported to be “joined at the hip”—deserve their current lionization among politicians and mainstream media. Instead of Jimmy Stewart-like ‘G-men’ with reputations for principled integrity, the two close confidants and collaborators merely proved themselves, along with former CIA Director George “Slam Dunk” Tenet, reliably politicized sycophants, enmeshing themselves in a series of wrongful abuses of power along with official incompetence.
Though I don't know enough of Mueller's background to form a strong opinion....
GOP voters saw Bush lead the nation into a war based on false pretenses and they re-elected him.
And many of those false pretenses came from Robert Mueller. So, let's take his word now? Who's batshit crazy?

Poisoning the well (or attempting to poison the well) is a type of informal logical fallacy where irrelevant adverse information about a target is preemptively presented, with the intention of discrediting or ridiculing everything that the target person says.

Next, a person can be bad at one thing, but good at another. Similarly, a person can do something bad, but also do something good.

So what you're trying to say, is that because Mueller supported a Bush Administration policy, that he's now unqualified to investigate Donald Trump.

I think you may be out of your league here.
I'm sure I am!

Mueller was Bush's pick to head the FBI. Mueller then fed Bush what Bush needed to invade Iraq. Oh wait those dots don't connect because Rachel Maddow hasn't done the connecting. So sorry!

Robert Mueller lacks credibility.
With the way the dominos at the FBI are falling it appears Trump knew something we didn't when he rightfully fired Comey!
With the way the dominos at the FBI are falling it appears Trump knew something we didn't when he rightfully fired Comey!

So was that 'rightfully' firing due to Comey's treatment of HRC? Or was it for the several other reasons Don the Con said he fired Comey?

A broken military clock is still right once a day...
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