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Mysterious Repeating Radio Signal - Message from Aliens?

Jimmy Higgins

Jan 31, 2001
Basic Beliefs
Calvinistic Atheist
Aliens are an extremely unlikely explanation for the source of a repeating radio signal that Earth is receiving from a distant relative in the universe. The signal, known as FRB 180916.J0158+65, broadcasts via two blasts every hour for 4 days and then pauses for 12 days, for what is exactly a 16 day cycle (16.35 day), and then begins sending again. Scientists are baffled. How could a extraterrestrial source send signals to Earth that follow the period of our hours and days, unless it was an intelligent source?!

The source of the signal is 500 million light years away. Again, an exactly round number based on our measurement units for distance in space!

Coincidence? I think not. But what is the signal telling us? It is twice an hour for four days, which implies that this super-intelligent species has a four day work week. But there is little else we can understand from the signal. It should only be a matter of time until scientists decode the signal and discover its true purpose.

New Signal From Space

Making the news, a radio spectrum burst j far away that repeats every 16 days, something other than Trump or coronavirus.


One of the universe's deep mysteries just got a lot stranger. Astrophysicists have discovered a clue that could help explain why, every once in a while, superfast bursts of radio waves flash across Earth from deep space. But the clue — a repeating 16-day pattern in one of the bursts, undermines one of the most popular theories for where the bursts are coming from.

Fast radio bursts (FRBs) have likely happened for billions of years. But humans only discovered them in 2007, and have detected only a few dozen of them since. And in June 2019, astronomers finally tracked an FRB to its home galaxy.

But no one knows what causes them. Because these bursts are so rare, unusual and bright — considering that they're visible from billions of light-years across space — physicists have tended to assume they come from a cataclysmic event, such as the collision of stars.

This repeating pattern, however, suggests that something else is going on, that there's some sort of natural machine in the universe for pumping regular shrieks of radio energy across space.
Coincidence? I think not. But what is the signal telling us? It is twice an hour for four days, which implies that this super-intelligent species has a four day work week. But there is little else we can understand from the signal. It should only be a matter of time until scientists decode the signal and discover its true purpose.


And the message decoded is: TO SERVE MAN
Hardly. Pulsars are extremely accurate time keepers. But FRBs have been known about for the past 13 years. They’re two powerful to be intelligently generated, and likely come from Active Galactic Nuclei. The precise generation of these is still unknown though. Astrophysics is cool!
Hardly. Pulsars are extremely accurate time keepers. But FRBs have been known about for the past 13 years. They’re two powerful to be intelligently generated, and likely come from Active Galactic Nuclei. The precise generation of these is still unknown though. Astrophysics is cool!

And the signals reaching us now were launched at least 500 million years ago. I don;t think the time keeping here was that accurate then, not even at Greenwich. :)
The power would be huge at an artificial source. Of course ET would have solved all the engineering problems to do it.

0.999999999% natural event
0.000000001% ET
0% god did it

EM waves are precise in wavelength. Must have been designed by an Intelligent Designer. Could not possibly be due to natural causes.
So is it wobbling on an axis? Seems to be the only reasonable answer (to an idiot) as it being eclipsed for more time than the signal is received doesn't appear to be logical.
An ET could construct a giant blind like on a window that can be opened and closed in front of a star.

Maybe it is an intergaltic navigation beacon.

An ET time standard would not match ours.

If ET was announcing a presence it would seem logical to transmit a pattern that had meaning like 1,2,3,4. Or 314159.
wow... very wrong thread


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An ET could construct a giant blind like on a window that can be opened and closed in front of a star.

Maybe it is an intergaltic navigation beacon.

An ET time standard would not match ours.

If ET was announcing a presence it would seem logical to transmit a pattern that had meaning like 1,2,3,4. Or 314159.

314159 assumes the decimal system. Quite a stretch
An ET could construct a giant blind like on a window that can be opened and closed in front of a star.

Maybe it is an intergaltic navigation beacon.

An ET time standard would not match ours.

If ET was announcing a presence it would seem logical to transmit a pattern that had meaning like 1,2,3,4. Or 314159.

314159 assumes the decimal system. Quite a stretch
And Base 10.
J think it is safe to assume any ET that developed science would also have some form of integer counting. Science requires quantification, unless you assume an E with supernatural powers as in scifi.
J think it is safe to assume any ET that developed science would also have some form of integer counting. Science requires quantification, unless you assume an E with supernatural powers as in scifi.

Sure, but why base 10? 314159 is a meaningless sequence if you do quantities between zero and one in eighths and 64ths rather than tenths and hundredths.
Hardly. Pulsars are extremely accurate time keepers. But FRBs have been known about for the past 13 years. They’re two powerful to be intelligently generated, and likely come from Active Galactic Nuclei. The precise generation of these is still unknown though. Astrophysics is cool!

Pulsars are SO predictable that when we designed a map of our solar system to place on Voyager to tell aliens how to find us (whaaaaaaaaaa???????? yes, we did that) we used the closest pulsars with their periods graphically represented so that the aliens would have a universally understandable point of reference to locate us. Any astronomer of any species would theoretically recognize the relative periods of pulsars they have spotted.
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