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Now his dastardly deeds are directed at soldiers


Now he's targeting non-citizens in the army and using underhanded tricks to do it.

The question arises as to now non-citizens are or we allowed in the armed forces in the first place.

This article indicates slack security checks


"Well, what about your birth certificate?" Torres remembers the recruiter asked.

"I'm from Mexico," Torres said. "He's like, 'Well, come back Monday.' "

Torres came back Monday with a U.S. birth certificate — it was fake, but for a good cause, he thought.

However a scheme for some immigrants who can be legally given a permit, as part of a citizen process should be considered. That would involve legally applying from abroad, or within the USA if they have been granted permission to stay.

Now he's targeting non-citizens in the army and using underhanded tricks to do it.

The question arises as to now non-citizens are or we allowed in the armed forces in the first place.

This article indicates slack security checks


"Well, what about your birth certificate?" Torres remembers the recruiter asked.

"I'm from Mexico," Torres said. "He's like, 'Well, come back Monday.' "

Torres came back Monday with a U.S. birth certificate — it was fake, but for a good cause, he thought.

However a scheme for some immigrants who can be legally given a permit, as part of a citizen process should be considered. That would involve legally applying from abroad, or within the USA if they have been granted permission to stay.

American Samoa says hi. American Samoans often serve in the US military dispite being a legally distinct class of citizen (Nationals) What's interesting about this is that this makes America a politically stratified society!
The US Army has never been particular about where a person was born, or whether they are a US citizen. A green card is required, so undocumented immigrants should not be allowed to enlist. Any person who has enlisted in good faith, should not fear deportation. One thing is certain, the Army does not easily let go of a valuable soldier. As we have been shown by the recent transgender issue, the Military will use its institutional inertia to resist shifts in the political winds.

This is what the Recruiter may want to see:
Driver's License
Social Security card
Green card (if applicable)
Passport (if you have one)
Birth certificate
Marriage license or divorce papers (if applicable)
Legal records (if needed)
Credit report (if needed)
Your school diplomas and/or degrees (the actual ones, NOT copies)
School transcripts
Records, locations, and contact info of all places you have worked at over the past 5-10 years
Recommendations (officer applicants)
Addresses where you have lived the past 7-10 years
Travel dates and locations of any time you have traveled outside the U.S.A. over the past approximately 10 years
Contact information for people you have known up to 10 years ago
Copies of medical records for any significant conditions you may have had recently
Awards / trophies / achievements, and proof thereof
The US Army has never been particular about where a person was born, or whether they are a US citizen. A green card is required, so undocumented immigrants should not be allowed to enlist.
But this isn't about undocumented immigrants. It's about people whose documentation expired while they're on the waiting list for a background check so that they can enlist. UP to now, the 'in queue' status has been sufficient to replace their expired visa, but suddenly they're yanking the rug out from under these people

Many of whom have given up their nationality in their country of origin when they swore fealty to this one. So if they're deported, they don't belong where we'll send them...
The US Army has never been particular about where a person was born, or whether they are a US citizen. A green card is required, so undocumented immigrants should not be allowed to enlist.
But this isn't about undocumented immigrants. It's about people whose documentation expired while they're on the waiting list for a background check so that they can enlist. UP to now, the 'in queue' status has been sufficient to replace their expired visa, but suddenly they're yanking the rug out from under these people

Many of whom have given up their nationality in their country of origin when they swore fealty to this one. So if they're deported, they don't belong where we'll send them...

I was addressing the second post more than the OP. As I said, the military is very good as slowing down any process, if they don't like the expected outcome.

This kind of bullshit makes me wonder if somewhere in the basement of the White House, there is a small working committee whose task is to find ways to fuck over immigrants, solely to have something to show to Trump's base. DACA dreamers and military personnel are the low hanging fruit. They are already on a list and easy to locate.
Article said:
Many of these enlistees have waited years to join a troubled recruitment program designed to attract highly skilled immigrants into the service in exchange for fast-track citizenship.

For every skilled immigrant we turn away due to the time it takes to do a background check, we'll replace the enlistee with some useless lump who will waste an equal amount of time throughout his/her enlistment being a pain in the ass.
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