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OFFS! Just stop already!!!

Jimmy Higgins

Jan 31, 2001
Basic Beliefs
Calvinistic Atheist
article said:
President Donald Trump on Thursday denounced the removal of monuments to Confederate figures as "sad" and "so foolish," days after white supremacists and neo-Nazis took to Charlottesville, Virginia, to violently protest the planned removal of a statue of the Confederate Gen. Robert E. Lee.

"Sad to see the history and culture of our great country being ripped apart with the removal of our beautiful statues and monuments," Trump said in a series of tweets. "You can't change history, but you can learn from it."
So umm... the history of our great country being ripped apart... No you fucking idiot, the ripping apart... that'd been the fucking rebellion (Confederacy) who tried to rip the nation apart because they didn't like the result of a Federal Election. At this rate, our nation will run out of irony by December!

I personally believe that mobs of people should not be taking these statues down, but those statues shouldn't exist to begin with. They don't remind us of the southern betrayal, they make some southerners prideful of the betrayal.
Yeah, letting everyone know that Confederate statue removal is a sharp stick in Trump's eye will surely dampen the trend.
It's long past time for an adult to take charge. What are the Repubs waiting for? Their reputation is already ruined. IMO the only way to salvage it is to take a strong stand and get this mentality ill child out of office.
Trump said in a series of tweets. "You can't change history, but you can learn from it."

I assume a staffer wrote that. Trump has shown no ability to learn from anything....
Trump said in a series of tweets. "You can't change history, but you can learn from it."

I assume a staffer wrote that. Trump has shown no ability to learn from anything....
To be far, Trump was clearly referring to other people. Otherwise he would have used "I" instead of "you".
"Not many people know you can learn from history."
It's long past time for an adult to take charge. What are the Repubs waiting for? Their reputation is already ruined. IMO the only way to salvage it is to take a strong stand and get this mentality ill child out of office.

You may want to get near a toilet so you have something to vomit in...


The poll shows more GOP voters think Trump is looking out for the party’s best interests than think McConnell (R-Ky.) is. By a more than three-to-one margin, they say that Trump is more in touch with Republican voters and that Trump is more honest.

Granted, that's vs. McConnell, but the notion that Trump is more honest than anyone is fucking crazy.


When it comes to party, President Trump's numbers are steady among Republican likely voters; he has a 76 percent approval/22 percent disapproval rating among Republicans...

In other words, the GOP doesn't have a reputation among their voters. It doesn't matter what Trump does, or what any other Republican does. They're getting their party's votes. Nazis, the KKK, it doesn't fucking matter. GOP leadership reflects the vile people who vote for them.

Thankfully though, Trump has almost certainly lost those who were foolish enough to take a chance on him. And without the Hillary Under the Bed next time around, it's difficult to see how Trump won't get trounced.
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